
  • 网络swing leg;free leg
  1. 从膝角看不同水平男子跳远运动员摆动腿技术浅析摆动腿在跳远起跳中的作用

    A Study on the Swing Leg Technique of Chinese Long Jumpers in the Takeoff concering of Knee Angle

  2. 起跳腿与摆动腿的技术动作在影响H1高度的同时又不同程度影响到H2高度;

    Both of H1 and H2 are affected by technique of take-off leg and swing leg .

  3. 论100m途中跑支撑时摆动腿摆动和骨盆转动技术

    On the Swinging Technique of the Swinging Leg When Supporting and the Turning Technique of Pelvis in 100m

  4. 男子110m高栏跨栏步摆动腿的技术特点

    Technical Features of Leg Swinging during Hurdle Steps in 100m Hurdles Men

  5. 浅析110m栏起跨技术中摆动腿屈膝高摆的作用及训练方法关于短跑途中跑摆动腿技术教学与训练研究

    The Function of Swaying Legs in Bending Knees and Swaying Highly in the 110-meter Hurdle Race Study on the Teaching and Training of Swinging Legs Skill in Middle-way in Short-distance Run

  6. 采用高速摄像系统对99(惠州)全国田径锦标赛男子100m比赛运动员途中跑支撑阶段摆动腿运动学特征进行研究。

    The mechanism of JVC high-speed photographic system was used to study the kinematic characters of the free leg at the supporting phase of running at full speed after start in the 100m male runners in the 1999 China National Track & Field Championship held in Huizhou .

  7. 短跑途中跑摆动腿动作技术对速度影响的分析

    Analysis on Speed Influence of Free Leg Movement Skill in Sprint

  8. 高水平跳远运动员起跳过程中摆动腿作用的研究

    Research on High Level long Jumpers'Swinging Leg Function in Takeoff

  9. 浅析摆动腿在跳远起跳中的作用

    On the Role of Swinging Leg in Long Jump

  10. 脚背内侧踢球摆动腿的运动学与肌电信号特征研究

    Study on Characteristics of Kinematics and EMG of Swing Leg of Instep Kicking

  11. 通过科学地训练方法使摆动腿发挥更好的作用。

    So we should use scientific way to improve the quality of long jump .

  12. 对百米途中跑摆动腿摆动技术的生物力学分析

    The biomechanical analysis on swinging technique of the swinging leg in 100 meters running

  13. 论背越式跳高中摆动腿伸髋肌群的作用

    On the Functions of Muscle Clusters of Extending Hip on Swing Leg in Flop

  14. 现代跨栏跑摆动腿技术的关键及其训练

    The Key Skill of Moving Legs in the Modern Hurdle Race and Its Training

  15. 其中以摆动腿的作用最大。

    Swinging leg play a most important role .

  16. 摆动腿蹬伸效果都不好,蹬伸幅度偏小。

    Swinging leg stretch effects pedal is not good , frog stretch amplitude smaller .

  17. 短跑运动员途中跑支撑期摆动腿作用的运动学相关分析

    Kinematic Analysis on the Role of the Swaying Leg during Running for Male Sprinters

  18. 强调摆动腿踝关节背屈上栏的效果研究

    Research on Effects of Emphasizing Taking Hurdles by Ankle Dorsal Flexion of Swinging Leg

  19. 论背越式跳高摆动腿动作的技术原理

    Technical principles of back style swing leg movements

  20. 跳远起跳阶段摆动腿摆动技术的生物力学分析

    The Biomechanical Analysis on Technique of Swing Leg in the Taking-off Skill of Long Jump

  21. 对掷铁饼旋转技术中摆动腿的动作走向的探究

    Explorations To The Movement Trajectory Of Swinging Legs In The Technology Of Rotating Throwing Discus

  22. 运用生物力学原理,根据起跳腿的运动特点,把起跳阶段摆动腿的动作划分为体后前摆、体前前摆、突停制动三个阶段。

    According to the principle of biomechanics , base on sport characteristic of taking-off leg .

  23. 新析背向滑步推铅球技术中摆动腿的作用

    New Analyzing of the Effect of Swinging Leg in Putting the Shot With Backward Sliding

  24. 摆动腿在背越式跳高技术中的运动力学分析

    Kinetic Analysis on Swing in Fosbury Flop

  25. 短跑运动员摆动腿摆动及缓冲

    The swinging of the swinging leg in dash & the technigue of the decrease of momentum

  26. 摆动腿积极前摆、后扒才是提高短跑速度的关键。

    Swinging legs swinging forward actively and shoving backward is the key to increase dash speed .

  27. 跨栏跑教学初期应重视摆动腿的摆动技术

    The Movements of the Attacking Leg Should be Attached Importance to in Early Stage of Crossing Hurdle

  28. 跳远助跑最后一步摆动腿着地姿态的研究

    The Study on the Landing Position of the Swinging Leg at the Last Run - up Stride

  29. 跳远起跳时摆动腿加速前摆的时机

    On the Taking off Opportunity of Accelerating Swing Forward of the Swinging Leg in the Long Jump

  30. 肩膀不平整,但他仍然有一个非常好的摆动腿动作。

    The shoulders are not square , but he still has a very good trail leg action .