
tǒnɡ jì wěi yuán huì
  • Statistical Commission;Committee on Statistics
  1. ICP(国际比较项目)是由联合国统计委员会、世界银行等国际组织牵头组织实施的进行国际经济比较的活动。

    International Comparison Program is the activities of international economic comparisons which are organized by the United Nations Statistical Commission , the World Bank and other international organizations .

  2. 笔者针对我国国民经济核算体系与联合国第27届统计委员会通过的SNA作了的区别比较。

    The author compares the differences between our system and the SNA carried in the 27th statistical commission of UN .

  3. 阿拉伯经济统一理事会统计委员会

    Statistical Committee of the Council for Arab Economic Unity

  4. 前项统计委员会之设置准则,由中央主计机关定之。

    The organic regulations of statistics Committee shall be enacted by the central BAS unit .

  5. 苏格兰财政和贸易统计委员会

    Committee on Scottish Financial and Trade Statistics

  6. 1947年成立的联合国统计委员会为几乎每一个统计领域都制定了国际标准方法和准则。

    The United Nations Statistical Commission , established in1947 , has created international methodological standards and guidelines in virtually every area of statistics .

  7. 本文采用大西洋国际金枪鱼保护委员会iccat的报告和统计常设委员会(scrs)数据库,统计分析了1978~2002年大西洋金枪鱼的渔获种类及渔具渔法。

    According to the report of iccat , this paper analyses the Atlantic Tuna Fisheries from1978to2002 , including the main species , the main kinds of fishing gears and catches in different areas in the Atlantic ocean , especially the reason for catch fluctuations .

  8. 研究和统计常设委员会

    Standing Committee on Research and Statistics

  9. 年前,她曾是香港特区政府中小型企业委员会委员及统计谘询委员会委员。

    Previously , she had served as a member of hksarg 's small and medium enterprises Committee and Statistics Advisory board .

  10. 统计工作小组委员会机构间价格统计工作队

    Subcommittee on Statistical Activities Inter-Agency Task Force on Price Statistics

  11. 五国委员会非正式协商小组会议统计工作小组委员会

    Informal Consultative Group Meeting of the Committee of Five

  12. 统计抽样小组委员会

    Subcommission on Statistical Sampling

  13. 统计领域合作常设委员会

    Standing Commission on Cooperation in the Field of Statistics

  14. 要彻底根治统计作假,统计系统必须实行完全垂直管理并将国家统计局提升为国家统计委员会,实行内外双重督查,尽快修订《统计法,》提高服务功能,开放民间统计。

    If we want to cure the statistics skulduggery thoroughly , the statistics the system must practise complete the perpendicular management and revising the " Statistics Law " as soon as possible .