
  1. 但6月份公布的《保守国家秘密法》修订草案并没有带来好的征兆。

    But the draft revisions to the law on guarding state secrets made public in June do not bode well .

  2. 展开一场类似的活动,要求中国修改保守国家秘密法,也有可能带来结果,对此我们有理由谨慎乐观。

    There is room for guarded optimism that a similar campaign to demand change in China 's state secrets laws might just bear fruit .

  3. 力拓事件给在中国的外国投资者群体上了一堂速成课,内容就是中国《保守国家秘密法》卡夫卡式的怪诞本质。

    The Rio Tinto case gives China 's foreign investment community a crash course on the Kafkaesque nature of the Law on Guarding State Secrets .

  4. 《保守国家秘密法》对什么可被列为国家机密定义宽泛,这让每个试图收集信息的人都面临风险。

    The Chinese law contains broad definitions of what can be classified as a state secret , representing a risk for anyone seeking to gather information .

  5. 最后,借鉴域外相关经验,探讨建立应用于保守国家秘密制度特点的特殊救济机制,包括行政复议特殊审查程序和行政诉讼特殊审查程序。

    Finally , probes to establish special relief systems of guarding state secrets confidential with reference to relevant experience abroad , including special review procedure of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation .

  6. 在展开此次打击行动之前,中国修订了其保守国家秘密法。目前的修正案要求,互联网和电信公司必须配合针对涉嫌泄露国家秘密案的调查。

    The crackdown on mapping follows an amendment to China 's state secrets law , which now demands that internet and telecom companies co-operate in investigations into suspected violations of state secrets .

  7. 印制人民币的企业和有关人员应当保守国家秘密;未经中国人民银行批准,任何单位和个人不得对外提供。

    The printery and concerned personnel therein shall keep these information confidential ; neither entity nor individual shall provide such information to any third party without approval of the people 's Bank of china .

  8. 审计机关通报或者公布审计结果,应当依法保守国家秘密和被审计单位的商业秘密,遵守国务院的有关规定。

    Audit institutions shall , in circulating or publishing audit results , keep State secrets and business secrets of the auditees in accordance with the law and observe the relevant regulations of the State Council .

  9. 县级以上地方各级保密工作部门在其职权范围内,主管本行政区域保守国家秘密的工作。

    The local secret-guarding departments at or above the county level shall , within the scope of their functions and powers , be responsible for the guarding of state secrets in the administrative areas under their jurisdiction .

  10. 第五十三条中华人民共和国公民必须遵守宪法和法律,保守国家秘密,爱护公共财产,遵守劳动纪律,遵守公共秩序,尊重社会公德。

    Article 53 Citizens of the People 's Republic of China must abide by the Constitution and the law , keep state secrets , protect public property , observe labour discipline and public order and respect social ethics .

  11. 这一定罪是在此案审理结束一年后做出的。它提醒人们:外国在华企业面临种种法律风险,而《保守国家秘密法》具有不透明性质。

    The conviction – which came a year after Mr Xue 's trial ended – is seen as a reminder of the legal risks that foreign companies in China face and the opaque nature of state secrets legislation .

  12. 第十四条中国人民银行的行长、副行长及其他工作人员,应当依法保守国家秘密,并有责任为其监督管理的金融机构及有关当事人保守秘密。

    Article 14 The Governor , Deputy Governors and other staff members of People 's Bank of China shall safeguard State secrets according to law and be obligated to safeguard the secrets of the banking institutions and parties concerned under their supervision and control .

  13. 2008年,《政府信息公开条例》开始实施,而现行保守国家秘密规范性文件的顽症严重干扰了《条例》作用的发挥,修改保密法律规范的呼声愈加迫切。

    《 Government Information Disclosure Ordinance 》 comes into effect in 2008 , but which is seriously interfered by " chronic problems " existing in normative documents for guarding state secrets , the voice to modify the legal norms for guarding state secrets is more urgent .

  14. 公务员必须保守国家和工作秘密。

    Civil servants must maintain confidentiality with State and workplace secrets .