
  • 网络wave hand;Hand Waving;wave
摆手 [bǎi shǒu]
  • (1) [shake one's hand in admonition or disapproval]∶摇手

  • 他摆手让人们静下来

  • (2) [beckon]∶招手

  • 她在远处向我摆手

  1. 结果显示:现代土家族的摆手舞源于古代巴人的巴渝舞,是巴渝舞的遗存之一。

    It shows that modern hand waving dance of Tujia minority originates from Ba Yu dance of the ancient Ba nation and it is the relics of the latter .

  2. 西尔维娅摆了摆手说:“嗯,你们自己去吃些早餐吧。”

    Sylvia shook hands . ' Well , you go get yourselves some breakfast . '

  3. (Tuileries)里的碎石小径两旁顶部修剪得平平整整的树木,映在石灰石上的影子,摆手致意的小街巷,高声招呼的林荫大道。

    the city 's gentle awakening , the curve of a zinc roof , the flat-topped pollarded trees along the gravel pathways of the Tuileries , the etched shadows on limestone , the streets that beckon and the boulevards that summon .

  4. 那陌生人摆了摆手,继续下楼去了。

    The stranger waved his hand , and continued to descend .

  5. 她摆了摆手谢绝了这一提议。

    She declined the offer with a wave of her hand .

  6. 他向我摆手并给了我一个飞吻。

    I gave her my biggest smile and her a kiss .

  7. 雨果开汽车从希拉里旁边经过时摆了摆手。

    Hugo waved as he passed Hilary in his car .

  8. 沃尔特摆了摆手还是摆了摆腿?

    Did Walter wave his hand or wave his leg ?

  9. 但目前除了摆手反对以外,没有什么国际化战略来防止这种情况出现。

    Beyond finger-wagging , there is no international strategy to prevent it .

  10. 土家族摆手舞伴奏音乐节奏浅析

    An Elementary Analysis on Accompaniment Music of TuJia Hands-Swaying Dance

  11. 论土家族摆手舞的发展与前瞻

    On the Development and Prospect of Tujia Hand-swinging Folk Dance

  12. 你只需要摆摆手走人就行了。

    All you had to do was walk away .

  13. “我绝不接受一个铜子。”南希连连摆手,答道。

    ' Not a penny , 'replied the girl , waving her hand .

  14. 站在洞口的一个女孩摆手叫他进去。

    The girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in .

  15. 他起身朝守卫粗鲁地摆摆手。

    He rose and gestured brusquely to the guards .

  16. 海伦娇弱无力的摆手。

    Helen 's languorous waves of the hand .

  17. 但是他摆摆手叫她别作声。

    But he made a sign for silence .

  18. 他一看见她就摆了摆手。

    When he saw her , he waved .

  19. 新时期土家族摆手舞的体育文化研究

    Sports Culture Research on Baishou Dance of the Tujia Nationality in the New Era

  20. 她心中顿时火气,可是杰拉尔德摆了摆手,叫她平静些。

    Fury flamed in her , but Gerald waved her quiet with a hand .

  21. 他摆摆手,仿佛他的赞赏实在难以言表。

    He waved his hands , as if words failed to express his admiration .

  22. 所以牛顿只是简单地摆了摆手。

    So Newton simply threw his hands up .

  23. 《摆手歌》与《古老话》比较研究

    Comparative Research On Waving Songs and Ancient Words

  24. 我连忙摆手推迟:我的毛笔字不行,还是不献丑了。

    I hastened to my calligraphy : waving not postponed , or not a shortcoming .

  25. 他和歌迷们摆手再见,从后门出去了。

    He waved good-bye to fans and left the concert hall through the back exit .

  26. 我示意要帮忙,但她摆摆手拒绝了。

    I pointed to the pile and offered to help , but she waved me away .

  27. 手摇螺丝扳手接长节摆手、伸直脖子和快速摇头。

    Ratchet wrench extension swing his arms , stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly .

  28. 浅析土家摆手舞的民族特色

    An Initial Study of the Ethnic Features of Hands - waving Dance of Tujia Ethnic Group

  29. 困境与出路:来凤土家族摆手舞的传承浅析

    Predicament and Out-way : An analysis on Inheritance of Laifeng Tujia Ethnic Group 's Waving Dance

  30. 跟爷爷摆摆手,艾丽斯,你会有一段时间见不到他的。

    Give grandpa a wave , alice , you won 't see him for a while .