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  1. 盐碱地池塘鱼鳖混养育成模式的研究

    Model of polyculture of soft-shelled turtle and fish in saline-alkaline pond

  2. 海洋里鱼鳖成群,张网可得。

    The ocean was filled with turtles and fish , ready for the net .

  3. 有时停在大王的水池边,吃大王的鱼鳖。

    Sometimes it stops by Your Majesty 's pools , and eats your fish and soft-shelled turtles .

  4. 申徒狄谏而不听,负石自投于河,为鱼鳖所食。

    He suddenly held a big stone to jump into river , becoming food of fish and turtle .

  5. 所以飞禽走兽都热衷于生活在高山峻岭之上,鱼鳖等则藏身于深渊之中。

    Therefore , birds and animals prefer living in high mountains and fishes and turtles prefer living in the deep water , so does the man of perfect practice .

  6. 两千多年前,我国孟子曾说过:数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜食也。意思是,不要用细密的渔网在池塘里捕捞小鱼,这样才会有更多的鱼。

    More than two thousand years ago in our country , Mencius said , If fine nets do not enter the pools , there will be more fish and turtles than can be eaten .

  7. 这里的生态环境优良,山中的茶油、茶叶、板栗、山野菜,水里的鱼鳖虾蟹,都是纯天然的绿色食品。

    Here is an excellent ecological environment , the mountains of tea oil , tea , chestnut , mountain vegetables , shrimps and crabs wa Fish and turtle ter are all pure natural green food .

  8. 老百姓很同情屈原的遭遇,为了避免屈原的尸体被鱼鳖吞食,便于五月五日这一天划着龙舟在江中驱赶鱼鳖,并将包好的粽子投放江中来喂鱼鳖,以保护屈原的尸体。

    Later Qu Yuan 's sympathizers jumped into boats , beat the water with their oars and made rice dumplings wrapped in reed-leaves ( zongzi ) and scattered them into the Miluo River in the hope that fish in the river would eat the rice dumplings instead of the body of the deceased poet .