
  • 网络Job evaluation;job assessment;Performance Review;performance assessment
  1. 在工作评估方面,每种工作的全部要求都得有详细的描述。

    In job evaluation , all of the requirements of each job are defined in a detailed job description .

  2. 为此,必须建立领导机制、部门联动机制、信息沟通机制、工作评估机制、动态管理机制等来予以保障。

    At last guide the job respectively . So , we must establish some mechanisms to safeguard them such as the leadership mechanisms , departmental linkage mechanism , information communication mechanism , the job evaluation system , dynamic management mechanisms and so on .

  3. 工作评估是全面审视自身表现与规划后续职业阶段目标的好机会。

    Work appraisals1 are a good opportunity for taking stock of your performance and making plans for the next steps you want to take in your career .

  4. James最终建议,要创建业务价值评估,方式与敏捷团队创建工作评估的方法类似。

    James ultimately suggests creating business value estimates , in a manner similar to the way agile teams create work estimates .

  5. 工作评估应该建立在具体的作为之上。

    Job evaluations are supposed to be based on concrete results .

  6. 本科教学工作评估的问题及对策

    Problems and their Countermeasures in the Practice of Undergraduate Education Assessment

  7. 论高校本科毕业设计工作评估体系的建立

    The establishment of the Evaluation system for Undergraduate 's graduation Design

  8. 人才培养工作评估深度访谈的实践与认识

    Practice and Understanding of In-depth Interview in Assessment of Talent Cultivation

  9. 谈系级教学工作评估的实施和意义

    Talking about Implementation and Significance of Teaching Evaluation at Department Level

  10. 关于建立图书馆参考咨询服务工作评估制度的探索

    Exploration of Establishing Assessing System on Library Reference and Consultancy Service

  11. 国外社会工作评估:理论架构探析

    An Exploration on the Theoretical Framework of Foreign Social Work Assessment

  12. 《高等职业院校人才培养工作评估方案》导读

    Introduction to The Evaluation Program of Personnel Training in Higher Vocational Colleges

  13. 科研工作评估的当量理论模型

    A Theoretical Model of Equivalent for the Assessment of Scientific Research Work

  14. 浅谈高校教师培训工作评估

    A primary discussion on evaluating the training of College Teachers

  15. 县级人口计生宣传教育工作评估方案研究

    Research on Evaluating County-level Population and FP Publicity and Education

  16. 基于灰色理论的教学工作评估模型

    Study of models for teaching quality evaluation based on the grey theory

  17. 高等学校本科专业教学工作评估方案探讨

    On the evaluation project of undergraduate specialty teaching in colleges and universities

  18. 对建立我国禁毒工作评估体系的设想

    Design for the System of Drug Control Evaluation in China

  19. 高等学校就业工作评估方案的实践研究

    Practice of Project of University Students ' Career Assessment

  20. 关于本科教学工作评估的几点思考和建议

    Consideration and suggestion about evaluation of undergraduate teaching work

  21. 贵州大学图书馆与本科教学工作评估

    Assessment of Guizhou University Library and Its Undergraduate Teaching

  22. 全国卫生应急培训工作评估指标体系的研究

    Study on the index system for training evaluation of national health emergency response

  23. 中小学校长培训工作评估的对象、内容及方法

    The Object , Content and Method of Evaluating the Work of Headmaster Training

  24. 扬州市邗江区2008年突发公共卫生事件应急工作评估分析

    Evaluation of Public Health Emergency in Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City in 2008

  25. 社会工作评估&单样本设计

    Social Work Evaluation - - Single Sample Design

  26. 高校学报工作评估与聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis and Evaluation on Journal of Universities

  27. 分类回归树及其在教师科研工作评估中的应用

    Classification and regression trees and its application on evaluating teacher 's science research work

  28. 高校图书馆工作评估指标探讨

    Discussion on the Evaluation Index of Academic Libraries

  29. 中等职业学校教师工作评估若干问题的研究

    Research on Some Problems of Assessment on Performance of Teachers in Secondary Vocational School

  30. 国外社会工作评估探析

    An Exploration on Foreign Social Work Assessment