
  • 网络Work capacity;workability
  1. 叉车作业能力测算模型与方法研究

    Measuring Model and Method of Forklift Workability

  2. 教室空气中CO2浓度对学生脑力作业能力的影响&教室换气研究之二

    Influence of Air CO_2 Concentration in Classroom on the Mental Capacity of Children

  3. 本文简要介绍HCS-87数控测井地面系统的设计目标、软硬件组成、作业能力及主要技术特点。

    This paper gives a brief introduction to the designing goals , hardware and software configuration , and technical specifications of the surface system of computerized logging system HCS-87 .

  4. 二十八烷醇增强高原军事作业能力的现场实验研究

    Field experiments of effects of octacosanol on military operation capacity at high altitude

  5. 提高土方机械对土壤作业能力的探讨

    Discussion of Improving the Operation Power of Construction Equipment

  6. 作业能力扩张模型与求解算法研究

    Model and Algorithm of Activity - based Capacity Expansion

  7. 工程机械作业能力的理论分析

    The Theoretical Analysis of Road Machinery Productivity

  8. 早期音乐暴露增强大鼠分辨声音时程的作业能力

    An enhancement of early musical exposure on the behavioral performances ofsound duration discrimination in rats

  9. 随机需求环境下的作业能力规划模型研究

    Capacity planning based on stochastic demand

  10. 具有独立完成作业能力。

    Ability to work independently .

  11. 色彩具有非视觉效应,个体在短波长光线下具有良好的生理状态和作业能力。

    People have favorable physiological status and well operate ability when they work in short wave light .

  12. 机器的田间作业能力

    Field capacity of machines

  13. “工作能力,作业能力.”

    The capacity for work

  14. 目的观察船舶电磁辐射环境对船员健康和作业能力的影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of electromagnetic radiation in ships on crew 's health and performance ability .

  15. 液压盘式刹车装置能显著提高钻井作业能力和安全性,已得到广泛应用。

    Hydraulic disc brake is used extensively because of its improvement of the capability and safety of drilling operation .

  16. 世界石油物探作业能力越来越向全球几家大物探公司集中;

    The production ability of global oil geophysical exploration more and more concentrated onto several large global geophysical exploration companies ;

  17. 通过对结构参数的优化设计使水下灵巧手的结构更趋合理性,最大限度提高水下灵巧手的作业能力。

    Optimization design makes the structure of the underwater dexterous hand more reasonable , and the ability of the hand is improves ultimately .

  18. 海上风力发电设备的运输与安装需要较高的技术支持,由具有可靠作业能力的船舶来完成。

    Transportation and installation of offshore wind power generation equipment requires high technical support and reliable operational capability of the ship to complete .

  19. 水下机器人是海洋开发的技术核心,而水下机械手是实现水下机器人作业能力的关键。

    As Underwater Robots is the kernel of ocean exploitation techniques , underwater manipulator is prerequisite for Underwater Robots to possess work ability .

  20. 目的探讨现役战斗机飞行员短时记忆力、速算能力和双重作业能力与年龄的关系。

    Objective To investigate influence of aging on short term memory , high speed calculative skill and dual task performances in fighter pilots .

  21. 编组站的调车以重力驼峰为主,驼峰的自动化程度决定了编组站的作业能力。

    Operation in gravity hump is main , the operational capacity of the marshalling station lie on the degree of automation of hump yard .

  22. 随着可靠性设计理论,机械设计技术的发展,大型农业机械的作业能力越来越强。

    With the development of reliability design theory , machine design technique , the work ability of large agricultral machine is getting stronger and stronger .

  23. 水下机械手是水下机器人的重要组成部分,一个国家的海洋高科技发展水平在很大程度上由具有作业能力的水下机器人技术决定。

    The technology of the underwater robot with operational capacity is to a large extent marked the level of development of marine high-tech of a country .

  24. 晕船造成的脑力和体能的下降严重影响部队海上作业能力,因此促进晕船后脑体功能的快速恢复至关重要。

    The mental and physical fatigue induced by sea sickness significantly impaired working performance of marine troops , and it is important to relieve the fatigue after sea sickness .

  25. 将影响拖网捕捞能力的众多因素归并为渔船作业能力、综合捕捞技术、渔船老化程度、出航率4个公共因子。

    Various factors affecting the fishing capacity of trawlers were merged into four common factors , fishing capacity , integrated fishing techniques , fishing vessel aging extent and sailing rate .

  26. 由于遥现的实现可以大在改善遥迭作业能力,因而引起人们的研究兴趣,并得到迅速的发展。

    Because the implementation of telepresence can improve the capability of tele-manipulation greatly , it induces the research interests of many people , and it has developed a great deal .

  27. 飞行员双重作业能力在烟龄达20年后明显下降,飞行员速算能力随测前吸烟时间缩短而降低。

    Results Pilots ' dual performance was significantly decreased after smoking years reached 20 years , pilots ' quick calculation ability was decreased with the shortening of smoking time before measurement .

  28. 臂架是多功能破拆消防车的重要受力部件,直接影响着作业能力、稳定性等整车性能,从而影响抢险救灾的质量与效果。

    Boom is an important load bearing component of multi-functional breaking and fire-fighting truck . The boom affects the overall performance of multi-functional breaking and fire-fighting truck and the quality of rescue .

  29. 在交互工作方式下的遥控机器人在太空开发和深海勘探等领域具有重要的实用价值,而如何增强其自主作业能力是一个重要的问题。

    Its of great values to study the telerobotic systems which work in the space or in the ocean , and its an important problem to improve their auto control operation capability .

  30. 本文从作业能力、车流性质、地形条件和技术经济指标等方面对编组站图型作了较全面的分析。

    This paper gives a fairly comprehensive analysis on the layout plan for marshalling station according to its operational capacity , characters of wagon flows , topographical conditions , technical and economical indices .