- 名overmature forest

Benefit valuation method is often used to estimate submature , mature and overmature forest .
A low-grade forest age groups that the proportion of near-mature , mature and overmature forest is comparatively lower ;
The biomass and mean annual net accumulation for the pre-matured and the matured or over-matured forest communities were estimated through harvesting and correlation . The results show that the biomass was 508.57t · hm-2 and 293.04t · hm-2 in the prematured and the matured or over-matured forests , respectively .
Error analysis of resources in survey and design for over-aged korean forests
It 's difficult to realize sustainable development .
As for the variation of the soil enzyme activity in different stages of C.
The most carbon storage are middle age forests , and the least are excess mature forests .
The structure of forest resources was unreasonable : the proportions of immature and near-mature forests were larger ;
Cutting changed the age structure of tree species , and reduced the distribution area of over-matured forests .
In study area , there are mainly mature and over-mature forests and the eco-environment is in good conditions .
The author indicates that attending felling should be speedily exploited or annual loss would be 1100 million yuan Per year .
Old growth forest ratio in landscape decreases , softwood forest ratio and rare broad-leaved forest ratio turn high and constructive land patch enlarge apparently .
The results showed that the soils of over-mature coniferous mixed forest and mature fir forest had higher water content and retention capacity within low suction , were favorable for forest hydrological function and growth .
On respect of landscape composition , patch types was increased in 1998 , but the area ratio of mature and over-mature patch was decreasing strikingly , and conifer patch ( belonging to local climatic community ) having decreased further .
According to the age group of area of order : middle age of stand young forest near-mature forest mature forest overmature forest in the research area , sapling occupies 86.2 % of the total area , grove and only 5.35 % .
Mature and Over-mature forest holds very large proportion in different management plan Scenarios , this indicates that forest landscape dynamic is a long-term process , landscape structure of the study area will not have a big change in the short term . 5 .
There is error between cutting area design and practical wood product in the crude pine overstand wood . Wood cubic table over percent 20 . 63 . pine error is percent 15 . 68 . Practical cutting out & put is percent 25 to Percent 50 than resource design .