- equivalent

This word has no satisfactory equivalent in English .
Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word ` home ' ?
Some American words have no British equivalents .
What is the Chinese equivalent of the word " victory "?
One fifth ( 19 percent ) did not know the meaning of the French word for hello , one of the most recognisable foreign greetings in the world .
In gay life , that 's called " cruising " " ( although the French equivalent , draguer , applies to all denominations ) .
The bilingual dictionary must accurately find the corresponding word for word item .
Write out the opposites of the following words .
Non-correspondence in Word Meaning between Russian and Chinese
The Origins and Equivalents of Culture-bound Words with Lexical Gap in a Bilingual Dictionary
Gestalt is a German word for which there is no exact English equivalent ;
The choice of words is more than just finding the corresponding words from the dictionary .
Besides , languages are the reflection of culture , and the differences of languages reflect culture gap .
Even after they have found the correct ones they may not know how to use them correctly .
The concordancer provides English-Chinese / Chinese-English dictionary compilers with a quick and objective means of identifying target-language equivalents .
Quantitative analysis is taken toward English annotation of the overlapped words from the aspect of terms and forms of the expression .
Faithfulness is the first criterion : the target language equivalents must be faithful to the source language words in lexical , syntactic and pragmatic meaning .
The translation techniques of Chinese set phrases could be roughly divided into three kinds : literal translation , using English equivalent , and translation of the thought .
One standard of translation is the faith between target text and source text ; componential analysis can help translators find the exact equivalents of source words in translating process .
Cross-Linguistic Comparison of Animal Expressions in Respect to Cultural Connotation ; Difference is the basic property of the cultural connotations of the corresponding words in Chinese and English animal lexicon .
Chinese students often encounter great difficulties in using Chinese idioms in English encoding activities ( i.e. writing and translating ), especially in finding the correct English counterparts of the Chinese idioms .
Third , as a useful complementarity about comparative study of word meaning , based on the research above , discuss the content and significance about the rationale meaning in Chinese-English equivalent words .
The above problems were approached through a comparative study of the spatial semantics of three English prepositions in , on , over and their Chinese counterparts in light of the spatial categorization theory .
It is impossible that a cultural connotation in one language has an exact equivalent in another language because of the influences of such factors as various religions , surroundings , customs and perception of value .
Chinese and English have a lot of multivocal words , so rational meaning sometimes are not equivalent in the Chinese-English equivalent words , included inclusive correspondence , crossed correspondence and disrelation ( rational meaning vacancy ) and so on .
English and Chinese equivalents in their respective national cultural connotations have the following similarities and differences : the national cultural connotation for Chinese and English equivalents is almost the same , partly the same , different or exist only in either of the two different languages .
While getting the word for physical objects , like milk or desk , might be straightforward , translating concepts can be a lot harder .
With no real equivalent in the English language , hygge is a cultural concept that revolves around intimacy , gratitude and family ; it 's a kind of emotional coziness .
Part ⅳ, introduce the syntax function of the Chinese adjective about psychology in Korean and the corresponding Chinese character , and then discuss the distinction between the corresponding Chinese character and the verb of psychology .
After analyzing the exam result , automatic identification of English translation for a Chinese word is given , which is embedded in the search platform . This method acquires 97.1 % precision on the set of 35 Chinese words .