
tǔ dì zhuǎn rànɡ
  • land transfer;transfer of land
  1. 论司法实践中农村土地转让合同效力的认定

    On the Rural Land Transfer Contract Effect in Judicial Practice

  2. 地方政府对土地转让收益及土地相关融资过度依赖;

    Local governments are too depended on the income of land transfer and the relative finance through land ;

  3. 政府把这块土地转让给了一家公司。

    The government conveyed this piece of land to a company .

  4. 土地转让性与土地资源配置问题研究

    The Transferability and Efficient Allocation of Rural Land in China

  5. 这些合同中,值得注意的是土地转让合同。

    Notable among these contracts are contracts for the sale and disposal of land .

  6. 针对目前中国农村的具体情况,本文认为实行有条件的土地转让是可行的政策选择。

    The author concludes that the free transfer of rural land in China is a policy option .

  7. 分离主义领导人和克什米尔重要的神职人员米尔瓦兹.奥马尔认为,这一问题的发展已经超出了单纯的土地转让。

    Separatist leader and Kashmir 's main cleric Mirwaiz Umar says the issue has moved beyond land transfer .

  8. “我们对多伦多市的土地转让税仍然存有忧虑”,欧尼尔女士说。

    " We remain concerned about the Land Transfer Tax in the City of Toronto ," said Ms.O'Neill .

  9. 以色列官方说大规模安置的总体规划将意味着前所未有的政府土地转让给以色列阿拉伯人。

    Israeli officials say the masterplan for mass resettlement will entail an unprecedented transfer of government land to Israeli Arabs .

  10. 农村土地转让权的赋予以及农地流转的出现可谓是新中国土地制度史上的又一次重要改革。

    The right of the rural land transfer and emergence of the rural land transfer is an important reform in Chinese system .

  11. 他们对农业问题的解决方案是将通过土地转让得到的资金用于生产的强化。

    Their solution to indigenous agrarian problems consisted of an intensification of production that was to be financed by the sale of land .

  12. 何厚铧为澳门政府土地转让的做法进行了辩护,称公开招标会导致房地产价格涨幅更大。

    Mr Ho has defended the practice of land grants , arguing that open bidding would have fuelled an even bigger surge in property prices .

  13. 转入方的收益包括:生产性收益和非生产性收益,成本包括交易费用、土地转让费和承包期内的土地租金。

    The benefit of transferees includes productive income and unproductive income , and cost includes transaction expense , land assignment fee , and land rent in contract period .

  14. 反商业行贿运动主要针对建筑工程、土地转让、产权交易、药品销售、政府采购合同及资源的开发与销售方面。

    The campaign against commercial bribery mainly targeted at construction projects , land transfers , property transactions , pharmaceutical sales , government procurement contracts as well as resources exploitation and sales .

  15. 同期内,无论是按价值还是按地皮数量计算,全球近一半的土地转让交易发生在中国。

    Over the same 12 months , China was home to almost half of all land sales in the world , whether measured by their value or the number of parcels sold .

  16. 政府可以将土地转让费中的一部分转让给开发商,跟他们制定具体的条款,限制据此条款建设的房子的价格。

    The government can sacrifice part of its earnings from the transfer of land to developers , and strike specific deals with the latter to cap the prices of houses built on such plots .

  17. 于是,部分地区随着城市化和工业化的发展,越来越多的农民脱离农业、农村,其中有人把土地转让或转租给别人,农地流转市场逐渐发育、活跃。

    Thus , some region has urbanization and industrialization , more and more farmers deviated agriculture and rural . Some of them rent or transfer land to the other . The farmland transfer market is gradually lively .

  18. 工厂的一部分土地转让给了那所中学。残余权是在不动产的某部分权益转让后,被处分的残余部分。

    Some of the land of the factory was made over to the middle school . A remainder is the remnant of the whole estate disposed of after a preceding part of the same has been give away .

  19. 约翰把绝大部分土地都转让给了他。

    John had made over to him most of the land

  20. 将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让

    The transfer of property usually land to someone else

  21. 在法理上,支持者认为限制集体土地对外转让,是对集体土地所有权的限制,不符合民法的平等原则。

    Legally speaking , proponents believe that restrictions on the transfer of collective land are a collective land ownership restriction , which incompatible with the civil law principle of equality .

  22. 随着土地公开转让政策的实施和央行[121]号文件的颁布,信贷融资给房地产企业带来了阵阵寒意,众多的小房地产公司因资金链的断裂而破产。

    With the implementation of the auction in land transaction in public and the announcement of # 121 regulation from central bank , most of the real estate companies feel the funding pressure and many real estate companies in small scale bankrupted .

  23. 土地使用者转让地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权时,其使用范围内的土地使用权随之转让,但地上建筑物、其他附着物作为动产转让的除外。

    With the transfer of the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects by the land users , the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects shall be transferred accordingly , with the exception of the movables .

  24. 农村土地使用权转让问题初探

    Inquiry into the Transfer of the Right of Rural Land Use

  25. 那块土地的所有权转让给了约翰?史密斯。

    The ownership of the land was transferred to John smith .

  26. 论批准对房地产买卖合同效力的影响&以划拨土地使用权转让为中心

    Influence of Approval on the Effectiveness of Real Estate Dealing Contract

  27. 如何取得土地使用权转让费的合法入账凭证?

    How to Get the Legal Accounting Voucher of Land Transfer Royalty ?

  28. 农村土地使用权转让的经济分析与制度设计

    Economics analysis and system design in transfer right of rural land use

  29. 规例的土地使用权转让价格,控制土地的费用。

    Regulation of land use right transfer prices , control the cost of land .

  30. 土地使用权转让合同与物权变动之效力辨析

    The Analysis on the Effectiveness of Land-use Right Transfer Contract and Real Right Alternation