
wén huà hé xīn
  • cultural core
  1. 中国电影的精神地图&论主流电影与文化核心价值观的传播路径

    Path of Propagation of Sense of Worth of the Cultural Core

  2. 本文是从企业内刊的界定谈起,明确了企业内刊可以作为传播学所研究的对象,其所传播的文化核心是企业文化。

    This paper starts from the definition of enterprise non-magazine and specifies that enterprise non-magazine can be the object of the study of communication and cultural core is enterprise culture .

  3. 是日本文化核心永恒的传统。

    This timeless tradition is at the heart of Japanese culture .

  4. 它代表华夏文化核心区的出现。

    It represents the emergence of the core area of Chinese culture .

  5. 诚信&国有企业文化核心价值观研究

    Honesty-Faith & Study of the Key Values of the State-owned Enterprise Culture

  6. 试论中国传统文化核心价值观及其当代回归

    Discussion of the Core Values of Chinese Traditional Culture and its Contemporary Resumption

  7. 论军工文化核心价值体系

    The Core Value System of War Industry Culture

  8. 从《孙子兵法》看构建中国企业文化核心竞争力

    Constructing Cultural Key Competitive Edge of Chinese Enterprises with the Notion of The Art of War

  9. 作为民俗文化核心观念的群体功利观念影响着民俗文化的选择。

    The group utilitarian idea , as the core idea of the folk culture , has affected the choice of it .

  10. 我们可以对一个泊来品忽略不计,但我们不能失去对自我文化核心理念的思考。

    We could ignorant the exotic , however , never could us fail to hold on thinking about the essence part of our civilization .

  11. 城市形象标志应当能传达特定的城市形象定位、城市文化核心价值、城市未来发展趋势等抽象概念。

    The city logo should be able to convey such abstract conceptions as the identity-orientation , the core culture value and the future development tendency of the city .

  12. 而作为企业质量文化核心的企业价值观,直接影响着企业质量文化的精神层、制度层和物质层等各个层面。

    As the core of enterprise quality culture , corporate value conception influences directly every layer of enterprise quality culture including spirit layer , system layer and material layer .

  13. 卡兰尼克后来表示优步必须变得“足够开放和敏感,以向公众展示优步文化核心中的积极原则。”

    Mr Kalanick has since said the company must become " open and vulnerable enough to show people the positive principles that are at the core of Uber 's culture . "

  14. 第四章基于核心能力的企业购并模式,提出了企业为了构筑、提升核心能力的四种主要的购并模式:管理核心能力、市场营销核心能力、学习和技术创新核心能力、企业文化核心能力。

    It suggests four detailed acquisition and merger models for construction and culture of enterprise core competence in management , in marketing capabilities , in learning and technological innovation and in corporate culture .

  15. 大学文化核心价值是大学的本质规定与精髓内涵,体现着大学的理想、信念、价值观和内在气质。

    The core values of university culture are the essence of the university regulations and the essence of meaning , which embody the University 's ideals , beliefs , values and inner qualities .

  16. 通过分析中西体育文化核心理念的理解差异,从多个层面揭示了两种理解方式上的一些实质性的差异,指出了两种文化都是人类对生活理解的真实表达。

    This paper attempts to reveal the substantial differences between the two ways of understanding the Chinese and western sports culture and concludes that the tow cultures are people 's real understanding of life .

  17. 为巩固我国社会主义政权、实现国家的现代化,我们必须牢固树立自己的文化核心价值观念,自觉抵制西方不良思想的侵袭。

    In order to consolidate the socialist regime , achieve the modernization of the country , we must firmly establish our own core cultural values and consciously resist the invasion of Western unwholesome ideas .

  18. 法治精神成为这个国家的文化核心和灵魂,而自由则是法治的核心和灵魂。

    The idea of rule of law has become the core and the soul of the national culture , and the liberty has become the core and the sole of the rule of law .

  19. 因此,作为中华民族优秀传统文化核心内容的廉洁文化必然要进入党的先进性建设的研究视野,并显示突出的当代价值。

    Therefore , Chinese clean and honest culture , which is the core element of our outstanding traditional culture , will inevitably enter into research field of the advanced construction and demonstrate the prominent contemporary value .

  20. 对以巫鬼信仰为文化核心的乡土世界的表现只是表层,其深层涵义是探索和建构一种理想的人性形式和生存方式。

    The representation of the local world with witch beliefs as its core is . just the superficial layer , and the deeper layer lies in exploring and constructing an ideal humanity form and existence mode .

  21. 内容公司想要保护作为现代文化核心的业务,软件公司决心捍卫在过去数十年里改变世界的这一产业的创新能力。

    The content companies want to protect abusinessthat is the core of modern culture ; the software companies are determined to defend the innovative power of an industry that has transformed the world in the past few decades .

  22. 儒家文化核心价值观为仁义礼智信,以道德手段强调对企业、对国家的责任感与牺牲精神。

    The core values of Confucianism are benevolence , righteousness , propriety , wisdom , and truth . Because of the five virtues , Asian people have a strong sense of responsibility and sacrifice to their country and enterprise .

  23. 可见作为传统社会思想精髓和文化核心的内圣外王理想人格,蕴含了深厚的民族精神和道德情怀,在一定程度上成为现时代道德理念设置和道德践行评价的重要依据。

    It can be seen that the " internal saint external king " personality contains a profound national spirit and moral feelings , to some extent , it can become the important basis for the evaluation of modem moral philosophy and moral practice .

  24. 水墨画现代化变革,立足于中国画本位文化核心的基础上,打破传统水墨以体现气质修养为表现中心的束缚,更加凸显纯艺术要素。

    The modern reformation of the wash , standing in the base of the Chinese Brushwork standard culture , breaks though the traditional wash limits which centered in the representation of the artists ' temperaments , and gives prominence to the pure art factors .

  25. 选取普陀山和湄洲岛为分析对象,两地同样是海滨岛屿,都以女神为其文化核心标识,并且都拥有悠久的历史和丰富的文化古迹、民俗风情等资源。

    Mountain Putuo and Meizhou Island are selected for research for that both of them are coastal islands which are centered with goddess culture . Besides , they both obtain long history , rich cultural relics as well as abundant folk customs and other resources .

  26. 张岱年认为中国文化的核心是中国哲学。

    Zhangargues that the core of Chinese culture is Chinese philosophy .

  27. 传统文化之核心的载体。

    The body of the core of the traditional culture carries .

  28. 绍兴文化旅游核心竞争力研究

    A Research on the Core Competitive Power of Shaoxing Culture Tourism

  29. 品牌定位应以文化为核心。

    Brand localization ought to take the culture as the core .

  30. 校园精神作为学校理念形象的反映,是校园文化的核心和灵魂。

    The campus spirit is the core and soul of campus culture .