
zhái yuán
  • private garden
宅园[zhái yuán]
  1. 那家花园是清末民初时北京的一座著名的私家宅园。

    The Garden of Na Tong 's Residence was a famous private garden during late Qing Dynasty to early Republic period .

  2. 中意宅园山水观比较研究

    Comparative Research on Landscape Conception of House Garden between China and Italy

  3. 河南古代宅园初步分析

    The Investigation of the Ancient Residence Garden in Henan

  4. 清漪园宗教建筑初探明清山西宅园初探

    A preliminary discussion on the home gardens of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanxi

  5. 论当代宅园

    On Contemporary House Garden

  6. 为了满足城市居民接触自然的需要,传统的私家宅园为公共绿化空间所代替。

    To satisfy the traditional touch of nature for the city residents , the public space is taking the roll of the traditional private gardens .

  7. 本文主要从人们亲近自然的欲望,兴建宅园的经济基础以及由此将产生的经济效益和社会效益等方面探讨当代宅园回到人们日常生活中的可能性。

    This paper intends to discuss the chances of bringing back the house gardens into the daily life of people in terms of nature-contacting desire , economic founda-tion and its economic and social benefits .

  8. 树冠整齐,枝叶繁茂,容易栽培,病虫害少,花果鲜美可爱,因而也是田旁、宅园绿化的良好观赏树种。

    Crown tidy , branches and leaves bushiness , easy to cultivate , fewer pests , flower fruit is delicious , and thus as the lovely field , home of the garden greening garden plant good .