
xiàn dài yǔ yán xué
  • modern linguistics
  1. 现代语言学在19世纪作为一个独立的领域出现。

    Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth century .

  2. 话题(topic),或称主题,是现代语言学中一个重要的概念,受到许多语言研究者的重视。

    Topic , or subject , is a very important concept in modern linguistics and many researchers pay great attention to it .

  3. 主位(theme)和述位(rheme)是现代语言学中的两个重要概念。

    Theme and rheme are two important concepts in modern linguistics .

  4. 无论是现代语言学之父Saussure的《普通语言学教程》还是Chomsky的代表作《句法结构》,其研究对象都是语言系统本身而非语言的应用。

    From Course in General Linguistic of Saussure and Syntactic Structure of Chomsky , the goal of linguistic research is the language system rather than the application of language .

  5. 语言和言语是现代语言学之父deSaussure于20世纪初提出的两个重要概念。本文讨论了二者之间的联系与区别,在此基础上探讨语言与言语的区分对外语教学的若干启示。

    This paper expounds the discrepancies between langue and parole , the two key terms put forward by Ferdinand de Saussure , father of modern linguistics , and examineds the revelations and implications in the distinctions between the two terms to foreign language teaching and learning .

  6. 现代语言学的一个重要课题就是对语言普遍性的研究。

    Language universals is now a major concern in modern linguistics .

  7. 现代语言学理论模式发展的后现代性略析

    The Post - Modernity of the Evolution of Modern Linguistic Models

  8. 现代语言学与现代外语电化教学的情结

    On the Ties Between Linguistics and Media in Foreign Language Teaching

  9. 英国现代语言学传统与伦敦学派的发展历程

    The London School and Its Contributions to the British Linguistic Tradition

  10. 现代语言学方向考生:诗歌应该晦涩难懂吗?

    Modern languages candidates : Should poetry be difficult to understand ?

  11. 现代语言学的特点和发展趋势

    Some Important Features in the Current Development of Modern Linguistics

  12. 话题和话题转换是现代语言学中两个基本概念,关于话题的研究一直是一个受到学术界广泛关注的热门课题。

    Topic and Topic Conversion are two basic conceptions in Modern linguistics .

  13. 电子计算机是现代语言学发展的杠杆

    Computer is a Lever in the Development of Modern Linguistics

  14. 描写与解释:论西方现代语言学研究的目的与方法

    Description vs. explanation : a binary view of Western goals in linguistics

  15. 文体学随着现代语言学的发展而发展。

    Stylistics has grown with the development of modern linguistics .

  16. 费尔迪南·德·索绪尔是现代语言学的创始人。

    Ferdinand de Saussure is the founder of modern linguistic .

  17. 语料库语言学:后现代语言学的兴起

    Corpus Linguistics : A Boom of the Postmodern Linguistic Research

  18. 而西方的现代语言学在中国则付之阙如。

    However , the western modem linguistics is not existed in China .

  19. 现代语言学与多媒体辅助外语教学(五)

    On Modern Linguistics and Multimedia Assisted Foreign Language Teaching ;

  20. 文学文体学是以现代语言学为基础,研究文学风格的学说。

    Literary stylistics is a study of literary style based on modern linguistics .

  21. 现代语言学环境下语言结构与语文教学理论阐释

    The Analysis of Language Structure in Modern Linguistic and the Chinese Teaching Theory

  22. 话语分析是现代语言学研究的新领域。

    Discourse analysis is a new branch in linguistics .

  23. 现代语言学的发展对翻译理论作出了很大的贡献。

    Modern linguistics has contributed a lot to the development of translation theory .

  24. 礼貌原则和合作原则是现代语言学中比较重要的理论。

    Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle are both important theories in modern linguistics .

  25. 《国语学草创》与现代语言学

    The Foundation of Chinese National Language and Modern Linguistics

  26. 描写与解释是现代语言学的两大研究目标。

    Description and explanation is the two most important focus in modern linguistics .

  27. 英语幽默的现代语言学阐释

    On the Interpretation of English Humor from Linguistics

  28. 试论现代语言学的发展与图书情报研究的新领域

    The Development of Modern Linguistics and the New Field of Library and Information Study

  29. 英语语音分类是现代语言学和英语语音学中一个基本的重要的理论问题。

    English phonetics classification constitutes a theoretical issue in modern linguistics and English phonetics .

  30. 语言共性研究已成为现代语言学的一种发展趋势。

    The study of linguistic universals has become a main stream in modern linguistics .