
ɡuò shènɡ rén kǒu
  • surplus population
  1. 我国社会主义初级阶段仍存在相对过剩人口,大学生失业问题是我国总体失业现象的具体表现形式之一。

    Chinese primary stage of socialism still has relative surplus population , and college students ' unemployment problem is one of the specific manifestations of overall unemployment in our country .

  2. 新的城镇是为容纳伦敦的过剩人口而设计的。

    New towns were designed to house London 's overspill .

  3. 马克思的相对过剩人口理论与当前我国的失业人口问题

    Marx 's Relative Overpopulation Theory and the Present Issue of Unemployment in China

  4. 城市化弱质与中国农村过剩人口转移

    Weakness of Urbanization and Transference of Overpopulation from Countryside to City in China

  5. 为伦敦市过剩人口建新居。

    Build new houses for london 's overspill .

  6. 从市中心迁移出的过剩人口。

    The overspill from inner-city areas .

  7. 第一章介绍马克思相对过剩人口理论和西方经济学流派中主要的失业理论并运用马克思主义批判武器进行简要的分析述评;

    In the first chapter I introduced west theory about unemployment and made a brief comment with Marxism weapon ;

  8. 过去我们把资本积累引起相对过剩人口,看作是马克思对资本主义失业的唯一解释。

    In the past , we took it for granted that relative excess population caused by capital accumulation was the complete content of Marx ′ s theory on unemployment .

  9. 马克思认为相对过剩人口是伴随着资本积累和资本有机构成提高而产生的,它是资本主义生产方式存在的条件。

    Karl Marx believes that the relative overpopulation , as a byproduct of the capital accumulation and the increase of the organic component of capital , is a condition for the existence of capitalist mode of production .

  10. 中国农村过剩人口转移的状况最终取决于城市化的进程与水平,而目前我国城市化的弱质状况导致了农村过剩人口转移受阻。

    The condition of the transference for overpopulation of countryside in china will depend on the process and standard of the urbanization . At present , the weakness of urbanization results in the block in transferring from countryside to city .

  11. 动物收容所对多余的宠物实行安乐死,那面对过剩的人口我们怎么办呢?

    Animal shelters euthanize surplus numbers of pets , what will we do with excess people ?

  12. 印度发现她只有过剩的人口可以提供,而其他国家谁也不想要更多的嘴。

    India finds it has only its massive overpopulation to offer , and other countries are not looking for more bodies .

  13. 在劳动力过剩和人口红利的双重作用下,劳动力资源丰富是我国的基本禀赋特征和比较优势。

    In the function of too much labor force and population dividend dual , the richness of labor force resources is basically characteristics of China .

  14. 转型时期我国农村过剩的人口和劳动力对有限农业资源的巨大压力所导致的农村劳动力的不充分就业乃是当前三农问题的根本所在。

    In the reforming time , the surplus population and the labor force which the rural labor force full employment cause to the limited agricultural resources huge pressure is the current three agricultural questions basic in our country countryside .

  15. 英帝国的广大海外从属领地开始大量吸收本土过剩的人口(失业者和穷人),也为流放的犯人提供遥远的监狱,以确保帝国战略利益的安全。

    The broad overseas colonies of the British Empire began to accept the surplus population , i.e. the unemployed and the poor and provide remote jails for the exiled prisoners so as to assure the safety of the Empire 's strategic benefits .

  16. 他从人口过剩、人口移动和粮食供需三个角度研究中国人口地理,预言了中国实行节育政策和移民垦荒的重要性。

    He researched the population geography of China from the three different aspects such as overpopulation , population movement and the supply and demand of food . And he predicted the importance of the birth control policy of China and immigration and reclamation .

  17. 对地球和自然界来说,相同的问题部分是过剩的人类人口。

    A part of the problem for earth and nature alike is excessive human populations .

  18. 生育控制与逆人口投资&人口过剩条件下人口与社会经济问题的综合治理

    Birth Control and Investment Against Population Growth

  19. 广义相对人口过剩不仅包括人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,而且还包括人口相对于资源环境的过剩。

    Relative overpopulation in the broad sense includes not only the population surplus compared with means of subsistence and production but also the surplus compared with resources and environment .

  20. 传统意义上的相对人口过剩是指人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,这种理论可以概括称之为狭义相对人口过剩论。

    Relative Overpopulation in Broad Sense Traditionally , relative overpopulation refers to population surplus compared with the means of subsistence and production , which can be labeled as relative overpopulation in a narrow sense .