
duì gē
  • singing in antiphonal style;sing in antiphonal style
对歌 [duì gē]
  • [sing in antiphonal style] 双方应答轮唱形式,多流行民间,特别是少数民族地区

对歌[duì gē]
  1. Brookfield持有金丝雀码头22%的股份,卡塔尔投资局希望以每股295便士的价格购买歌鸟所持有的股份(对歌鸟估值为22亿英镑),以获得对金丝雀码头的完全控制。

    With Brookfield 's 22 per cent , the QIA hoped to gain full control of Canary Wharf by offering 295p per share , valuing the company at £ 2.2bn .

  2. 接着,上周,卡塔尔投资局和Brookfield向歌鸟发出每股350便士的最终报价,对歌鸟的估值为26亿英镑,较最初报价高出18%。

    Then last week , the QIA and Brookfield week pitched a 350p per share final bid valuing the company at £ 2.6bn - 18 per cent more than their original offer .

  3. 但那对歌薇父亲来说就太晚了。

    But that will be too late for Gwen 's father .

  4. 你不能对歌随心所欲!嗯?

    You can 't do as you wish with songs ! Huh ?

  5. 他只是没有选对歌。

    He just hasn 't chosen the right song yet .

  6. 有赛马、对歌和大型群众性歌舞活动。

    Including horse racing , antiphonal singing , and big-scale folk dance .

  7. 你是说我今天又要对歌了?

    Do you mean I 'm going to sing antiphonal songs today ?

  8. 伴娘出来,我们对歌。

    Come out , bride . Let 's sing .

  9. 都要去跟表弟们对歌。

    Would sing antiphonal songs with their cousin .

  10. 对歌文化的多样性

    On the variety of the antiphonal singing culture

  11. 详细、精确的分类有助于对歌仔册作深入的研究。

    A more precise and detailed classification will benefit the research of koa-a booklets .

  12. 两只喜鹊清脆地叫着,一唱一合,宛如一对情侣在对歌。

    Two pies sang one after another liquidly , like a couple of human being .

  13. 他们选对歌了吗?

    Did they choose the right song ?

  14. 壮族青年男女自由恋爱的方式有抛绣球、打木槽和对歌等。

    Zhuang young men and women free love throwing in the way the ball , and playing Muzao Duige such .

  15. 蒙汉调这一称谓是对歌种最准确、最精炼的概括总结。

    The name of Meng Han Diao is the most accurate and concise summary of this kind of folk song .

  16. 对歌族文化的初步研究,是对民歌传播演变规律的一次有益的探索。

    The preliminary research on the culture of the song clan is a helpful exploration of the propagation and development law of folk songs .

  17. 席勒在有名的“墨西拿新娘”的序文中,曾对歌队的意义流露一种极其可贵的见解,

    An infinitely more valuable insight into the significance of the chorus was furnished by Schiller in the famous preface to his Bride of Messina ,

  18. 关于《琴操》撰者,历来众说纷纭,这无疑会对歌辞年代及价值的认定产生负面影响。

    Opinions about the identity of the author vary , which undoubtedly exerts negative influences on deciding the time and value of those words of songs .

  19. 祭月神的仪式很隆重,包括接神、神人对歌、请神卜卦和送神这样几个程序。

    The ceremony is elaborate , including greeting the God , singing between the God and man , inviting the God to fortune-telling and seeing the God off .

  20. 对歌文化是布依族民间文化的一个重要组成部分,是一种以口头对唱为主要形式的民间艺术文化。

    Buyi antiphonal singing folk culture is an important part in its folk culture and it is also a duet as the main form of oral folk art culture .

  21. 一般地说,他表现得像史诗人物那样明确而清楚,这不得不归功于梦神阿波罗,因为梦神通过这象征现象对歌队指出它的酒神心情。

    That he can appear at all with this clarity and precision is due to dream interpreter Apollo , who projects before the chorus its Dionysian condition in this analogical figure .

  22. 每个编剧都有他们自己的对歌的感觉。写一集剧集时,挑选一首既适合电视剧又符合写这集的编剧个性的歌也是重要的一部分。

    Each writer has their own sensibility and , part of writing an episode , is choosing a song that fits both the show and the personality of the writer writing the episode .

  23. 人子阿,你要因此发预言,对歌革说,主耶和华如此说,到我民以色列安然居住之日,你岂不知道吗。

    Therefore , son of man , prophesy and say unto Gog , Thus saith the Lord GOD ; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely , shalt thou not know it ?

  24. 但是在以往的研究中,音乐视阈研究者缺少对歌辞诗歌史意义的关注;文学视阈研究者缺少对歌辞文学特性形成的音乐基础和特殊功能的关注。

    Yet , the researchers from music visual threshold lack attention to the significance of poetic history and those from the cultural visual threshold lack attention to its music foundation and its unique function based on literary features .

  25. 文章从语言及言语、风俗与礼仪、对歌定情结爱等三个方面去破译少数民族生活及文学的符号密码,去探寻少数民族始终屹立于世界民族之林的内在原因。

    This paper tries to decode the symbol passwords of life and literature of ethnic minority from three aspects such as language and speech , custom and etiquette , singing and responding for engagement or marriage , finding out the reason that ethnic minorities can survive in the world .