
wén jiàn bǎo mì
  • file security
  1. CCDOS汉字操作系统下的一种文件保密方法

    A method of file security in CCDOS

  2. 透明加密技术是近年来针对企业文件保密需求应运而生的一种文件加密技术。

    The transparent encryption is a kind of document encryption technology , which emerge in recent years because of the demand of the file security of the enterprise .

  3. 警方一直设法将这些文件保密。

    The police have been trying to keep the documents secret .

  4. 基于PKI技术的文件保密系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Secret File Transmission System Based on PKI

  5. 基于MVC体系结构的文件保密柜研究

    Research on Filesystem Security Based on MVC Architecture

  6. 总统一直在努力使这些财务文件保密。

    The president has fought hard to keep these financial documents private .

  7. 最高的官方文件保密级别。

    The highest official level of classification of documents .

  8. 在文件保密性方面系统采用的是表单和文档存取控制技术。

    In the file confidentiality system USES is the form and document access control technology .

  9. 在数据完整性校验方面引入了Michael算法,对数据进行完整性校验,解决了WEP机制中CRC不能保证信息完整性校验的问题,最后实现了文件的保密传输。

    On the aspect of digital integrity verify , it introduces the Michael algorithm , solving the problem that in WEP mechanism , CRC can not guarantee the verity of information integrity . In the end , making the secrecy transfers to documents become true .

  10. 大量文件出于保密目的被销毁。

    Many of the documents have been destroyed for purposes of confidentiality .

  11. 如何确保数据文件的保密性和完整性?

    How to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data file ?

  12. 有关谈判的文件是保密的,而且30年内不会解密。

    The papers concerning the negotiations are classified and will not become declassified for30 years .

  13. 以后,机密文件的保密期限将限制在25年以内。

    Soon the secrecy of sensitive documents will be limited to25 years , renewable once .

  14. 专家组的审议和提交专家组的文件应保密。

    The deliberations of the panel and the documents submitted to it shall be kept confidential .

  15. 官方对文件的保密;这意味着只能被所送达的人查阅。

    Official classification for documents ; meant to be seen by only the person to whom it is directed .

  16. 指官方对文件的保密,其级别在限制级以上、机密级以下;只能被得到授权的人查看。

    The level of official classification for documents next above restricted and below secret ; available only to persons authorized to see documents so classified .

  17. 出于对客户资料和内部文件的保密,笔者经过多方努力仍无法收集到完整的相关数据。

    For the confidentiality of customer information and internal documents , through various efforts , the author was still unable to collect the complete data .

  18. 采用此种方案,易于跨平台移植,代码编译成class文件执行,保密性高,网页用Jsp编写,数据库操作通过servlet进行,安全性也好。

    Using this scheme is easy to cross-platform transplant and to obtain high confidentiality , compile into class file , page is written with Jsp , is operated through the servlet .

  19. 本文有效地整合了J2EE企业编程框架和HDFS,并把云存储API接口集成到了系统中,系统还采用了当前主流的对称加解密算法和消息摘要算法对文件数据进行保密性和完整性处理。

    In the process of system implementation , this paper integrates HDFS and cloud storage API into J2EE programming framework effectively , and uses the mainstream symmetric encryption and message digest algorithm to ensure users ' data confidentiality and integrity .

  20. 这些文件要再保密十年。

    The documents will stay be kept under wraps for ten more years .

  21. 电子文件与档案保密工作

    On Security of Electronic Documents and Files

  22. 遵循国际计划的《行为守则》和《儿童保护政策》,对翻译的文件内容应保密,不可外泄。

    Abide by Plan 's Code of Conduct and Child Protection Policy , keep the documents assigned to you confidential and should not let out any information without Plan 's Permission ;

  23. 罗伯特·盖茨:“人们是否还会相信我们?命运悬于一线的人们是否还会信任我们能够帮他们保密?其他政府是否还相信我们能够为他们的文件和情报保密?”

    ROBERT GATES : " Will people trust us ? Will people whose lives are trust us to keep their identities secret ? Will other governments trust us to keep their documents and their intelligence secret ? "

  24. 函数静态库的设计可以在对库文件源代码进行保密的同时增强系统的开放性,只要了解函数的参数和功能就能在Linux上进行应用程序的二次开发。

    Function static libraries design can on library files source code secrecy and enhance the system , if you know the openness of the parameters of the function and function can be conducted on Linux application secondary development .

  25. 文件的内容仍然保密。

    The contents of the document remain secret .

  26. 这一文件含有一些须保密的信息。

    This document contains some classified information .

  27. 在不同安全域之间传输文件,只能是低保密级别安全域的文件向高保密级别安全域传输。

    When transferring files between the different security domains , files are required to be only transferred from low security domain to high security domain .

  28. 该文件安全监控系统可有效地维护文件系统的保密性和完整性,检测并阻断本地与网络的入侵。

    This file watching system has the advantages of protecting information confidentiality and integrity , and resisting the attacks from both local and remote users .

  29. WPS文件在读写时可加入密码,提高文件的保密程度。

    When reading and writing WPS files , the user can set code to it to improve the secrecy .

  30. 本文件的全部或部分的使用、复制、披露,应严格按照与AAA达成的“关于提供本文件”的保密承诺条款进行。

    Use , copying , disclosure in whole or part of this document shall only be made in strict accordance with the terms of the Confidentiality Undertaking with AAA under which this document was supplied .