
  • 网络statistic caliber
  1. 论文进行了矿山基础代码整理、统计口径整理和矿山指标体系设计,着重进行了关键绩效指标(KPI)的设计;最终使矿山数据达到指标规范、口径一致、数据字典标准。

    So basic-code and statistic caliber are sorted out and mine index system , especially Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) is designed . A normative data index , consistent statistic caliber and standard data dictionary will be the final pattern of the mine data .

  2. 试论基础研究的概念和统计口径

    Try to Argue the Conception and Statistic Caliber of Basic Research

  3. 注:艺术表演团体统计口径调整为含系统内、系统外两部分。

    Note : Art performance troupes include within and outside of the system .

  4. 由于台湾HS四位目数据较难获得以及所需贸易数据统计口径不统一等问题,使得比较大陆和台湾重点农产品的比较优势有很大的难度;

    Since there is considerable difference in statistic caliber and difficulty in data accumulation in Taiwan , it is not easy to compare their comparative advantage of key products ;

  5. 论我国外汇储备的适度规模&兼谈我国外汇储备资料的统计口径错位

    Discussion on the proper size of China 's foreign exchange reserve

  6. 再论人口迁移的概念与统计口径界定

    The intensive research on definition and statistical caliber of population migration

  7. 我国人口普查中城镇人口统计口径探讨

    A Discussion about Statistical Definition in Population Census of China

  8. 关于港口吞吐量统计口径的思考

    On the Statistics Requirement of the Harbour Handling Capacity

  9. 国际收支统计口径上的新变化

    New Changes in the Definition of International Payment Statistics

  10. 本部分首先给出了我国政府收费的统计口径。

    In this part we produce the scope of governmental fee in our country .

  11. 两次人口普查城乡统计口径变化对重庆市城镇化进程的影响

    Effects of Change in Urban-Rural Statistical Definition in Two Censuses on Urbanization Process of Chongqing

  12. 目前国内还没有统一的统计口径。

    The financial assets of residents do not have unified statistics requirements at home at present .

  13. 注:1.工业指标统计口径为规模以上工业企业;

    Note : 1.the statistical coverage of the industrial indicators covers the industrial enterprises above designated size .

  14. 统计口径变动对人口普查城镇人口数量的影响及修正

    The Impact of Statistical Scope Adjustment on the Census Population of Cities and Towns and the Relevant Revision

  15. 注:艺术教育机构统计口径为含教育部门和文化部门的艺术教育机构。

    Note : The scope of art education institutions include the institutions in educational sector and cultural sector .

  16. 城市建成区面积统计口径亟待统一&以杭州中心城区为例

    Establishing a Uniform Standard for Calculation of Urban Built-up Area & With Hangzhou Central City Zone as an Example

  17. 人工成本应包含国家统计口径计算的工资和工资外开支人工费用8项。

    According to national unified calculation method , labour cost shall cover wage and other eight items of labour expenses .

  18. 方法将传染病的网络直报数整理复核后,以周一至周日为统计口径进行分析。

    Methods Recheck the direct network report data of contagious diseases and analyze via the statistical caliber from Monday to Sunday .

  19. 注:此表投资统计口径含包干内项目直接费、政策性资金、派生资金以及规划调整新增资金。

    Note : The statistics of investment in this table include planned funds , adjusted funds , input funds and derived funds .

  20. 说明:蔬菜,茶、桑、水果2001年统计口径发生了变化,原蔬菜、瓜类中的果用瓜现归入水果中,因此2001年蔬菜产值比。

    Note : The statistical ranges of vegetables , tea , mulberry and fruits are changed in2001.Melons in former category of vegetables .

  21. 而我国目前企业的物流成本管理存在隐性物流成本和缺乏统一的统计口径等问题。

    But our country at present the enterprise logistics cost management exists implicit logistics cost and the lack of unified statistical caliber problem .

  22. 收集并整理了公司各个部门的需求分析,将数据的统计口径和指标解释进行了统一;

    Secondly collect and arrange the requirements Analysis of each department in the company , then unify statistic standard of data into index explanation ;

  23. 自然灾害种类繁多,统计口径在不同的时间段上往往存在着较大的差异,而更详细的资料又往往是难以获得的。

    For example , statistical standards of natural disasters in different periods are often different , and more details are often difficult to obtain either .

  24. 这种现象的产生,有我国经济增长模式、经济体制、在全球产业分工中的定位、认识和政策、统计口径等多方面的原因。

    The reasons include the economic growth mode , economic mechanism , the location and policy of our nation in the global production system and statistic method , etc.

  25. 其次,要优化财政支农支出结构,加大对农业基础设施和农业科研的投资力度,压缩农业事业费支出,提高新统计口径中的农业支出比例。

    Secondly , optimizing the structure , increasing infrastructure and research investment , reducing the operating expenses , improving the proportion of agriculture expenditure in the new statistics .

  26. 本文分析了我国现阶段城市人口规模预测所面临的统计口径不一致、人口流动性大等问题,并结合实际提出了解决办法。

    The disagreement of statistical caliber and great fluidity of city population forecast in present phase is analyzed , and puts forward a practical method to solve the problem .

  27. 调查问卷在慢性病调查设计上的缺陷使研究对象的慢性病患病及治疗信息在统计口径上与既往研究相比有所缩小。

    There were some flaws in chronic diseases survey in the questionnaire that made the statistical caliber of information about chronic diseases treatment narrowed compared with previous studies . 4 .

  28. 然而,由于统计口径存在误差,加上公务员编制需财政负担,编制资源十分紧张。

    However , due to the error of statistical coverage , especially with the financial burden from the service establishment management in civil service , resources for establishment are scare .

  29. 文章回顾了我国城镇人口统计口径的历次演变,阐明了其中存在的主要问题,综合论述并评价了国内学者对这些问题的解决办法;

    This article illuminates its main problems while briefly reviewing the several changes of urban population statistical caliber in China , synthetically discoursing upon the resolutions , which are advanced by inland scholars ;

  30. 同时,国内房地产市场面板数据统计口径未能充分与国际接轨,致使研究结果也无法与国外相比较。

    The same time , panel data statistical standards of the domestic real estate market failed to fully with international standards , to enable the study results can not be compared with foreign .