
  • 网络Fiat;fiat group
  1. 由菲亚特集团(Fiat)拥有的法拉利表示,计划在3至4年内,开始推出所有公路车的混合动力版。

    The brand , owned by Fiat , said it planned to begin introducing hybrid versions of all of its road cars within three to four years .

  2. 意大利的著名企业菲亚特集团、蒙爱集团和埃尼集团在华均有较大投资。

    Several famous Italian company groups like Fiat , Montedifon and ENI already have significant investment in China .

  3. 位于都灵的米拉菲奥里(Mirafiori)大工厂是菲亚特集团下属菲亚特汽车公司的核心部门,该公司最近麻烦不断。

    The giant Mirafiori plant in Turin is the heart of Fiat Auto , the troubled car division of the Fiat group .

  4. 当菲亚特集团在2010年剥离其非汽车业务后,菲亚特工业成立。

    Fiat industrial was formed when the Italian Group spun off its non-car operations in 2010 .

  5. 意大利柯马股份有限公司成立于1976年,总部设在意大利都灵,属于菲亚特集团成员。

    Comau S.p.A , an affiliated member of Fiat group , was founded in1976 with its headquarter in Turin Italy .

  6. 但是最近有猜测说,菲亚特集团可能放弃期权,以换取通用汽车公司的现金,调整资本结构。

    But there has been recent speculation Fiat might drop the option in return for cash from GM towards a recapitalization .

  7. 公司简介玛涅蒂玛瑞利集团是世界著名的汽车零部件制造商,隶属于意大利菲亚特集团。

    Magneti Marelli Group is renowned as a world leader in the design , production and supply of automotive systems which belongs to Fiat Group from Italy .

  8. 意大利菲亚特集团就收购通用公司欧洲业务与通用展开协商,它还将购买克莱斯特股份,破产法庭将对此批准。

    Italian carmaker Fiat is on track to buy most of General Motors ' European operations . It is in talks to GM right now . Fiat has already tried to snap up Chrysler . A US bankruptcy court must approve that deal .

  9. CEO:作为汽车业新人,通用CEO玛丽o芭拉和福特CEO马克o菲尔兹开始密切观注菲亚特和克莱斯勒集团CEO的塞尔吉奥o马基奥尼的一举一动。

    CEOs : Newbies Mary Barra at GM and Mark Fields at Ford start playing close attention to the moves made by FCA 's Sergio Marchionne .

  10. FIAT(菲亚特)汽车集团通过价值观体系、能力模式和培训体系支撑着人力资源战略的实施,取得了显著效果,给我们带来许多有益的启示,值得我们参考借鉴。

    FIAT Auto Group has achieved significant results in the implementation of human resources strategy with the support of value concept , ability modes and training system , which brought us a lot of instructive enlightenment worthy of our reference .

  11. 这和手握菲亚特控股权的阿涅利家族34岁继承人约翰·埃尔康,即将取代卢卡·迪蒙泰泽莫洛(LucadiMontezemolo)成为菲亚特集团董事长的消息一起,鼓励了广大投资者。

    This , along with the news that John Elkann , a34-year-old scion of the Agnelli family which holds a controlling interest in Fiat , would replace Luca di Montezemolo as chairman , cheered investors .