- 名Operational Deployment;operational preparations

Optimum Selection and Improvement of Disposition Schemes for Ground Air - defence Operation
Troops demand analysis is very important to the operational disposition of ground air defense .
The problem of allocation optimum for air defence missile weapon system is important in air defence deployment .
These methods can also be used to analyze troops demand in the air-defense operational disposition of other arms .
The USA will have to go back to the drawing board after their hiding from the Czech Republic .
The specific battle plan for these two routes and the route along which the Seventh and Ninth Armies are to march eastward is to be worked out by the commanders of the Third Field Army .
The specific operational plan for the units of the Second Field Army is to be worked out by its commanders . Method study of selecting facing air reconnaissance system deployment proposals for air defence artillery group
Second , the Japanese force divided their Shina troops into Yangtze-River north shore force , Yangtze-River south shore force , the Second Army and fleet in Shina total four parts and this paper gives a detailed description of the operational plans of these forces .
Combining the features of modern air defence combat deployment , the enemy ′ s and our situations analyzing is discussed in this paper and the corresponding analyzing models are established by applying mathematics means such as multi-indicatrix fuzzy optimum seeking method , fuzzy synthetic evaluation method and AHP etc .
Researches on strategic force disposition model of air defence
The situation assessment is essentially a reasoning process on decision level , which tries to sense accurately and thoroughly according to the present situation , gradually recognizes adversarial intent and deployment , and helps our commanders make decision .