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  1. 直觉图像思维模式仍然有启发力&为<物理学与哲学之间>作序

    Thinking Mode of the Intuition Image Remains Heuristic Preface to " Between Physics and Phylosophy "

  2. 他借调到外文出版社工作去了。以外长为其《新中东》一书中文版作序

    Israel 's Foreign Minister writes a preface to the Chinese edition of his book " The New Middle East "

  3. RRD将EclipseModelingFramework(EMF)用作序列化和反序列化任意扩展数据的方法,以便与扩展生成器和处理程序结合使用。

    RRD utilizes the Eclipse Modeling Framework ( EMF ) as a means of serializing and deserializing arbitrary extension data for use with extension generators and handlers .

  4. 此外,气候委员会的主席金德拉•帕乔里(RajendraPachauri)还为绿色和平组织的一个出版物作序,为其添彩不少,该出版物是也是以有争议的章节为依据的。

    What is more , a Greenpeace publication based on this scenario was graced by a foreword written by Rajendra Pachauri , the IPCC 's chairman .

  5. 他要求我为这本书作序。

    He asked me to write a prologue to the book .

  6. 萧统亲为陶集作序,序文高度赞扬陶渊明人格与作品。

    Xiao wrote a prelude , speaking highly of Tao 's personality and writings .

  7. 四个月后,易中天回了信,表示很乐意为本书作序。

    Four months later , Yi replied that he would be glad to write the foreword .

  8. 其次是朋友之间的分送赠阅、作序评点或阅读交流。

    The communication of There were sometimes leisurely to be reposed was second reading and criticism and exchange .

  9. 落笔为今年的首展《出云南记》作序时,窗外正是大雪纷飞。

    It was snowing heavily as I was penning the preface for " The Route Out of Yunnan " .

  10. 他对中国古代小说及小说史也甚为通晓,曾多次为他人的英译中国小说作序。

    Waley knew quite well of ancient Chinese novels and wrote prefaces to the English translations of several Chinese novels .

  11. 能为他的这本散文集作序,我觉得很荣幸。

    I find it a great honour to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays .

  12. 即将完工,剩余的工作之一是作序,包括写我的作者小传。

    One of my last tasks for the Regular Expression Cookbook was to write the preface , including my author bio .

  13. 就张五常的这本文集来说,作序无疑是一个轻松愉快的工作。

    In the case of this collection of Steven Cheung 's articles , it is both an easy and an enjoyable task .

  14. 为其诗集作序者地位之高,在西域戍客诗人中也绝无仅有。

    The one who wrote a preface to his collection of poems enjoyed the highest status among the Western Region poets on the frontiers .

  15. 他近来编辑了路易斯.麦克尼尔的新版古典阿巴拉契亚诗集《诡异的山丘》(西弗吉尼亚大学出版社,2009)并为之作序。

    He has recently edited and introduced a new edition of Louise McNeill 's classic Appalachian poetry collection Paradox Hill ( West Virginia University Press , 2009 ) .

  16. 这一时期志怪小说序跋创作者构成复杂,身份多样,写作序跋目的也较前代多样化。

    This period will prefaces and postscripts the novels as the creator of a complex and varied . the purpose of the previous generation prefaces and postscripts and diversity .

  17. 去年秋天,靳先生托友人将他的新著《陈独秀往事》的清样送给龚育之先生,请龚先生作序。

    Last year the autumn , gentleman is stingy holds friend in the palm to write his newly " Chen Duxiu past " press proof gives Gong Yozhi the gentleman , ask Mr Gong preface .