
duì yìng cí
  • equivalent
对应词[duì yìng cí]
  1. 这个词在英语中没有令人满意的对应词。

    This word has no satisfactory equivalent in English .

  2. 法语中有没有和英语home完全一样的对应词?

    Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word ` home ' ?

  3. 有些美国单词在英国英语中没有对应词。

    Some American words have no British equivalents .

  4. victory一词的汉语对应词是什么?

    What is the Chinese equivalent of the word " victory "?

  5. 五分之一(19%)的英国人不知道hello在法语中的对应词的意思,而这是世界上识别度最高的外语问候语之一。

    One fifth ( 19 percent ) did not know the meaning of the French word for hello , one of the most recognisable foreign greetings in the world .

  6. 在同性恋者的生活中,这种见面方式叫做“cruising”(巡游,不过它在法文的对应词draguer是各方人士都会使用的)。

    In gay life , that 's called " cruising " " ( although the French equivalent , draguer , applies to all denominations ) .

  7. 双语词典应当准确地为词目找到对应词。

    The bilingual dictionary must accurately find the corresponding word for word item .

  8. 写出下列各词的反义词或对应词。

    Write out the opposites of the following words .

  9. 略论俄汉语对应词词义不等值现象

    Non-correspondence in Word Meaning between Russian and Chinese

  10. 双语词典中词汇空缺成因及对应词处理

    The Origins and Equivalents of Culture-bound Words with Lexical Gap in a Bilingual Dictionary

  11. 格式塔是一个德语单词,没有确切的英语对应词。

    Gestalt is a German word for which there is no exact English equivalent ;

  12. 选词绝不仅是从词典上找到对应词而已。

    The choice of words is more than just finding the corresponding words from the dictionary .

  13. 而且,语言是文化的反映,语言的不同反映了文化上的差异,英汉词汇互译时就可能出现词汇空缺现象,在目的语中找不到对应词。

    Besides , languages are the reflection of culture , and the differences of languages reflect culture gap .

  14. 有时,即使找到了正确的对应词,他们也不知道如何准确地将其运用到语言产出活动中去。

    Even after they have found the correct ones they may not know how to use them correctly .

  15. 该词语检索器为英汉/汉英词典学家确定译语对应词提供了一种客观而便捷的方法。

    The concordancer provides English-Chinese / Chinese-English dictionary compilers with a quick and objective means of identifying target-language equivalents .

  16. 对重合词的英语释义分别从对应词项和语言形式的层面进行量化分析。

    Quantitative analysis is taken toward English annotation of the overlapped words from the aspect of terms and forms of the expression .

  17. 文章认为忠实性为首要标准,即翻译的对应词应在词汇意义、法意义及语用意义上与原语词目相等同。

    Faithfulness is the first criterion : the target language equivalents must be faithful to the source language words in lexical , syntactic and pragmatic meaning .

  18. 中文成语的翻译可粗略分为三种:直译法,运用英语对应词,意义法。

    The translation techniques of Chinese set phrases could be roughly divided into three kinds : literal translation , using English equivalent , and translation of the thought .

  19. 翻译的一个标准是达到译文对原文的忠实;成分分析法在翻译过程中能有效地帮助译者精确地理解原文,找到源语词准确的目标语对应词,从而达到译文对原文的忠实。

    One standard of translation is the faith between target text and source text ; componential analysis can help translators find the exact equivalents of source words in translating process .

  20. 中英动物语汇对应词之间文化内涵的基本属性是差异性。

    Cross-Linguistic Comparison of Animal Expressions in Respect to Cultural Connotation ; Difference is the basic property of the cultural connotations of the corresponding words in Chinese and English animal lexicon .

  21. 在从事语言产出活动(如英文写作、汉英翻译等)时,中国学生通常在使用汉语成语方面会遇到巨大的困难,尤其表现在为汉语成语寻找正确的英文对应词方面。

    Chinese students often encounter great difficulties in using Chinese idioms in English encoding activities ( i.e. writing and translating ), especially in finding the correct English counterparts of the Chinese idioms .

  22. 三,作为词义对比研究的一个构想,讨论了词汇理据意义在汉英对应词词义比较中的研究内容。

    Third , as a useful complementarity about comparative study of word meaning , based on the research above , discuss the content and significance about the rationale meaning in Chinese-English equivalent words .

  23. 为解决上述问题,我们首先以空间范畴化理论为基础分析对比了三个英语介词in,on,over和它们的汉语对应词的空间语义。

    The above problems were approached through a comparative study of the spatial semantics of three English prepositions in , on , over and their Chinese counterparts in light of the spatial categorization theory .

  24. 由于受不同的宗教、环境、风俗习惯和价值观等因素的影响,任何一种语言的文化涵义都不可能在另外一种语言里找到完全相等的对应词。

    It is impossible that a cultural connotation in one language has an exact equivalent in another language because of the influences of such factors as various religions , surroundings , customs and perception of value .

  25. 汉英两种语言词汇中存在大量的多义词,出现对应词理性义不对等情况,分为理性义的包含对应、交叉对应、完全不对应(理性义缺失)等。

    Chinese and English have a lot of multivocal words , so rational meaning sometimes are not equivalent in the Chinese-English equivalent words , included inclusive correspondence , crossed correspondence and disrelation ( rational meaning vacancy ) and so on .

  26. 汉英两种语言中的对应词在民族文化语义的异同方面存在以下四种情况:民族文化语义基本相同,民族文化语义部分相同,民族文化语义不同和民族文化语义只在一种语言中存在。

    English and Chinese equivalents in their respective national cultural connotations have the following similarities and differences : the national cultural connotation for Chinese and English equivalents is almost the same , partly the same , different or exist only in either of the two different languages .

  27. 用直观物体对应这个词,如牛奶或书桌,可能简单明了,但翻译概念是难上加难。

    While getting the word for physical objects , like milk or desk , might be straightforward , translating concepts can be a lot harder .

  28. “修噶”是一个涉及亲密、感恩与家庭的文化概念,是一种精神层面的温馨舒适,英语中没有与之对应的词。

    With no real equivalent in the English language , hygge is a cultural concept that revolves around intimacy , gratitude and family ; it 's a kind of emotional coziness .

  29. 第四部分,论述韩国语汉字心理形容词与之对应汉语词的句法功能,论述与之对应汉语词(形容词类)和心理动词的区分。

    Part ⅳ, introduce the syntax function of the Chinese adjective about psychology in Korean and the corresponding Chinese character , and then discuss the distinction between the corresponding Chinese character and the verb of psychology .

  30. 通过对其结果的分析给出了汉英双语语料库检索平台内嵌的中文检索词对应译词的识别方法,在对35个词的测试中获得了97.1%的准确率。

    After analyzing the exam result , automatic identification of English translation for a Chinese word is given , which is embedded in the search platform . This method acquires 97.1 % precision on the set of 35 Chinese words .