
  1. 土家族摆手舞伴奏音乐节奏浅析

    An Elementary Analysis on Accompaniment Music of TuJia Hands-Swaying Dance

  2. 论土家族摆手舞的发展与前瞻

    On the Development and Prospect of Tujia Hand-swinging Folk Dance

  3. 新时期土家族摆手舞的体育文化研究

    Sports Culture Research on Baishou Dance of the Tujia Nationality in the New Era

  4. 困境与出路:来凤土家族摆手舞的传承浅析

    Predicament and Out-way : An analysis on Inheritance of Laifeng Tujia Ethnic Group 's Waving Dance

  5. 土家族摆手舞研究

    Research on Tujia Waving Dance

  6. 土家族摆手舞是流行于湘鄂渝黔边区的一种土家人民喜闻乐见的传统民间体育舞蹈,其形式丰富多样,动作灵活多变,集大众娱乐、休闲健身于一体。

    Tujia hand-swinging dance is a traditional folk dance favored by people of Tujia in the border districts of Xiang , E , Yu , Qian .

  7. 结果显示:现代土家族的摆手舞源于古代巴人的巴渝舞,是巴渝舞的遗存之一。

    It shows that modern hand waving dance of Tujia minority originates from Ba Yu dance of the ancient Ba nation and it is the relics of the latter .