
ɡōnɡ shānɡ zǒnɡ jú
  • State Administration for Industry and Commerce
  1. 国家工商总局专案组对微软公司进行询问调查,要求其就调查以来获取的电子数据中有关重大问题进行说明。

    State Administration for Industry and Commerce ( SAIC ) task force launched an inquiry for Microsoft to clarify major problems found in electronic data during the probe .

  2. 被拘捕的还有国家工商总局外商投资企业注册局副局长刘伟。

    Also detained is Liu Wei , a deputy director for foreign investment at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , an organization that monitors corporate day-to-day business operations .

  3. 工商总局周三(9月27日)发布网购退货办法草案,向社会公开征求意见。

    China 's administration of Industry and Commerce issued a draft refund1 policy for online shopping on Wednesday . The policy was issued to solicit2 public opinion .

  4. 若果真如此,中国工商总局将步欧盟(EU)后尘,将关键设施理论应用到知识产权上。

    If it were to do so , the SAIC would be following the EU in applying the essential facilities doctrine to intellectual property .

  5. 英国《金融时报》1月曾报道,SEC正在关注阿里巴巴和工商总局的调查。

    The Financial Times reported in January that the SEC was looking into Alibaba and the SAIC probe .

  6. 多家美国律所开始调查阿里巴巴,原因是其未能在IPO招股说明书中披露与国家工商总局召开会议的内容。

    A number of US law firms are investigating Alibaba for its failure to disclose the SAIC meeting in its IPO prospectus .

  7. 国家工商总局也对阿里巴巴去年在美国创纪录的首次公开发行(IPO)中是否误导投资者,提出了疑问。

    The regulator has also raised questions about whether Alibaba misled investors in its record-breaking initial public offering last year in the US .

  8. 路透社(Reuters)报道,工商总局同时重申,该局怀疑微软并未充分披露与Office和Windows兼容性有关的问题。

    SAIC also repeated that it suspected the company has not fully disclosed issues relating to the compatibility of the software and the operating system , according to Reuters .

  9. 阿里巴巴上周五表示,SEC已要求获得有关我们与(中国工商总局)接触的背景事实和其它信息。

    Alibaba said on Friday that the SEC had asked for background facts and other information related to our interaction with the SAIC .

  10. 阿里巴巴否认误导投资者,执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)在1月份表示,工商总局的报告是一次不实及不公平的攻击。

    Alibaba has denied misleading investors and Joe Tsai , executive vice-chairman , said in January the SAIC report was an inaccurate and unfair attack .

  11. 对于去年9月在纽交所IPO两个月之前的7月16日与国家工商总局召开会议的内容,阿里巴巴并未对外披露。阿里巴巴反复否认此举是误导投资者的。

    Alibaba has repeatedly denied that it misled investors by not disclosing a July 16 meeting with the SAIC , two months before its September IPO on the New York stock exchange .

  12. MarbridgeConsulting董事马克•纳特金(MarkNatkins)表示,与工商总局的争端“在每个人心目中埋下了(针对阿里巴巴商业模式的)巨大疑窦”。MarbridgeConsulting是一家总部驻北京的互联网咨询公司。

    Mark Natkin , director of Marbridge Consulting , the Beijing-based internet consultancy , said the SAIC row had " planted a coconut-sized seed of doubt in everyone 's mind " about Alibaba 's business model .

  13. 阿里巴巴在去年9月上市之前提交的IPO申报文件中,并没有披露其已经受到工商总局的质疑,包括曾在7月与中国监管机构开会。

    In its IPO filings before it went public in September , Alibaba did not disclose that it had been questioned by the SAIC , including during a meeting with Chinese regulators last July .

  14. 中国国家工商总局(SAIC)在近期一份报告中表示,网购商品非正品率超四成。

    The SAIC said in a recent report that four of every 10 products bought online in China are either bad quality or fake .

  15. 工商总局瞄上了阿里巴巴的C2C平台淘宝,据估计淘宝已占有了中国超过90%的C2C市场,而天猫商场则统战了B2C市场的半壁江山。

    It took aim at Taobao , Alibaba 's consumer-to-consumer platform which is estimated to hold more than 90 percent of the Chinese market , and Tmall . com , believed to command over half the market in China for business-to-consumer transactions .

  16. 今年1月,中国监管机构国家工商总局(SAIC)批评了阿里巴巴平台卖家的违规做法——包括纵容贿赂、假货和被称为“刷信誉”的卖家评价作假。

    In January , the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , a Chinese regulator , criticised Alibaba for violations by its sellers - including tolerating bribery , counterfeit goods and faking seller rankings , known as " brushing . "

  17. 在周五的声明中,工商总局直截了当的语气消失了。

    The S.A.I.C. " s blunt tone disappeared in the Friday statement .

  18. 工商总局在周三发布的一篇报告中批评了阿里巴巴。

    The agency made its criticism of Alibaba in a report released on Wednesday .

  19. 本课题的研究成果是建成了工商总局综合应用系统,基本实现了课题的目标,通过项目建设实施,检验了课题设计的效果。

    The effect of the subject design is also tested during the implementation of the project construction .

  20. 但是,工商总局本周还是发布了一份引人注意的、措辞严厉的报告。

    Yet the S.A.I.C. moved forward with a prominent , and harshly worded , paper this week .

  21. 知识产权注册方面,我们在北京与中国工商总局有牢靠的关系。

    About intellectual property right registration , we have good relation with State Administration of Commerce and Industry .

  22. 国家工商总局在一份声明中表示,微软公司在调查后需要提交一套完整的解释。

    The company needs to submit a complete explanation after the inquiry , the SAIC said in a statement .

  23. 工商总局表示,它发现从淘宝网购买的商品只有37%是正品。

    The SAIC said it had found only 37 per cent of the goods it bought on Taobao were adequate .

  24. 一份上周公布的工商总局针对淘宝的调查显示只有1/3的商品样本是真品。

    A SAIC survey published last week on Taobao that found only about a third of products sampled to be genuine .

  25. 本论文是在业务处理软件项目实施的过程和基础上,融合本人的理解对撰写的,由于工商总局的信息化包括业务信息化和政务信息化,所以将本课题研究的系统命名为工商总局综合应用系统。

    This paper is written on the basis of the processing of implementing the business processing software and my own understanding .

  26. 工商总局称,在阿里巴巴天猫平台上的品牌自营店中,抽检的7件商品中,有6件是正品;

    SAIC also said six of seven items from Alibaba 's Tmall.com , where brands host their own stores , were authentic ;

  27. 一名阿里巴巴代表在声明中称:工商总局最新公布的信息说明了一切,证明了我们的清白。

    A representative for Alibaba said in a statement : The most recent S.A.I.C. posting speaks for itself . We feel vindicated .

  28. 我们第一次看到这份白皮书的时间,是昨天当工商总局把白皮书刊登在其网站上的时候。

    The first time we saw the white paper was when it was posted on the SAIC website yesterday , said Mr Tsai .

  29. 一名阿里巴巴代表在声明中称:“工商总局最新公布的信息说明了一切,证明了我们的清白。”

    A representative for Alibaba said in a statement : " The most recent S.A.I.C. posting speaks for itself . We feel vindicated . "

  30. 在就新规发表的一次罕见公开评论中,中国工商总局一名官员称该部门将谨慎应用新规。

    In a rare public comment on the new rules , one SAIC official has said the regulator will be cautious in applying them .