
  1. 打击时敏目标(Time-criticalTarget:TCT)是现代战争中一种新的作战样式。

    Striking Time-critical Target ( STCT ) is a new combat pattern , which plays an increasingly important role in modern warfare .

  2. GPS导航技术应用于武器精确制导,大大提高了武器的制导能力和打击精度。卫星制导武器已逐渐成为战争的主要打击兵器,推动着作战样式的新发展。

    The technology of GPS guidance that has been applying in precise guided weapon greatly increases the ability of guidance and precise hitting of precise guided weapons and make it become primary weapon in future war , which is promoting the development of operational form of war .

  3. 在分析特种作战样式、特点及对C4ISR系统应用现状的基础上,描述了特种作战C4ISR系统应实现的宏观的和具体的目标。

    At first this paper analyzes Operational model . Operational characteristics and application domain , then explains macrocosmic and ultimate goals of the C ~ 4ISR system .

  4. 几种特殊作战样式下军交运输保障的法律战运用

    Law War Utility of Military Transportation under Several Special Styles of Fighting

  5. 雷达组网是目前雷达作战样式发展的主要趋势。

    Netted radar is the main trends of development of battle mode of radar .

  6. 目前,信息战被认为是未来战争的主要作战样式。

    Nowadays , information warfare is considered as the chief fighting form of future warfare .

  7. 舆论战已经成为我军政治工作的重要作战样式。

    Public opinion warfare has become am important fighting form of our army 's political work .

  8. 航空兵应召反潜是航空兵接获某时刻潜艇概略位置信息后,飞抵潜艇出没海域进行搜索的一种反潜作战样式,其实质是航空兵对水下潜艇的搜索和定位问题。

    Anti-submarine warfare is the problem of searching and relocating the submarine after momentarily revealing its position .

  9. 导弹攻击是舰艇编队海上行动的主要作战样式,其导弹攻击效能的评估十分重要。

    As a main battle mode , missiles attacking efficiency evaluation of vessels formation is very important .

  10. 信息战已经成为一种作战样式应用于具体执法战斗中。

    Information war has been practised in concrete police law-enforcement com-bat as a kind of police fight mode .

  11. 大纵深战役理论鲜明地揭示了作战样式和方法对兵器的依赖。

    The Theory of Grand Depth Operation clearly reveals the dependence of styles and methods of operation to weapons .

  12. 摘要联合火力打击作为一种独立的作战样式,目前还缺乏深层次的定量分析。

    As a campaign pattern , the combined firing employment is still lack of the quantitative analysis in deep level at present .

  13. 随着空袭成为现代战争的主要作战样式,人民防空在战争中的作用变得越来越重要。

    With air attack as a main battle mode in modem warfare , Civil Air Defence plays a increasingly important role in information war .

  14. 随着电磁技术的发展及其在军事斗争领域的广泛运用,电子战逐渐成为重要的作战样式。

    As the development of electronics technology and electromagnetic technology , electronic warfare is gradually becoming one important operational style in the future war .

  15. 首先讨论了三种不同作战样式下常规导弹主动防护相关问题,比较了其信息共享和协同作战程度;

    The issues about active defense under three different combat patterns were discussed , and the degree to information sharing and cooperative operation was measured .

  16. 对这一新的作战样式,阐述了其运作的基础与条件、运作机理、作战原则以及实施自同步作战的关键与难点。

    To the self-synchronizing combat , we presented its operating conditions , mechanism , combat principle , the key and difficult problems to carry into execution .

  17. 科学技术的发展使得战争中使用的武器装备和战略战术也不断更新,作战样式也随之发生变化,这是人类战争始终遵循的规律。

    The weapons , strategies and tactics are changing greatly with the development of science and technology , and the mode of warfare also changes accordingly .

  18. 传统的海军标图中简单的图形和简练的文字注记,已经不能适应瞬息万变的作战样式和战场环境。

    In traditional Navy Plotting , there are simple figures and concise character notes which haven t been fit for the campaign mode and field environment .

  19. 但是,由于数据链不同于一般通用通信,一旦作战样式和规模发生变化,会使信息互通和战术互操作成为联合作战的突出问题。

    However , data link is such different from general commu-nication system that inter-connection and tactical cooperation becomes a critical problem once the type and scale of battle field has changed .

  20. 巡航导弹协同攻击是一种重要的协同作战样式,随着巡航导弹攻击对象从单目标、多目标到体系目标演变,其相应的打击方式也发生了重要的变化。

    Cooperative attacking of cruise missiles is an important style of cooperative operation . The target of cruise missiles engagement has evolved from single target , multiple targets to system of systems target .

  21. 军地物流一体化建设,是随着军队后勤社会化实践的发展,特别是20世纪90年代以来的几场局部战争的特点和作战样式的变化而出现的新的军事理论。

    Military logistics and integration along with the military logistics community of practice , especially since the 1990s of local wars and fighting style characterized by the changes in the new military theory .

  22. 信息战是现代战争中重要作战样式,网络战是信息战的重要组成部分,分布式、网络化的计算机系统是信息作战中实施攻击与防护首要作战目标。

    Information warfare is the major operation mode in modern wars , in which network war take an important part . Distributed and network computer system is the chief target in attack and defense .

  23. 巡航导弹的使用对战场重要目标构成了巨大威胁,并改变了作战样式,成为空中打击的主战力量。

    The use of cruise missile puts forth a extensive threat on the important target in the war field , and transforms the war manner , and so cruise missile becomes the important battle strengthen .

  24. 战略心理战是为了达到一定的战略目的而对敌国或他国军民所采取的心理作战样式,是一种新型的国际政治斗争方式。

    Stratagem psychological warfare is adopted for the army corps and the people of enemy states or other states to achieve the definite stratagem aim , and is a new kind of international politics warfare way .

  25. 信息技术的发展及其在战场上的应用,使得空袭成为未来战争主要的作战样式,空袭与防空袭成为双方斗争的焦点。

    Along with the application of the information techniques to the the battlefield , air attack has become the main battle style in the future , the aerial raid and defense have been the focus in the battle .

  26. 信息技术的迅速发展并广泛地运用于军事斗争领域,由此引发的武器装备、作战样式、指挥体系、人才培养等一系列新军事变革波及全球。

    The rapid development of information technology and widely used in the field of military combat , result the weaponry , execute style , command system , personnel training and a series of new military reform affected the whole world .

  27. 国际化传播环境的变化,大众传媒的发展,战争形态的演变,作战样式的创新,都使高技术条件下的新闻舆论战具有了全新的意义。

    The change of international transmission environment , the development of mass media , the evolvement of warfare conformation and the innovation of battle mode embody new significance for war of press and consensus under the background of high-tech warfare .

  28. 通信技术、计算机技术和网络技术的迅猛发展和普及,使世界许多国家的社会形态越来越具备了信息社会的基本特征,为孕育出新的作战样式和战争形态提供了温床。

    The development and popularizing of communication technology , computer technology and network technology make a lot of countries ' social form hold essential feature of information-intensive society , and offer the hotbed to the new fight design and war form .

  29. 现代高技术条件下军事系统的发展和现代战争作战样式、作战手段发生的巨大变化,对军事系统的研究理论、研究方法都提出了新的要求。

    Under the morden high technique , the military system has been developing rapidly . At the same time , the combat mode and manner of moden war has changed greatly . All these put forward new requirements for the theory and method of military system study .

  30. 近年来,随着精确制导武器技术的不断发展和作战样式的改变,以美国为首的西方发达国家纷纷把发展精确制导武器的重点转向了防区外中远程精确打击武器之上。

    In recent years , some western developed countries , for example USA first , turned exact control and guide weapon into the out-defence area and middle and long-distance precision-beating weapon with the unceasing develop of the exact control and guide and the change of the campaign manner .