
quán miàn zhàn zhēnɡ
  • Total War;general war;full-scale/total war
  1. 显然他已经走到了全面战争的边缘。

    Evidently he had brought himself to the brink of a general war .

  2. 他的军事顾问反对进攻波兰,认为此举会导致全面战争。

    His military advisers opposed an attack on Poland , believing it would start a general war .

  3. 这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争。

    The fighting escalated into a full-scale war .

  4. 本周末的冲突有升级成全面战争的危险。

    This weekend 's fighting is threatening to burst into full-scale war

  5. 人们担心形势可能恶化而演变成一场全面战争。

    There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war

  6. 边界冲突导致全面战争。

    A series of border clashes culminated in full-scale war .

  7. 那是一场全面战争,它影响了所有人,无人能置身事外。

    The war had been a total war . It had affected2 everyone , and no one was immune from its impact .

  8. Escalate:tobecomeormakesthgreater,worse,moreserious,etc(使)逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争.逐渐增加的保健费用我们不想让战争升级.

    The fighting escalated into a full-scale war . the escalating costs of health care We do not want to escalate the war .

  9. 帝国:全面战争精选一个全新的引擎,这也成为了我们的事业发展的新基础,并在该系列第一次引进全3D海战。

    Empire : Total War featured a brand-new engine which would become the foundation of our latest developments , and introduce fully3D naval battles to the series for the first time .

  10. 韩国出人意料地宣布加息,是为该国总统李明博(leemyung-bak)所称对抗通胀“全面战争”的措施之一。

    South Korea has unexpectedly lifted interest rates in part of what President Lee Myung-bak has called his " all-out war " against inflation .

  11. 去年,韩国在非军事区(DemilitarizedZone)通过扩音喇叭播放Apink和BigBang等演出团体的流行歌曲。对此,朝鲜威胁称,如果不停止广播,将发动“全面战争”。

    Last year , South Korea blasted pop songs by acts like Apink and BigBang over loudspeakers in the Demilitarized Zone , leading the North to threaten " all-out war " if the broadcasts did not cease .

  12. 对惧怕引起全面战争已经使旅游业放慢了脚步。

    Threats of all-out war have caused tourism to slow down .

  13. 边境上的战斗有可能发展成全面战争。

    The fighting on the border may develop into a full-blow war .

  14. 引发一场全面战争的边境事件。

    Border incidents that were curtain-raisers to a full-scale war .

  15. 但是这是一场全面战争反对哈马斯和它的分支。

    But this is an all-out war against Hamas and its branches .

  16. 谢尔曼全面战争的战术取得成效

    Sherman 's tactics of total war have won out .

  17. 欧洲又一次面临全面战争的威胁。

    Once again Europe was menaced by the threat of all-out war .

  18. 你认为这次边境事件会引起一场全面战争吗?

    Do you think the border incident will bring on a full-scale war ?

  19. 是时候了,全面战争,一触即发!

    Now it 's the time for total war !

  20. 帝国:全面战争即将发售。

    Empire : Total War will be available soon .

  21. 因此,《帝国:全面战争》派系仍有待敲定。

    So , the Empire : Total War factions have yet to be finalised .

  22. 谈判是制止走向全面战争的最新尝试。

    The talks are the latest attempt to halt the drift towards full-scale war .

  23. 《帝国:全面战争》将是最容易上手的全战游戏。

    Empire : Total War will be the most accessible Total War game ever .

  24. 这时全面战争已不可避免。

    All-out war was almost inevitable now .

  25. 他们手忙脚乱的外交活动没有能够阻止敌对行为升级为全面战争。

    Their frantic diplomatic activity failed to prevent the escalation of hostilities into full-scale war .

  26. 屠杀预示着全面战争的开始。

    The killing heralds full-scale war .

  27. 《帝国:全面战争》将带来前所未有的最伟大最令人畏惧的全战体念。

    Empire : Total War will be the greatest and most awe-inspiring Total War experience ever .

  28. 谢尔曼把这称为全面战争

    Sherman calls it total war .

  29. 没有人愿意挑起全面战争。

    None provoked full-scale war .

  30. 在现实中,毛毛虫和植物为求生存而殊死搏斗,而全面战争肯定少不了化学武器。

    In the real world , some caterpillars and plants engage in a deadly struggle for survival .