
  1. 论政府信息的保密范围

    On the Scope of Keeping Secret of Governmental Information

  2. 五是科学界定保密范围,扩大行政信息公开客体范围;

    5 , To scientifically bound the area of the confidential information , to enlarge the objective area of the administrative information publication .

  3. 纳税人的税收违法行为信息不属于保密信息范围。

    The information about taxpayers'unlawful conducts relating to taxes does not fall into the scope of confidential information .

  4. 本节经论述得出了关于银行保密的对象范围为:银行的保密对象应是凡是接受金融机构所提供的金融服务的自然人、法人和非法人组织。

    The scope of the object includes all natural persons , legal persons and illegal organizations for that the financial institutions provided the financial services .

  5. 立法应进一步明确辩护律师向法庭承担真实义务和保密义务的范围、律师勤勉义务及无效辩护的法律责任。

    Legislation , therefore , ought to further make clear the scope of the attorney 's obligation to provide sound evidence and to maintain secrecy , and the lawyer 's legal liability of invalid plead .

  6. 在对注册会计师的保密责任和业务范围探讨的基础上,提出了以注册会计师为主导的代理人查阅制度。

    Based on this , put forward the dominated agent access system by the certified public accountants .

  7. 客户信息保密义务的主体范围:一类是银行本身及其工作人员;另一类是全能银行或银行集团内部其它非银行机构。

    The scope of the subject as follows : one is the banks themselves and their staff ; the other is the all-around or other non-bank institutions within the banking group .

  8. 本文对政府信息的公开与保密进行了分析,在此基础上对电子政务的一般网络模型对政府信息公开与保密的范围进行了界定,提出了几点建议。

    This paper analyses the information publicity and information security , and gives a definition of the range of the information publicity and information security based on the network model of government affairs . Also , some suggestions on the construction of government affairs are put forward .