
The Xianhe Oil Production Piant runs oilfields of different types and complicated geological conditions .
Study and Application of a Water Shut off and Profile Modification Agent for Reservoirs of High Temperature and High Salinity in Liang 11 Fault-Block
Shengli Oil Field is characterized by complex geologic configuration , developed faults , various types of reservoirs and greatly different physical properties of crude .
China Dongying Honesty Precision Mental Co. , Ltd is located in the new industrial zone of Dongying City , the hinterland of Shengli Oil Field in the YellowRiver Delta .
The experiment on adsorption and biochemical treatment of the pollutant of waste water from oil production by powder coal ash of power plant and oxidation pond of ash field have been conducted .
The study result shows that pollution caused by produced waste water is very serious and difficulty on its treatment to satisfy the criteria is huge in Xianghe initial station , and traditional physico-chemical treatment process can not make its treatment result satisfy the criteria ;