
  1. 针对防汛工作中存在信息时效性低和信息获取受办公条件限制等问题,结合防汛工作的特点,详细设计并开发了基于WAP的防汛无线信息系统。

    In consideration of the characteristics of flood control and some problems existing in this work , such as low time-effectiveness of information and information acquisition restricted by office condition , a wireless information system for flood control was designed based on wireless application protocol ( WAP ) .

  2. 由此造成信息时效性差、有效信息缺失、无效信息泛滥和信息丢失等问题。

    The result is information poor timeliness , lack of effective information , Invalid information flood . Information losing and so on .

  3. 中国搜农在农产品价格,以及信息时效性等方面较谷歌、百度有明显优势,且其可视化搜索更是独具特色。

    Nongsou has prominent advantages in price searching for agricultural products and obtaining timely information . Furthermore , visible search of Nongsou is quite unique .

  4. 但在期刊网的数据规范、制作质量与效果、文字垃圾、信息时效性以及扩展许可协议增加期刊收录量等方面亟需加强和改进。

    Still , it needs further improvement on digit regulation , quality and effect , literal trash , timeliness of information , as well as the licensed expansion of the journal .

  5. 相对而言,传统的视频监控系统由于安装时间长、破坏原有家庭装修、视频信息时效性较低等不足,无法满足人们对视频监控的要求。

    The traditional video surveillance can not meet the needs of people , because the traditional video monitoring system has many drawbacks such as the long time installation , destroying the original family decoration , the low video information effectiveness and so on .

  6. 网上信息的时效性与资源管理对策

    Web Information Prescription and Resource Management Countermeasures

  7. 目标信息的时效性分析

    Timeliness Analysis of Target Information

  8. 与传统的方法相比较,从遥感图像中获取信息有时效性、周期性、经济性等优势。

    Compared with the traditional method , remote sensing image for information has the advantages of timeliness periodic , economic and other advantages .

  9. 系统对提高海洋管理工作的科学性和信息的时效性,具有重要的理论和应用价值。

    The application shows that the system has important theoretical and application value in improving the science of marine management and information efficiency .

  10. 随着全球信息化的发展,生活节奏越来越快,要求人们对信息的时效性越来越重视。

    With the development of global information , in an increasingly fast pace of life , people on the timeliness of information more and more attention .

  11. 衍生品价值可能在短时间内发生颠覆性变动,因而使用者对衍生品会计信息的时效性要求比任何其他项目都要强烈得多。

    The value of derivative may cause tremendous changes in a short period of time , so the users ' requirement to timeliness of derivative accounting information is much stronger then other assets or liabilities .

  12. 如针对我国上市公司会计信息披露时效性和可理解性差的问题,作者提出了改进措施,这些措施和现存会计制度的衔接问题本文没有进行论述。

    For instance , the problem of timely and understandable disclosure of the issues , although given some improvement measures , still existed in the linking to current accounting systems , which needs further discussion .

  13. 文章从信息综合处理时效性的角度,提出了一种GIS、RS分布式多处理机综合处理系统模型,并进行了模型的系统设计。在此基础上,从GIS辅助遥感图象校正;

    So , based on the efficiency of the information comprehensive process , a GIS / RS comprehensive processing model of distributed multi-pro-cessing machines is presented , and the design of this system model is given in this paper .

  14. 为了增强城市防震减灾信息系统的时效性和实用性,更好地服务于城市防震减灾,必须加强对地震灾害智能计算的研究,开发出基于GIS的城市防震减灾信息管理与智能分析系统。

    To improve the real-time performance and practicability of the systems and to serve better for the urban seismic hazard mitigation , the research on intelligent calculation of earthquake disaster should be enhanced and the GIS based intelligent information system for urban seismic hazard mitigation should be developed .

  15. 在信息发布的时效性上,微博客令传统媒体和其他网络应用难以望其项背。

    As for timeliness of information released , micro-blogging passed the traditional media and other network applications can offer .

  16. 根据用户对点评信息获取的时效性、全面性需求,本文提出以时效熵和观点覆盖率作为点评信息有序度的度量指标。

    This thesis uses time entropy and view cover rate as degree of order metrics based on users ' timeliness , comprehensiveness requirements .

  17. 水情信息传递的时效性,要求从原始数据采集到最终计算结果的取得,须在有限的时间内完成。

    Due to time effectiveness for water regime information transmission , acquisition of source data to final calculated results should be accomplished during a given period of time .

  18. 随着互联网、手机等新媒体的发展,传统媒体在信息传播的时效性上开始表现出弱势的一面。

    With the development of the new media , such as Internet , mobile phones , traditional media has began performing a vulnerable side in the dissemination of information on the timeliness .

  19. 根据信息披露的时效性、信息披露的程序和内容的不同,可将关联交易信息披露分为即时披露和定期披露两大类。

    According to the timeliness of information disclosure , information disclosure and content of the different procedures can be divided into the disclosure of related transactions real-time disclosure of information and regular disclosure of two categories .

  20. 仿真结果表明,该方案使得安全信息传输的时效性和可靠性等指标上得到了改善,对车联网安全信息多信道传输技术的发展有一定的价值。

    The simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves improvement on transmission delay and packet success rate for safety information transmission and has a certain value for the safety information transmission in multi-channel vehicular communication networks .

  21. 由于地震预警系统对于信息的高度时效性要求,需要从各个环节进行突破,从而缩短整个系统数据处理时间,增加预警时间,减少盲区范围。

    In order to obtain high timeliness for earthquake information , we need to break from every aspect for shortening data processing time of the system , increasing lead-time and reducing the range of " blind zone " .

  22. 提出了提高学报传播质量的途径,使之具有较高的学术水平、具有创新性、科学性、逻辑性、信息量和时效性的学报传播标准。

    The way to improve propagation of academic journal in quality is presented , which enables the journal to have a higher academic level . It can make the journal more original , scientific , logical , quick and have more information .

  23. 在对外汉语教学中,报刊阅读教材由于其信息性和时效性等特点,与人们的生活息息相关,深受留学生的喜爱,具有重要的作用。

    In the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language , due to the features of informedness and timeliness and of having a close relation to people ' daily life , newspaper reading material is pretty popular with overseas students and is of great function .

  24. 信息都是有时效性的,其价值与时间成反比。

    Information has its own timeliness in positive proportion to its values .

  25. 卫星可见光图像以其成像清晰度高,信息客观丰富,时效性以及实用性强等优点得到了广泛应用。

    The optical satellite image has advantages of high-resolution , rich information etc. , and is used widely .

  26. 互联网以其信息资源丰富、时效性强、覆盖面广的特点成为人们获取信息资源的主要方式。

    The Internet has become the major approach for people to acquire information due to its abundant resources , effectiveness and mass coverage .

  27. 蓬勃发展的报纸印刷新技术与传统的报纸印刷方法比较,它具有信息量大、时效性好、费用低等优点。

    The flourishing new Technology of Newspaper Press Compared with traditional printing , it fea-tures vast content , lower cost , and higher time-efficiency .

  28. 从而存在着运输成本高、货物信息不准确、时效性差等问题而引起客户投诉。

    These defects and insufficiencies result in the high transportation cost , inaccurate cargo information and poor timeliness , causing complaints from the clients .

  29. 从财务报告的编制基础、提供的信息、模式及其时效性等4个方面阐述其局限性,并分别提出未来应改进之处。

    This paper expounds the limitation of the financial statement from the compiling foundation , provided information , model and time-delay , and puts forward some measures for the future improvement .

  30. 学校体育引文引用类型较全面,分布符合文献计量学信息载体类型的时效性特点,但论文自引量较低,虽呈逐年上升趋势,可还是说明学校体育引文研究正处在起步发展阶段。

    Citation PE more comprehensive reference types , distribution line carrier type Bibliometrics timeliness of the information features , but the lower volume of papers from the lead , have shown a rising trend year by year , can still explain school sports is in the initial stage of development .