
  • 网络During the War of Liberation;the period of war of liberation
  1. 解放战争时期云南民族工作的特点

    Characteristics of the Ethnic Work in Yunnan during the War of Liberation

  2. 论解放战争时期河南人民支前的特点

    Characteristics of Henan Front Supporting at the Liberation War

  3. 解放战争时期南方游击队

    Guerrillas in South China during the War of Liberation

  4. 解放战争时期国统区的农民问题

    Peasant Problem of the Ruling Area of Kuomintang during the Period of Liberation War

  5. 解放战争时期我军俘虏改造的历史经验

    The Historical Experience of the Political Police on Captives during the Chinese Civil War

  6. 试论解放战争时期中间路线的历史演变

    On the Historical Evolution of the Middle Road during the Period of the Liberation Wartime

  7. 解放战争时期河南人民踊跃支前,为解放战争的胜利作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    People in Henan Province made great contributions to the victory of the Liberation War .

  8. 论解放战争时期统一战线的历史演变

    Studies of the Historical Evolution of the United Front in the Period of the Liberation Wartime

  9. 四平保卫战是解放战争时期时局发展的枢纽

    Siping Defensive Battle ── A Pivot in the Development of Situations in the Period of Liberation War

  10. 解放战争时期,苏联对华政策是矛盾的,也是失败的。

    During the Chinese Liberation war , the ussr 's China policy was contradictory and of failure .

  11. 从中得出,解放战争时期土地政策的历史经验和现实启示。

    Draw from it , liberate the historical experience of the land policy and realistic enlightenment in wartime .

  12. 难民是弱势群体。解放战争时期河北省难民众多。

    There were millions of refugees who were the weak groups in Hebei Province during the Liberation War .

  13. 解放战争时期知识分子社会心态转变的美国因素

    American Reason on the Change of Intellectuals ' Social Mental Conversion during the Period of the Liberation Wartime

  14. 解放战争时期华中地区的妇女动员&以苏北、苏中解放区为中心

    The Women Mobilization in Central China in the Liberation War & A Case Study in North , and Central Jiangsu

  15. 抗日战争和解放战争时期,党的中医政策得到进一步发展。

    During the period of Anti-Japanese war and liberation war , the policy of the Chinese communist party has developed further .

  16. 论警察清查行动中战术心理战的应用论解放战争时期统一战线的历史演变

    On Implementing Psychological Combats of Military Tactics in Criminal Inventories Historical Evolution of United Front during China 's War of Liberation

  17. 因此抗日战争、解放战争时期的漫画作品使得他的创作主体脉络得以延续。

    Therefore , the Anti-Japanese War , liberation war period comic makes possible which the continuation of his creation subject context .

  18. 在解放战争时期领导纠正土改“左”倾错误是他革命生涯的辉煌亮点之一。

    The correction of land reform left-leaning mistake is one of the brilliant light spots in his revolutionary career during the wartime .

  19. 本论文主要研究的是解放战争时期辽宁地区的水利建设,时间界定是1945~1949年。

    This thesis mainly research is the liberation war in Liaoning province water conservancy construction , time definition is 1945 ~ 1949 .

  20. 第四部分,论述了解放战争时期土地政策上的历史经验和对现实的启示。

    The fourth part , Have expounded the fact that historical experience and enlightenment of reality on the land policy in wartime are liberated .

  21. 初步实践阶段(土地革命战争到解放战争时期),党进一步认清了妇女解放的正确途径,制定了有关妇女问题的政纲。

    In the period of initiative developing , CCP further understood the right ways to emancipate women and enacted political program on women 's problems .

  22. 解放战争时期,东北解放区是全国范围内最先得到全境解放的大行政区。

    During the liberation war , the Northeast is liberated areas across the country throughout the liberation of the first to be a big administrative regions .

  23. 解放战争时期参加革命工作的,按本人标准工资的百分之八十发给。

    Those who joined revolutionary activities during the time of the Liberation War are paid a cash pension equivalent to 80 per cent of their standard wage .

  24. 八年抗战和解放战争时期,“凤台小戏”濒临灭绝,致使部分剧目及一些特技表演失传。

    Eight-year war and the War of Liberation ," Fengtai small theater " on the brink of extinction , with the result that part of the repertoire and some stunt lost .

  25. 解放战争时期土改整党中,党员和群众关系的密切,对解放战争取得最终胜利起了重要的影响和作用。

    During the Land Reform and Consolidation Party Movement , the close relationship between party members and the masses played an important effect for achieving the final victory of the liberation war .

  26. 本文试图通过对抗日战争时期和解放战争时期党的思想政治工作的比较分析,为当前党开展思想政治工作提供一些可以借鉴的经验和方法。

    This paper attempts to compare and analyze ideological and political work in the Anti-Japanese War and the liberation war in order to find some experience and methods that we can use .

  27. 解放战争时期轰动中外的安平事件即发生在香河,长篇小说《青春之歌》的创作原型即源自香河。

    During the War of Liberation of sensation and foreign events that took place in Anping Xianghe , full-length novel ," Song of Youth " that is derived from the creation Xianghe prototype .

  28. 并且为解放战争时期武装斗争和革命统一战线的发展奠定了坚实的基础,同时为新中国的建设储备了大量军事人才。

    Simultaneously , these work established a solid foundation for the armed fights in Liberation War and the development of revolutionary united front and trained large numbers of military talents for the construction of PRC .

  29. 在抗日战争、解放战争时期和建国以后,他始终保持着党性坚强的高贵品质。

    He always retained his strong Party spirit , not only during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation but also after the founding of the People 's Republic of China .

  30. 山东根据地的兵工生产是抗日战争和解放战争时期人民军队武器装备的重要来源,但以往的军事史研究受方法和时代的限制,对这一问题涉及较少。

    The war industry of Shandong base was an important source of weaponry for people 's army during the Anti-Japanese War and the liberation war . however , limited by methods and times , the past military history refered to this theme less .