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  1. 它们能统治天下!

    They could rule the world !

  2. 他们将与耶稣一起在他的国里统治天下腐朽的百姓。

    They will reign with Jesus over the world 's mor - tal people in his kingdom .

  3. 他在至尊魔戒中注入他的邪恶,残酷以及统治天下的可怕欲望。

    And into this Ring he poured his cruelty , his malice and his will to dominate all life .

  4. 他在魔戒中注入他的邪恶、残酷,以及统治天下的可怕欲望。

    And into this Ring he poured his cruelty , his malice , and his will to dominate all life .

  5. 在第三个百年中,我许诺:如果有人来救我,我会让他成为统治天下的君主。

    During the third hundred years , I made a promise that if any one came to set me free I would make him king over all the earth .