
xiàn huì
  • spot exchange
现汇[xiàn huì]
  1. 中方以现金和设备投入,外方均以现汇投入。

    China Party will contribute with equipment and cash investment while Foreign Party with spot exchange investment .

  2. 华侨投资还可以采取向国营华侨投资公司、信托投资公司进行现汇存款和购买债券等方式。

    An overseas Chinese may also contribute investments in a way of depositing spot exchange in or purchasing bonds from state-run overseas Chinese investment companies or trust and investment companies .

  3. 保留现汇,周转使用。

    Retain the foreign exchange income as working capital .

  4. 采取项目股权抵押方式,投资方以现汇出资。

    To the project by means of mortgage options , the investor in cash .

  5. 现汇的交换率服从几何布朗运动。

    A currency with exchange rate dynamics modeled as a geometric Brownian motion is considered .

  6. 现汇汇率和期汇汇率的差异反应了人们对于未来汇率变化的不同预期。

    Differences between spot and forward rates reflect expectations of future changes in foreign exchange rates .

  7. 非居民划入B股资金帐户进行B股交易的资金,只能是其直接从境外汇入或其本人在境内的现汇帐户的资金。

    Neither the individual domestic resident nor the non-resident may use foreign cash to engage in the B-shares trading .

  8. 固有模型只是根据汇率的历史值所提供的信息预测未来的现汇汇率。如广泛应用的时间序列模型。

    The usual models predict the future exchange rate only based on the information provided by the history values such as time series modeling .

  9. 中方拟出资方式及比例:中方以土地、基础设施出资,外方以现汇、设备出资。

    The investment way and proportion of Sino-side : invest in land , factory building and cash , accounting for30 % of total investment .

  10. 外方以美元现汇出资,中方以土地、厂房、设备及资金出资。

    The foreign side should invest in cash term , while Chinese side takes the form of land , factory building , equipment and capital .

  11. 擅自开立、保留外债专用现汇帐户或者还本付息外债专用现汇帐户的。

    Opening or keeping special foreign exchange accounts for external debt or special foreign exchange cash accounts for external debt repayment and servicing without approval .

  12. 这就要求把创造就业机会、提高工资及生产力水平、价格自由化放在经济政策首位,而非像美国想的那样,通过调节现汇汇率消解贸易逆差。

    This puts priority on creating employment , increasing wages and productivity , and price liberalization rather than addressing trade imbalances through adjustments of the nominal exchange rate .

  13. 如果伦敦的现汇率较高,套汇者就会赶快在纽约用英镑买进美元,然后在伦敦卖出美元,买进英镑。

    The spot rate is higher in london , an arbitrage dealer would quickly buy dollars with pounds in New York and sell the dollars in London for pounds .

  14. 现汇主要是指以支票、汇款、托收等国际结算方式取得并形成的银行存款。

    Be being collected now basically is to point to the bank deposit that be obtained with the means of international settle accounts such as check , remittance , collection and forms .

  15. 最近,中国尽管自身也遭受了地震灾害,但我们仍然派出救援队奔赴新西兰、日本抗震救灾,并提供现汇和物资援助。

    Recently , despite its own losses and sufferings in earthquakes , China has sent rescue teams to New Zealand and Japan , as well as offering them assistance in cash and in kind .

  16. 按照(2005年)糖价,澳大利亚糖业年产值约为15亿澳元,出口收入为12亿澳元。你们今天澳元的现汇买人价是多少?

    Depending on prices , the industry generates direct revenue of around $ 1.5 billion , including $ 1.2 billion in exports . What 's your buying rate for australian dollars in remittance today ?

  17. 中国一贯本着人道主义精神,向遭受政治动荡和自然灾害的非洲国家及时提供力所能及的物资或现汇紧急援助。

    In keeping with humanitarian values , China always offers what materials or cash it is able to give for emergency aid to African countries that suffer from political disorder or have experienced natural disasters .

  18. 合作方式为:中方以自有资金、土地使用权、固定资产及拟建项目未来收益作为合作条件,外方以现汇作为合作条件。

    Mode of Cooperation : China 's own funds , land use rights , fixed assets and the proposed project future earnings as conditions for cooperation , the foreign can , as conditions for cooperation .

  19. 人道主义援助是中国外交政策的重要组成部分;体现在中国响应国际呼吁,为尽量减少疾病的影响提供了救援物资和现汇援助,刘俊峰说。

    Humanitarian aid plays a vital role in Chinese foreign policy ; it shows that China reacts to international appeals , providing aid and cash to minimize the impact of disasters , Mr. Liu said .

  20. 非固有模型则是依据汇率与其它基本的经济变量(如利率、通货膨胀率等)的相互关系预测未来的现汇汇率,如金融模型等。

    The unusual models forecast the future values according to correlations between exchange rates and other economic element , variables ( e.g. interest rate , inflation rate etc. ) for example the financial models and so on .

  21. 从20世纪70年代起,中国就陆续向非统/非盟提供了现汇、物资、成套项目、培训等多种形式的援助。

    Early in the 1970s , China started to provide the Organization of African Unity ( OAU , now AU ) with assistance in a variety of forms , including money , materials , turn-key projects and training .

  22. 如寄样品,并报最低价格及现汇付款最大折扣,则不胜感激。如蒙允许对我们的支付款项多给30天宽限,我们将感激不尽。

    I shall be glad if you will send me pattern with your lowest price and best discount for cash . We should be most obliged if you would grant us an additional 30 days usance on all payments .

  23. 市政官员提出,报名参与者在30天之内每减一公斤体重就能得到一克黄金(现汇率大约为45美元),减掉两公斤体重(也就是4.4磅)起付。

    Municipal officials are offering a gram of gold – worth about $ 45 at current prices – for each kilogram of weight lost in a 30-day challenge . The minimum drop is two kilograms , or 4.4 pounds , to cash in .