
wén zì xué
  • philology
文字学 [wén zì xué]
  • [philology] 文字学在古时候称为小学。这个名称一直用到清朝末年,章太炎认为小学不确切,建议改为语言文字之学。后来人们就把汉字研究叫做文字学。文字包括形、音、义,文字学也包括研究这三个方面,后来有了音韵学(研究字音),训诂学(研究字义),文字学就专门研究字形了

文字学[wén zì xué]
  1. 论高师汉语言文字学课程的改革

    On the Course Reform of Chinese Philology in Teachers College

  2. 文字学视野中的部件教学

    Component Parts of Chinese Characters in the Teaching of Philology

  3. 塑造汉语言文字学学科新形象之我见

    Personal Views of Molding a New Image of the Chinese Philology

  4. 第一、哲学全书排斥只是零碎的知识的聚集,例如,文字学似属于此类的知识。

    An encyclopaedia of philosophy excludes three kinds of partial science . I.

  5. 谈碑刻文献的语言文字学价值

    Value of Table in Linguistics and Philology To learn English

  6. 动物学、史学、文字学为其提供了有力的佐证。

    Zoology , historiography and philology have provided trustworthy evidence .

  7. 论汉语文字学学科名称的科学性

    On the Propriety of the Term of Chinese Philology

  8. 该文对汉语文字学中的若干术语的英译形式进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the English translation of some terms of Chinese Philology .

  9. 文字学原则部首几乎无一例外全是表意的。

    Radical of philology principles is unexceptionally ideographic .

  10. 因此,俗文字学的研究是必需的、重要的。

    The study of variants form of Chinese character is both needed and important .

  11. 文字学上的“表形文字”阶段,与绘画的始源同宗。

    And so during the visual periods , the characters and paintings had common ancestry .

  12. 普通文字学分类方法新探

    On Classification And System Of General Philology

  13. 我们要加强墨经逻辑研究中的文字学和解释学研究。

    We want to strengthen the study of philology and hermeneutics in Mo-jing logic research .

  14. 文字学模式还是符号学模式&对《易经》卦画的一种解释

    Linguistic Mode or Semiotic One & An Interpretation of Divinatory Symbols of The Book of Changes

  15. 传统语言文字学与现代语言教学

    Traditional Linguistics and Modern Language Teaching

  16. 三十年来汉语言文字学研究的回顾与反思

    A Review and Reconsideration of Chinese Linguistics and Philology Research Results of the Latest 30 Years

  17. 随着西学东渐,西方的科学思维方式和文字学理论越来越多的被吸收和借鉴。

    Western theories of scientific ways of thinking and writing and drawing more and more absorbed .

  18. 文章从文字学、心理学和教育学的角度来探讨爱的效应在学前语言教育中的重要性。

    This article mainly treats of the importance of domino effect of love in preschool language education .

  19. 文字学的动态方法

    The Dynamic Study of Characters

  20. 汉语文字学若干术语的英译探讨

    A Critical Analysis of the English Translation of Some Terms of Chinese Philology Why Chinese ? Learning Chinese

  21. 第六章,《说文长笺》之文字学理论的系统论述。

    Chapter VI , " said a long memo ," the theories of a text on the system .

  22. 在现代语言教学中尚未重视利用传统语言文字学的材料和知识。

    Modern language teaching shows no sign of valuing and utilizing the materials and knowledge of traditional linguistics .

  23. 汉字结构的研究是中国文字学研究的基本问题之一。

    One of the fundamental interests in the study of the Chinese philology focuses on the written characters formation .

  24. [摘要]《说文》是我国古代一部重要的语言文字学著作,部首与部内字关系殊为复杂。

    Abstract : There is much complicated relation between the the radicals and the characters inside ( shuowen ) .

  25. 侧重表意功能的为文字学原则部首,侧重检字功能的则为检字法原则部首。

    Radical of philology principles is intended to focus on ideographic nature and radical of indexing principles lays emphasis on indexing .

  26. 汉语文字学的本体研究可以区分为三个平面,即字样学、字构学、字用学。

    The ontology research of the Chinese characters should be divided into three systems , namely shape , form and usage .

  27. 《说文释例》对汉语文字学理论构建的贡献

    On the Contributions of Illustrations of An Analytical Dictionary of Characters to the Theoretical Construction of the Science of Chinese Characters

  28. 章草书形体演变的问题既是文字学课题,又与书法艺术密不可分。

    The evolvement of the zhang cao Script is a philology topic ; meanwhile it has deep connection with the calligraphy art .

  29. 俗字研究是文字学研究的重要内容,而方言俗字的研究一直是个薄弱环节。

    Althoughthe research on it plays an important role in the characters study , it hasbeen a weaker link all the time .

  30. 因为文字学和金石学都需要关注文字字形,所以,文字学和金石学之于书法才有了非同寻常的重要意义。

    Because both the epigraphy and philology are related to the shape of characters , they are of special significance to calligraphy .