
  • 网络engineering
  1. 材料力学在工科专业课程体系中的基础性地位

    The Foundational Status of Material Mechanics in the Professional Engineering Course System

  2. 对高等职业教育工科专业教学质量评价的再思考

    The Consideration of the Quality Appraisal of Higher Vocational Education in Engineering Courses

  3. C程序设计是许多工科专业都开设的一门计算机程序设计语言。

    Many students in industrial engineering specialty are learning the C programming language .

  4. 本文通过计算机辅助教学(CAI)表现的四种优势,对工科专业教学中CAI开发平台选择的各种版本系列进行了比较。

    Referring to the four advantages of CAI , all sorts of versions on development platform used in CAI of engineering are compared in this paper .

  5. 对高校工科专业实践教学的思考

    Consideration on Practice Teaching of Engineering-type Specialty in Higher Education Institutions

  6. 工科专业经济管理类课程改革的探索和实践

    Study and Practice on Economic Management Course Reform of Engineering Major

  7. 工科专业课程课堂教学中如何发挥学生主体性

    Independent Learning of Students in the Classroom Teaching of Engineering Courses

  8. 工科专业实践教学的现状与对策

    The current situations and countermeasures about specialty practice teaching of engineering

  9. 大专(含)以上学历,理工科专业毕业。

    College education or above , major in Science and Engineering .

  10. 理工科专业教学应渗透伦理精神

    To Embody Ethical Spirit in Specialized Teaching of Science and Engineering

  11. 提高工科专业课课堂教学质量的探索

    Research on Methods for Improving Classroom Teaching Quality of Engineering Course

  12. 理工科专业课渗透人文素质教育的几点思考

    Humane Quality-oriented Education in the Major Courses of Science and Technology

  13. 我校工科专业工程实践教学体系的研究

    Study of engineering practice teaching system at engineering course in my university

  14. 毕业设计是高校工科专业最重要的实践教学环节之一。

    The diploma project is one of the most important training stages .

  15. 工科专业计算结构力学教学中的若干问题

    Some Problems in Computational Structure Mechanics Education for Engineering Speciality

  16. 关于工科专业图形课程计算机辅助教学软件的探讨

    The CAI Teaching Software in Graph Course of Engineering Speciality

  17. 关于非工科专业测量学实践教学改革的探讨

    Discussion on the practice teaching reform concerning surveying in the non-engineering speciality

  18. 浅议工科专业英语的教学方法

    Discussion on the Teaching Methodology of Specialized English in Engineering

  19. 对工科专业课教学改革的一点看法

    About Reform in Teaching of Specialized Courses of Engineering

  20. 工科专业理论力学教学改革的思考

    The Teaching Reform about the Theoretical Mechanics in Engineering

  21. 工科专业教学计划的探讨

    A Probe into the Teaching Scheme of Engineering Specialities

  22. 素质教育与工科专业课的教学策略

    Quality-oriented Education and Teaching Strategies of Engineering Major Courses

  23. 浅谈工科专业理论教学和实践教学的关系

    Relation between Theoretic and Practice Teaching on Engineering Speciality

  24. 师范院校工科专业毕业设计工作的组织与管理

    Organizing and Supervising of Graduate Design Course for Engineering Students in Normal Schools

  25. 师范院校工科专业课程设置与教学模式探讨

    Discussion on Curriculum Setup and Tutoring Models of Engineering Majors in Normal Universities

  26. 主要探讨高校工科专业基础课程的双语教学改革。

    The bilingual teaching for core-course of engineering specialty in universities is discussed .

  27. 工科专业实践性教学环节教学质量评估指标体系

    The Quality Evaluation System for Engineering Practice Courses

  28. 高等院校工科专业双语教学的探讨

    Discussion on the Bilingual Teaching for Engineering Majors

  29. 以学生为主体教学法在工科专业课教学中的尝试

    The Attempt of teaching method of students as main body in engineering courses teaching

  30. 高校工科专业计算机应用教学模式探讨

    An Approach to the Teaching Mode of Computer Application for College Students of Technology