
  1. 前言部分介绍就这一问题的研究现状,主要是近年来我国学者利用解密公布的《美国对外关系文件》所取得的新成果。

    The preface reviews the recent achievements concerning this issue , especially Chinese scholars ' study production in this sphere which mainly based on the release of the foreign relations of the United States .

  2. 中国公民在注册地为香港的公司担任董事时,通常需要在对外公开的文件上提供自己的家庭住址和身份证号。在香港的网上查册中心便可看到这些文件。

    Chinese citizens who are directors in companies registered in Hong Kong often provide their home addresses and national identification card numbers on publicly available documents found on the city 's online company registry .

  3. 前款项下的抵押人为内资企业的,其办理对外担保登记手续时,应当提供外汇局批准其对外负债的证明文件。

    Where the mortgagor stated in the preceding paragraph is a domestic enterprise , he shall submit certification documents of the approval for its foreign debts issued by the administration of foreign exchange when going through foreign guaranty registration procedures .