
duì yìng
  • corresponding;correspondence;counter-;homologous
对应 [duì yìng]
  • (1) [correspondence;homologous]∶一事物与另一事物的一致

  • 对应原理

  • (2) [corresponding]∶针对某一情况的;与某一情况相应的

  • 对应措施

  • 对应行动

对应[duì yìng]
  1. 有了犯罪梯度,我们就可以将犯罪与刑罚建立对应联系,最大程度地避免量刑上的畸轻畸重。

    Once we have the scale , we can set up a corresponding relationship between a crime and a punishment , and avoid sentence unbalance to the most extent .

  2. 周期系统中,在相继两循环中两个对应点之间的时间间隔。参阅frequency。

    In periodic systems , the time interval between two corresponding points on successive cycles .

  3. 要求学生把书籍与作者对应起来。

    The students are asked to match the books with the authors

  4. 每本书都对应有一个简短的介绍。

    For each title there is a brief synopsis of the book .

  5. 他坚持每一项减税都要和支出削减一一对应。

    He insists any tax cut be matched dollar-for-dollar with cuts in spending .

  6. 我决定第二天去档案馆查找对应的问题。

    I decided I would go to the Archive the next day and look up the appropriate issue .

  7. 英语中,每个书写符号和每个独特发音之间没有固定的一一对应关系。

    In English , there is not a consistent one-to-one match between each written symbol and each distinct spoken sound .

  8. 这个词在英语中没有令人满意的对应词。

    This word has no satisfactory equivalent in English .

  9. 有些美国单词在英国英语中没有对应词。

    Some American words have no British equivalents .

  10. 这些区域中的每一个对应于一个生成元,而每个交叉点对应于一个关系子。

    To each of these domains there corresponds a generator and to each cross-over there corresponds a relator .

  11. 毛毛虫和蝴蝶不能一一对应。

    Not every caterpillar and butterfly matched .

  12. 然而,如果说20世纪的一个典型特征是人们更健康了,那对应21世纪的就是出生率下降。

    But while increasing health was a typical feature of the 20th century , declining birth rate could be a defining one of the 21st .

  13. 因为最重要的东西都放在头版,所以很容易找到你感兴趣的内容,然后你就可以翻到对应页面上进行完整地阅读。

    As the most important things are put on the front page , it 's easy to find out what you 're interested in and then turn to the page to read it completely .

  14. 理想情况下每名演讲者对应大约6到7名观众。

    Ideally there are about 6-7 audience members for each presenter4 .

  15. 与“虎妈”对应,这种教育方法被称为“羊妈”。

    This kind of educational mode is called " Sheep Mom " .

  16. 而一旦分离出变异体,对应的突变基因就可以鉴定出来了。

    Once mutants have been isolated , the mutated gene can be molecularly identified .

  17. 同它的射频对应物相仿,这种现象称为光学整流。

    This effect , in analogy to its radiofrequency counterpart , is known as optical rectification .

  18. 作为大部分现代人衣橱中必不可少的元素,牛仔裤的不同款式及其对应的说法在过去几十年间也有了爆炸性增长。

    The very staple7 of most modern wardrobes , there 's been an explosion in terminology8 for the different types of jeans on offer over the last couple of decades .

  19. 通知明确,网络秀场直播平台要对节目内容和对应主播实行标签分类管理,按“音乐”“舞蹈”“唱歌”“健身”“游戏”等进行分类标注。

    Livestreaming shows and hosts should be clearly classified , based on their content , as music , dance , singing , fitness or games , among other categories , according to the circular .

  20. 通过“群面”,用人单位可以对应聘者的沟通和人际交往能力、说服力、对别人的影响力、领导能力、任务分配技巧、组织与计划能力,以及团队协作能力等进行考察。

    The skills been observed include communication and interpersonal ability , persuasiveness3 and the ability to influence others , leadership and delegation4 , organizational and planning skills and the ability to work and contribute as a team-member .

  21. 国内其他旅游景点,比如武汉的黄鹤楼和青岛的天主教堂等地标,也陆续加入了这场社交媒体狂欢,推出各自的产品,吸引游客纷纷拿着他们的冰棍产品在对应的景点前拍照。

    Other tourist destinations in China soon joined the social media carnival with their own offerings , from Wuhan 's Yellow Crane Tower to the catholic church in Qingdao , attracting tourists to take pictures of the ice pops in front of their prototypes .

  22. 动态web项目及其对应的EAR将被创建。

    The dynamic web project and its corresponding EAR will be created .

  23. 对应函数D(z)和广义非正则方程

    Correspondence Function D ( z ) and Generalized Irregular Equations

  24. 多个私用IP地址可以对应转换到一个单一公共IP地址,是因为可以依照埠号(portnumber)来追踪每一个私人地址。

    Multiple addresses can be mapped to a single address because each private address is tracked by a port number .

  25. 所以高的pB星A对应低的TA星。

    A So higher pB star A corresponds to lower TA star A.

  26. 经一次扫描得到的维生素B2和B6的可变角同步谱峰位置与它们对应的常规光谱中激发一发射峰位置一致。

    The locations of variable-angle synchronous fluorescence peaks for vitamin B_2 and B_6 coincide with those of excitation and emission peaks in routine spectra .

  27. 注意,url子元素直接对应url请求参数。

    Note that the url child element directly corresponds to the url request parameter .

  28. 推广约当引理以及Laplace变换与Fourier变换的对应关系

    The Extended Jordan 's Lemma and the Relation between Laplace Transform and Fourier Transform

  29. 下面是DataStage作业及其对应的Director日志。

    Following is the DataStage Job and corresponding Director Log .

  30. 这个文件将包括特定的servlet类定义以及它们对应的URL模式。

    The file will include the specific servlet class definitions and their corresponding URL pattern .