
  1. 她得意扬扬地摆列出她的饰品集。

    She proudly displayed her collection of ornaments .

  2. 天主将星宿摆列在天空,照耀大地。

    And he set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth .

  3. 以色列人和非利士人都摆列队伍,彼此相对。

    For Israel and the Philistines had put the battle in array , army against army .

  4. 要把饼摆列两行,每行六个,在耶和华面前精金的桌子上。

    Set them in two rows , six in each row , on the table of pure gold before the Lord .

  5. 精金的灯台和摆列的灯盏,与灯台的一切器具,并点灯的油;

    The pure gold lampstand with its row of lamps and all its accessories , and the oil for the light ;

  6. 亨利问道,一边将他的午餐一块三明治,一保温瓶汤,还有一根香蕉摆列在一方纸巾上。

    Henry asked , laying out his lunch a sandwich , a thermos of soup , and a banana on a paper napkin .

  7. 就把这些光摆列在天空,普照在地上。我跨进一片阳光普照的天地。

    " and God put them in the arch of heaven , to give light on the earth ;" I went into the sunshine .

  8. 旨在采用比较直观的方式,开门见山的摆列出所要研究对象的基本情况,让大家有个初步的认识和理解。

    To adopt a more intuitive way , come to the point of the order from the object of study basic situation , let everyone have a preliminary understanding and the understanding .

  9. 他们族弟兄哥辖子孙中,有管理陈设饼的,每安息日预备摆列。

    And some of their brothers , sons of the kohathites , were responsible for the holy bread which was put in order before the lord , to get it ready every sabbath .

  10. 北方王必回来摆列大军,比先前的更多。满了所定的年数,他必率领大军,带极多的军装来。

    For the king of the north shall return , and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former , and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches .