
  • 网络Signal Hill;Signal Mountain
  1. 附近的信号山是眺望大海的天然了望台。

    The nearby Signal Hill is a natural lookout point from land to sea .

  2. 走出信号山公园,你可以去滨海步行道看看。

    Stepping out of the Signal Hill Park , you could take a stroll on the seashore sidewalk along the coast .

  3. 一号或更高热带气旋信号、山泥倾泻警告,红色或黑色暴雨警告生效后,这条电话热线即投入24小时服务。

    Emergency Hotline will be operational in24 hours service when Typhoon Signal No.1 or above , Landslide Warning , Red Amber or Black Amber Rainstorm Warning is hoisted .

  4. 为了利用这一系统来测算珠峰的高度,科学家们必须将信号接收器放到山的顶峰以便接收来自卫星的信号。

    In order to use this system to calculate the Everest 's elevation , scientists need to put a special receiver on the top of the summit to receive the signals from satellites .