
wén tǐ
  • type of writing;literary form;style;recreation and sports
文体 [wén tǐ]
  • (1) [style;literary form]∶文章的风格

  • 古典文体

  • 词藻华丽的18世纪散文文体

  • (2) [type of writing]∶文章的体裁

  • (3) [recreation and sports]∶文娱和体育

  • 文体活动

文体[wén tǐ]
  1. 本文从其语言特点、语篇特征、语法特征和词汇特征入手,分析商务英语函电的文体特征。

    The thesis analyses its type of writing from the language features , textual features , grammatical features and vocabulary features .

  2. 第三章:对于陈子昂的文章,从文体的角度,对陈文有一个大致的介绍。

    Chapter ffl : For the articles of Chen Zi Ang , I has made a rough introduction from type of writing .

  3. 这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。

    The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children .

  4. 此书的文体胜过其内容。

    The style in this book is more attractive than the matter .

  5. 他的文体缺乏变化。

    His writing lacks variety .

  6. 文体不同,写法也不同。

    Different types of writing call for different styles of writing .

  7. 挽歌是一种行为,又是一种哀祭文体。

    The elegy can be described as a behavior and a sort of mourning and wield style .

  8. 他对自己那种怪异的文体加以夸耀这恰似一个野人从别人的垃圾箱里捡出一顶礼帽时那种洋洋得意的样子。

    He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody 's dustbin .

  9. 经义是王安石变法以后宋代科举考试的主要文体,对后来时文文体的影响很大。

    After Wang Anshi carried out the political reform , the confucian-classics argumentation writing style became the major style in the imperial examination of the song dynasty .

  10. 他正确地称赞了《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和马克·吐温无意中获得的伟大成就,在这部和其他作品里,创造了一种符合美国民族精神的散文文体。

    He has rightly praised " huckleberry finn ", and mark twain 's great incidental achievement , in it and his another work , of creating a prose-style suited to the American ethos .

  11. 语言的经济化是社会发展的一种现象,其典型文体就是名词体

    The economization of language is a natural phenomenon of social development .

  12. 这两本书的文体有许多处是一致的

    The style in these two books largely overlaps .

  13. 《暗示》:文体与意蕴提示IC的指标为病变呈灶性分布。

    The Style and Implicature of The Clue Patchy distribution was suggestive for IC .

  14. FIDIC条款的文体特征

    On the stylistic features of FIDIC

  15. NBA即席解说词正如NBA比赛本身一样精彩、生动、丰富,它与其他语言文体如广告、新闻、演讲等大不相同,表现出自身独特的语言特点。

    Impromptu NBA commentaries , different from other language style such as advertising , news and speech and so on , is as wonderful , vivid and colorful as NBA game itself , and shows its different style for the particular situation and the event itself .

  16. 英国首相布莱尔演讲的文体分析

    A Stylistic Analysis of British Prime Minister Tony Blair 's Speeches

  17. 文学语言具有文体特点和风格特色。

    Literary language is also characteristic in its forms and styles .

  18. 论京派作家的小说文体观

    On the Styles of Novels Written by " Beijing School "

  19. 这种演绎主要通过四个方面得以完成:话本小说的文体特征是途径之一。

    This kind of deduces is composed by four aspects .

  20. 创造与消解&当前小说文体发展及其存在的问题

    Creation and destruction & Current novel style development and problems

  21. 香港报纸三及第文体

    Sanjidi ( SJD ) Style of Chinese Newspaper in HK

  22. 在日常言语交际和书面文体中,人们经常有意识或无意识地使用反语。

    People often employ irony in communication consciously or unconsciously .

  23. 英汉逻辑连接词文体对比研究

    A Stylistic Contrastive Study of Conjunctions in English and Chinese

  24. 民间文体形式在大型运动会开幕式表演中的运用&以广东省民间文体形式为例

    Application of Folk Style Performance in Opening Ceremony of Large-Scale Sports Games

  25. 论中心镇文体设施的规划

    On the Planning of Recreation and Sports Facility in the Central Town

  26. 网络诗歌应该强化文体意识,服从诗歌的艺术规范;

    Network poem should enhance style consciousness and submit to artistic criterion ;

  27. 专业文件的英文文体特点及其中译英&从一则产品使用说明谈起

    Stylistic Characteristics of English Technical Documents and Translation of Chinese Technical Documents

  28. 试论中国现代女性散文的文体自觉进程

    The Stylistic Consciousness Process of the Modern Chinese Female Prose

  29. 从《北回归线》看亨利·米勒的文体风格

    Analyzing Henry Miller 's Literary Style from Tropic of Cancer

  30. 策论是历代科举考试中最重要的文体之一。

    Ce-lun is the most important style of Imperial Examinations .