
bǎi dù
  • ferry;ferry-boat
摆渡 [bǎi dù]
  • [ferry] 搭来回渡的船渡过河流或其他水域

  • 摆渡过河

摆渡[bǎi dù]
  1. CSP辊底式加热炉的弧形摆渡控制

    Swivel ferry control of CSP tunnel furnace

  2. 隔壁的布拉诺岛年轻人装扮成刚朵拉船(Gondola)的船夫,用桑德拉船(Sandolo)将游客从汽轮摆渡到岛上的村子来。

    Young men from Burano , the next island , dress up as gondoliers and ferry tourists from the steamer to the village in sandolos .

  3. 孩子们上学放学需要摆渡。

    The children need to be ferried to and from school .

  4. 他将几袋大米摆渡过河。

    He boated some bags of rice across the river .

  5. 那老人将我摆渡过河。

    The old man boated me across the river .

  6. 船在摆渡。

    The boat is ferrying people .

  7. 于是人们提出了一种基于消息摆渡(MessageFerry)的路由机制来克服原有路由方式存在的问题。

    So people proposed a message Ferry-based routing mechanism to overcome the original routing problem .

  8. 大纽约交通运输管理局(MTA)会为史坦顿岛、Rockaways岛和康尼岛的选民提供免费摆渡车,便于选民来往于临时投票站。

    The MTA is running free voter shuttles for people in Staten Island , the Rockaways and Coney Island to ferry them to alternative polling sites .

  9. 希斯罗机场地面交通接驳事务主管克里斯?乔伊斯(ChrisJoyce)表示,使用这种技术有助于减轻发达国家交通中对私家车的依赖。希斯罗利用自动驾驶摆渡车在停车场和5号航站楼之间接送乘客。

    Chris Joyce , head of surface access for Heathrow , which uses autonomous shuttles to link a car park to Terminal 5 , says that such uses of technology can help to shift transport in developed countries away from dependence on private cars .

  10. 歌诗达亚太区副总裁马司模(MassimoBrancaleoni)表示,虽然大家都知道乘船摆渡是什么,但没有人对邮轮有过亲身体验。

    ' People know what is a ferry * But the experience ( of a cruise ) doesn 't exist , 'says Massimo Brancaleoni , vice president of Costa 's Pacific Asia operations .

  11. 这给予一个增强能力在一个特遣舰队中进行垂直再补给(VERTREP)。这包括使用直升飞机从船与船之间去摆渡补给。

    This gives the ship an enhanced capability to re-supply warships in a task group by vertical replenishment ( VERTREP ) . which involves using helicopters to ferry supplies from ship to ship .

  12. 目前,维系交通的是摆渡,在南岸索法拉省的卡亚和北岸赞比西省的Chimuara之间使用渡船运输车辆。

    Currently a ferry service transports vehicles between Caia , in Sofala province on the southern bank of the river and Chimuara , in Zamb é zia , on the northern bank .

  13. 程抱&东西方文化间的摆渡人

    Cheng Baoyi : ferry man between the east and west culture

  14. 无线传感器网络中基于消息摆渡的信息汇集策略

    Data Gathering Schemes Based on Message Ferrying for Wireless Sensor Networks

  15. 在摆渡人的掌中支付了通向死亡的旅费。

    In Charon 's palm it pay the toll to Death .

  16. 他把那些灵魂摆渡到死亡之地。

    Who ferried the souls to the land of the dead .

  17. 渡船;摆渡横渡海峡轮渡服务我们在奥斯坦德及时赶上了渡船。

    the cross-channel ferry service We caught the ferry at Ostend .

  18. 不然怎么会分明听到冥河摆渡人的面部肌肉已经暗中欣喜了很久

    Otherwise I couldn 't heard facial muscles of the Styx ferryman twisting

  19. 索取通行税的权利通常附属于摆渡营业权。

    The right to charge tools is usually incident to a ferry .

  20. 他把我们摆渡到湖的对岸。

    He rowed us over to the other side of the lake .

  21. 这儿有摆渡车带我们去入口处。

    There 's a shuttle bus that will take us to the entrance .

  22. 两只小船往返为人摆渡。

    Two small boats ferry people back and forth .

  23. 顶推摆渡车车轮材料探讨

    The best choice of materials for the wheels of transfer car for pusher

  24. 如果您走错航站楼,两楼之间也设有免费摆渡车。

    There 's free shuttle bus between two terminals .

  25. 不管敌机轰炸,摆渡日夜坚持。

    Regardless of enemy bombing , the ferry kept operating day and night .

  26. 他知道这可是当晚的最后一次摆渡了。

    For he knew it was the boat 's last trip for the night .

  27. 请抬脚上摆渡车。

    Please get on Ferry Bus step forward .

  28. 小船盖船篷,摆渡载客。

    Boat cover Chuan Peng , ferry passengers .

  29. 为获取服务费而经营摆渡业的特权或合法权利。

    A franchise or legal right to operate a ferrying service for a fee .

  30. 渡船:用来摆渡乘客,车辆或货物的小船。

    Ferryboat : a boat used to ferry passengers , vehicles , or goods .