
duì děnɡ yuán zé
  • principle of reciprocity
  1. 论对等原则

    On the Principle of Reciprocity

  2. 根据权利与责任对等原则和公平正义原则,就应该承担更多责任。

    According to the principle of reciprocity of rights and responsibilities and the principles of fairness and justice , we should assume more responsibility .

  3. 而根据中国签署的WTO相关协定及对等原则,我国证券服务业在入世后也可以进入其他缔约国金融市场,并享受该国的同等待遇。

    According to the WTO Agreement China has signed and equivalence principles , the securities service industry of China may enter the financial market of other countries that entered into the Agreement and enjoy the same treatment .

  4. 从关联理论看对等原则的局限性

    A Relevance Theoretic Account of the Limitations of the Equivalence Principle

  5. 论文学翻译中的读者想象对等原则

    Equivalence of Readers ' Imagination as a Principle of Literary Translation

  6. 由于对等原则的非理性,其适用必须予以规范化。

    We must normalize this principle because of its unreasonalities .

  7. 指导翻译的最佳原则&动态对等原则

    Dynamic Equivalence & the Most Effective Principle to Direct Translation

  8. 后者需要对等原则来说明。

    The latter needs illustration of the principle of reciprocity .

  9. 合理负担、权利与义务对等原则;

    The principle of reasonable burden and equality between rights and duty ;

  10. 对等原则为商标的研究提供了新的思路。

    This theory provides a new idea for trademark translation .

  11. 它既要讲究翻译中的对等原则,还要具备一定的翻译技巧。

    Besides the translating skills , principle of reciprocity also needs carefully study .

  12. 角色对等原则在新闻采访中的运用

    On the Application of Counterpart-role Principle in News Interviews

  13. 论对等原则&不平等的合理性限度

    Discussing Reciprocity Principle & The Rational Limitation of Inequality

  14. 论汉语文学作品英译过程中的对等原则

    On Equivalence of Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Literature

  15. 浅析动态对等原则的相对性

    The Relativity of the Principle of Dynamic Equivalence

  16. 动态对等原则是奈达翻译理论中的一个经典。

    The principle of dynamic equivalence is one of the classical translation theories of Nida .

  17. 在翻译过程中应坚持功能对等原则和适应市场需要原则。

    The translation should be in line with functional equivalence and should meet market demands .

  18. 商业广告英汉互译的对等原则

    The Equivalent Principles in Translating Commercial Ads

  19. 翻译的对等原则探微

    On the Principle of Translation Equivalence

  20. 对等原则是翻译理论中的一个基本概念,也是当前翻译研究中的热点问题之一。

    The Equivalence Principle is a basic concept in translation and one of the hot spots of our times .

  21. “两规”也符合法理上的权力义务对等原则。

    " Two regulation " is also in line with legal rights and obligations of the principle of reciprocity .

  22. 在结论部分,作者提出:功能对等原则适用于戏剧翻译,具有重要的指导意义。

    The concluding part argues that the principle of functional equivalence translation applies to and serves as a guideline for drama translation .

  23. 翻译作品要体现这种异国情调,就须提倡适度原则、文化对等原则和可接受性原则。

    To give expression to exoticism , we should put to use the principle of measurable equivalence and the principle of acceptability .

  24. 庭审的质证原则主要包括权利对等原则、质证必要原则、法官居中原则、适时质疑原则、质疑合理原则和辩论原则。

    The principles of interrogation during court hearing include the rules of reciprocity rights , necessity , juror impartiality , being timely , debate etc.

  25. 在司法实践中,应明确与争议具有实际联系地点的范围以及如何适用对等原则。

    It is of great importance to identify the places that has actual connection with the dispute and how to apply the principle of reciprocity .

  26. 代理人委托书和有关证明的公证、认证手续,按照对等原则办理。

    The formalities for the notarization or certification of a power of attorney and related proof shall be performed in accordance with the principle of reciprocity .

  27. 传统翻译观念认为,翻译应该尽可能的遵循忠实和对等原则,翻译应该亦步亦趋地再现原文的精神。

    Traditionally , translation is supposed to abide by the principle of faithfulness and equivalence and represent the essence of the original as far as possible .

  28. 结语部分对全文内容加以总结,并确信语用对等原则与关联理论相结合必然能给翻译活动提供一些富有启发性的解释和有效的规则。

    It is believed that the combination of pragmatic equivalence principle with relevance theory can surely provide some illuminating explanations and - valid rules for translation activities .

  29. 由于情景喜剧对白语言特点,在翻译中译者应遵循幽默功能对等原则,同时也要考虑剧情发展的文化语境。

    Due to the humors in situation comedies , the principle of functional equivalence as well as the plot context should be taken into consideration in their translation .

  30. 中华人民共和国人民法院对该国公民、企业和组织的民事诉讼权利,实行对等原则。

    The People 's Court of the PRC shall exercise a reciprocal principle on the civil litigant rights of the citizens , enterprises and other organizations of that country .