
  1. 一种基于GIS的高速公路工程形象进度展示系统开发

    Expressway Project 's Image Progress Display System Based on GIS

  2. 研究并实现了基于B/S模式的铁路工程形象进度图参数化生成系统(PIPGS)。

    This paper investigates the design and implementation of project image progress parametric generating system based on B / S model for railway engineering ( PIPGS ) .

  3. 铁路工程形象进度图参数化生成系统研究

    Project Image Progress Parametric Generating System for Railway Engineering

  4. 工程形象进度:月度工程形象进度,停开工情况,细化到每个单位工程、施工工点或施工区段。

    Project graphic progress : monthly project graphic progress , commencement and stop of every individual unit work , construction site or construction section .

  5. 叙述了工程形象进度展示系统的设计思路和主要功能,介绍了将该系统应用于常吉高速公路施工管理实践。

    The paper explains the design and functions of project 's image progress display system . The system has been put into practice in the construction management of Changji Expressway Project .

  6. 将施工工地实际完成的分项工程形象进度通过经验系数转化为分部工程,然后再通过经验系数将分部工程折合为单位工程的平米,以简化计价。

    The image progress of separate engineering items actually finished onthe construction site is transformed , through experience factors , into parcel items before their being converted , again by way of experience factors , to square metres per unit item to simplify cost calculation .

  7. OpenGL在工程实体形象进度中的应用

    Application of OpenGL in Image Schedule of Project Entity

  8. 通过建设各方的努力,工程提前达到形象进度目标,1997年大坝发挥了拦洪效益,1998年1号机组比设计工期提前1年具备发电条件。

    In1997 , the dam produced its benefit by retarding flood . In1998 , the No.1 generating unit possessed the power generation conditions , which is one year ahead of time than that of its design .

  9. 介绍了城市轨道施工进度管理中常用的几种图形表示方法,研究并探讨了利用工程形象图进行施工进度管理的方法,并分析了此方法在计算机上的实现。

    Introduced several graph express method of urban rail construction schedule management and gave a new method that using project visual graph to manage construction schedule , and introduced its computer implementation .

  10. 由于评估人员专业程度的限制,仅仅依靠施工单位和建设单位的陈述,很难对在建工程房地产的工程形象进度进行准确的判断。

    Because of the lack of professional knowledge of the appraisers , it is difficult to accurately judge the image progress of construction-in-progress if only rely on the statements by the construction company .

  11. 4年来,主要工程项目大多能按进度计划完成或接近完成其工程量与形象进度,质量能满足设计要求,投资控制在合同报价之内。

    For the past four years , the construction quantity and configuration progress of the most items have been fulfilled on schedule , with construction quality meeting design requirements and investment controlled under contract price .

  12. 通过制作矢量图,建立工程信息模型,应用GIS强大的制图、数据存储与管理功能,实现了多种工程的形象进度展示。

    This paper establishes a project information model by making vectographs . The project 's image progress is displayed by using the drawing and data storage and management of GIS .

  13. 该系统实现了工程项目从签订合同到完工的所有操作,包括:合同签订、工程开工、工程停工、工程复工、工程完工5个环节;另外包括工程形象进度、施工监察两个额外辅助环节。

    The system supports all project operations from contract signing to completion , including five parts : contract signing , project starting , project suspension , project restart , project completion and two extra subsidiary parts : project image progress , and supervision over project operation .