
  • 网络national press;national news
  1. 中央电视台周四晚间在播报全国新闻时进行了集中报道,播出了游客在竹子上和一座寺庙的壁上涂鸦的画面。

    China Central Television piled on with Thursday night 's national news broadcast , showing shots of tourist graffiti on bamboo trees and the walls of a temple .

  2. 数字教科书的崛起10月2日,在全国新闻俱乐部上教育部长阿恩邓肯(ArneDuncan)说:在未来的几年中,纸质的教科书应该被淘汰。

    The Rise of the Digital Textbook Over the next few years , textbooks should be obsolete , Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said on Oct. 2 in his remarks to the National Press Club .

  3. 在世界有些地方,新闻媒体或记者个人遵循诸如英国全国新闻工作者工会(NationalUnionofJournalists)所规定的职业道德守则。

    In some parts of the world , news organizations or individual journalists subscribe to ethical codes of conduct , like that of the National Union of Journalists in the United Kingdom .

  4. 我是在全国新闻记者俱乐部宣布偿还贷款一事的。

    I announced the loan payback at the National Press Club .

  5. 2011年1月,全国新闻出版工作会议在北京召开。

    The national press and publication meeting was held in Beijing , Jan. 2011 .

  6. 不时有一些绝望的少男少女成为全国新闻焦点。

    Some desperate teens have made national headlines .

  7. 这位以色列领导人在全国新闻会议上表示,哈马斯在七周的斗争中受到沉重打击。

    Speaking during a nationally broadcast news conference , the Israeli leader said Hamas was hit hard during 7 weeks of fighting .

  8. 他的身份掩护得如此巧妙,使他成为颇有威望的日本全国新闻俱乐部接纳的第一个苏联记者。

    By living his cover so well , he became the first Soviet journalist admitted to the prestigious National Press Club of Japan .

  9. 2009年,全国新闻出版产业的经济总量超过1万亿元,成为国家重要产业和新的经济增长点。

    The total avenue of Chinese publishing industry has reached 1000 billion yuan in 2009 and became a new increase point of economic .

  10. 全国新闻出版管理信息系统是一个依托公用通信平台连接全国各级新闻出版行政管理部门(新闻出版总署、各地方新闻出版局)的广域计算机网络,服务于我国新闻出版行业管理。

    " Management information system of the National Press and Publication " is the WAN based on public communication platform , which provides information exchanging and management services to national press and publication area .

  11. 威廉姆斯离开主播职位让NBC在全国性新闻方面陷入尴尬境地。

    His departure from the anchor chair leaves NBC in an awkward position for the national newscast .

  12. 尽管霍尔特基本保持了稳定的收视率,但NBC一直在和ABC晚6点半档的全国性新闻节目激烈地争夺观众。

    While Mr. Holt has mostly held steady in the ratings , the network has been in a neck-in-neck race for viewers with ABC 's 6:30 p.m. national newscast .

  13. 这位来访的政治家受到了全国各地新闻媒介的注意。

    The visiting politician received coast - to - coast media attention .

  14. 周三晚,奥巴马针对医疗保健问题举行了全国广播新闻发布会。

    He held a nationally broadcast news conference Wednesday night that centered on health care .

  15. 这是那一两天的全国性新闻然后大规模枪击事件又陆续发生在

    It was national news for a day or two Then came mass shootings in .

  16. 答:其实全国好些新闻媒体己经报到过了。

    Answer : the in fact national and quite a few news medium F through check in .

  17. 他还为他的报纸写了一篇报道,并凭借此报道赢得了全国环境新闻奖。

    And he wrote a story for his paper that earned him a national award for environmental journalism .

  18. 在我印象里,还没有哪个小说人物的态度能成为全国性新闻。

    I can 't recall the last time the attitudes of a single fictional character led the national news .

  19. 全国的新闻战线积极响应,迅速筹划、部署走、转、改活动的开展。

    National news front positive response , rapid development planning , deployment of the " walk , turn and change " activities .

  20. 这一任务被交给了建立了许多全国性新闻杂志例如《生活》和《时代》的约翰·洛克菲勒。

    This task was given to John D.Rockefeller who set up a number of national news magazines such as Life , and Time .

  21. 这位23岁年轻人不寻常的住房选择吸引了德国媒体的关注,《明镜在线》这样的全国性新闻网站也报道了她的故事。

    The 23-year-old 's unusual housing choice has gained her media attention in Germany and appeared on national news sites such as Spiegel Online .

  22. 报纸附近地区的俱乐部和教堂定期向报纸提供大量的地方新闻。这些新闻不象全国性新闻时间性那么强。

    A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neighbourhood and it does not get out of date as quickly as national news .

  23. 道森家的房子被人放火烧了,安吉拉、她的丈夫卡内尔和他们的五个孩子都死了,这一悲剧成了全国的新闻。

    In a tragedy that made the national news , the Dawson house was set on fire and Angela , her husband , Carnell , and five of their children died .

  24. 1979年后,中国先后设立的全国好新闻奖项和中国新闻奖为新闻精品概念之诞生营造了一个适宜的氛围。

    Since 1979 , the awards of " National Good News Story " and " Chinese Prize for Journalism " have built an appropriate domestic environment for the birth of " elite news " .

  25. 其前身为1980年开评的全国好新闻奖,1991年始改名为中国新闻奖,每年评选一次,截止到2009年,已经评选了19届。

    Its former opened in 1980 , which was named a good assessment of the National Journalism Awards . Its name was changed to the China News Award in 1991 , which is an annual award .

  26. 在描述细节以及全面讲述卢斯的作用全国性新闻杂志需求的发现者和美国世纪的预见人这两方面,布林克利先生都独具慧眼。

    Mr Brinkley has an eye for both the telling detail and the broad sweep of Luce 's role as the man who saw the need for a national news magazine and foresaw the American century .

  27. 美国《全国餐馆新闻》报道称,2014年是30年来麦当劳美国市场史上首度出现销售额下滑。单个美国餐饮品牌创造的史上最长销售增长记录就此告终。

    As Nation 's Restaurant News has reported , this year was the first time in at least 30 years that sales at the company 's U.S. business declined , ending the longest run ever of domestic restaurant sales growth for a single chain .

  28. 同时,《南方日报》又以广东农业改革开放的伟大实践作为参照系,反过来促进报社自身各项事业的发展,为广东省乃至全国的新闻改革积累了宝贵的经验。

    Meanwhile , with reference to the great practice of guangdong 's reform and opening-up , Nanfang Daily accelerated its own development , and the achievements it had made became the precious experiences to the press reform of Guangdong and even the whole china .

  29. 一位五角大楼的官员告诉全国广播公司新闻部(NBCNews),这次袭击令人难堪,但并不代表安全威胁。

    A Pentagon official told NBC News that the attack was embarrassing but did not represent a security threat .

  30. 而不是要我曝光在全国的电视新闻上。

    Not to get my face all over the news .