
zuò qǔ
  • write music;compose;composition;write
作曲 [zuò qǔ]
  • [compose] 编写音乐作品

  • 用奏鸣曲的形式作曲

作曲[zuò qǔ]
  1. 我刚刚找到了更多时间来作曲。

    I was just finding more time to write music

  2. 写在《五龄童这样开始作曲》一文的同时

    Accompanying the Article " How a Five-years-old Boy Started to Write Music "

  3. 他早在1989年就开始作曲了。

    He started writing music as early as 1989 .

  4. 他教授钢琴、管风琴和作曲。

    He taught the piano , organ and composition

  5. 他录制的这些歌是由几名酷爱音乐的作曲家谱写的。

    The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers .

  6. 莫扎特五岁就开始作曲了。

    Mozart began composing when he was five years old .

  7. 他教音乐,也作曲。

    He teaches music and also composes .

  8. 瓦格纳为很多歌剧作曲。

    Wagner composed a lot of operas .

  9. 例句查理的音乐作曲得了满分。

    Charlie was given ten out of ten for his music composition .

  10. 由罗杰斯和哈特作词作曲

    music and lyrics by Rodgers and Hart

  11. 有许多使用CA进行算法作曲的有趣方式有待探索。

    Many interesting approaches to algorithmic music composition using CA remain to be explored .

  12. 但是,想作曲的音乐家们不用害怕,最近美国作曲家飞利浦·格拉斯(PhilipGlass)打破了这个可怕的诅咒。

    But fear not , would-be music makers , because American composer Philip Glass has recently beaten the dreaded curse .

  13. 本文展示了用Java语言进行基于CA的作曲的一些技术,并探讨了得到特别出色结构的某些映射。

    This article presents some techniques for doing CA-based musical composition in the Java language and explores specific mappings that yield especially good results .

  14. GA的应用范围非常广泛,如机器学习、音乐作曲、工业控制、图像的恢复和识别等。

    GA is applied in a very big range , such as machine learning , music composing and industrial control .

  15. 细胞自动机(Cellularautomata,CA)这是一种随时间而进化的数学结构为算法作曲展现了一条迷人的大道。

    Cellular automata ( CAs ) a class of mathematical structures that evolve over time present an intriguing avenue for algorithmic music composition .

  16. B是第二小节为典型的小调三音的循环进行,也同样采用了巧妙的作曲手法将这个简单的音程材料变化成了多种不同情绪的唱段。

    B is the second section is a typical cycle of the sound Minor III , also employs the ingenious composer practices will be this simple change interval materials with a multitude of different emotions part .

  17. Reich在加利福尼亚米尔斯大学学习作曲,这无形中培养了他前卫的创造力。

    Reich was studying composition at Mills College in California , a hotbed of-garde creativity .

  18. JohnHartford(该曲作曲人)和GlenCampbell都曾在1967年以这首歌曲获得格莱美年度最佳唱片奖。

    John Hartford ( the song 's composer ) and Glen Campbell both won 1967 GRAMMYs for recordings of the song .

  19. 同时,利用CA的一般性计算能力作曲会是很好的事,特别是,找出将CA进化映射为动听或者至少是有趣的音乐的方式。

    Also , it would be nice to harness CAs'universal computational power to compose music & in particular , to find a way to map CA evolutions into music that 's pleasing or at least interesting .

  20. 第二部分简述《Notations》创作背景及作曲技术方面的特点。

    The second part is a brief of composing background of " Notations ", and the technical aspects of the composition characteristics .

  21. 他从来也没认真考虑过录音和发行CD的事。但是当他的CD出版之后,它们是如此的受欢迎,以至于现在,他把所有的时间都用来作曲和录制作品。

    He had never seriously considered recording for CD release , but when he recorded the first album , it was so well received that he now spends all his time composing and recording his own works .

  22. 据了解,目前市场上关于MIDI制作和合成的软件都只是简单MIDI设备的作曲和演奏。

    Nowadays , there 're a lot of software about MIDI creation and synthesis which can helps us to compose or play digital music with the computer .

  23. 在钢琴演奏与艺术指导作曲理论,双排键(包括MIDI)的研究,钢琴室内乐等一系列课程的设置中。

    The curricula of piano performance , art coach , melodizing theory , double lines key of a piano ( including MIDI ) and chamber piano music were studied in this paper .

  24. 日本雅马哈公司已经有一种被称为“Vocaloid”的唱歌合成器,它允许用户作曲及演奏新的歌曲。

    There is already a singing synthesizer , marketed by the Japanese company Yamaha , called " Vocaloid ," that allows users to compose and perform new songs .

  25. 就已有曲调进行加工改编仍然是一种重要的作曲方法

    To Arrange The Ancient Tunes Is An Important Way Of Composition

  26. 奥地利作曲家阿诺德·舍恩伯格创造了一种新的作曲方法。

    The Austrian Arnold Schoenberg invented a new method of composition .

  27. 巴赫《勃兰登堡协奏曲》作曲技法研究

    A Study of the Composition Techniques of Bach 's Brandenburg Concertos

  28. 浅析西方20世纪的作曲技法

    The analysis of the western composing skill in the 1900 's

  29. 自由作曲途径中的潜调性内涵

    The Intension of Potential Tonality in the Approaches of Free Composition

  30. 为什么作曲家用大提琴来表达自己最悲伤的思绪呢?

    Why do composers express their most melancholy thoughts on cellos ?