
  • 网络Fiske;fisk;Fisker;John Fiske;Lubriplate
  1. 时间快进到2001年,阿斯顿马丁的设计总监已经变成了知名设计师、未来派混合动力豪车生产商亨里克o菲斯克(HenrikFisker)。

    Fast forward to 2001 , when designer and future hybrid luxury car manufacturer Henrik Fisker became the design director for Aston Martin .

  2. 影星莱昂纳多【他也是混合动力汽车厂商菲斯克(Fisker)的投资人之一,可惜这家公司已破产】还与文图瑞汽车公司(VenturiAutomobiles)组建了一支车队参赛。

    The actor Leonardo DiCaprio ( who was also an investor in bankrupt hybrid-maker Fisker ) partnered with venturi automobiles to enter a team in the series , and has said that the eco-friendliness of the cars is what appealed to him .

  3. 1969年,菲利普斯石油公司(PhillipsPetroleum)在北海(NorthSea)的埃科菲斯克油田(EkofiskField)发现了大量的石油和天然气;此后,这一地区变成了欧洲大陆最富庶的地区之一。

    In the decades since 1969 , when Phillips Petroleum discovered vast oil and gas reserves in the North Sea 's Ekofisk field , those same regions have become some of the continent 's richest .

  4. 史密斯谈到了埃科菲斯克(ecofisk)油田,它是菲利普斯石油公司(phillipspetroleum)已经放弃找到石油的希望并下令关闭操作之后意外发现的。

    Mr Smith talks of the ecofisk oilfield , discovered almost by accident after Phillips petroleum had abandoned hope of finding oil and given orders to shut down the operation .

  5. 出租设计师服�茱莉•菲斯克(JulieFisk)当了25年的电台主播,她2014年辞职,决定转型全职电影评论家。

    Renting the runway Julie Fisk had a 25-year career as a radio host when she lost her job in 2014 and decided to relaunch herself as a full-time film critic .

  6. Getlantern.org网站的亚当•菲斯克(AdamFisk)表示,这种分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)一天就会令企业蒙受数十万美元损失。

    Adam Fisk of Getlantern.org , a site that provides tools for bypassing China 's " Great Firewall " and hosts its installers on Github , said this kind of DDOS attack could cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars a day ,

  7. 菲斯克对法兰克福学派的观点提出了强烈质疑。

    Fisk puts forward his doubt about Frankfurt School intensely .

  8. 他们将我介绍到“菲斯克-范德堡大学桥梁计划”,

    They directed me to the Fisk-Vanderbilt University Bridge Program ,

  9. 电视观众:意义和快感的生产者&试论约翰·菲斯克两种经济的电视文化理论

    A TV Audience : Producer of Meaning and Pleasure

  10. 约翰.菲斯克的大众文化快感理论与罗兰。

    John Fiske 's popular cultural delight theory has rich original relations with Barthes , R.

  11. 论文的第二、三部分重点对菲斯克的庶民文化研究进行了述评。

    The second and third part gives much prominence to John Fiske 's popular cultural studies .

  12. 论文的最后一章论述了后现代主义与菲斯克庶民消费之间的关系。

    The last part of this dissertation presents the relationship between postmodernism and the popular cultural consumption .

  13. 在菲斯克大学获得硕士学位后,我去了耶鲁大学,完成了博士学业。

    After receiving my master 's at Fisk , I went on to Yale to complete my PhD .

  14. 作者认为,菲斯克的乐观主义更应该首先被看成是一种政治态度/信念,然后才是一种学术态度。

    The author believes that Fiske 's optimism should be regarded as political faith first and then as a kind of scholarship attitude .

  15. 菲斯克:美国历史学家和哲学家,因在宗教和科学方面的著作闻名,尤其是《一个进化论者的远足》(1884年)。

    Fiske : american historian and philosopher known for his writings on religion and science , especially Excursions of an Evolutionist ( 1884 ) .

  16. 介绍了挪威埃科菲斯克油田的基本概况及油田勘探历史,描述了该盆地的演化、油气系统、区域地层及沉积相。

    The Norwegian Ekofisk Oilfield was introduced in detail covering the exploration history , basin evolution , petroleum systems , regional stratigraphy and depositional facies .

  17. 尽管菲斯克突出了消费者的权力和主动性,但他有些矫枉过正,过分突出了大众的力量,反而低估了资产阶级意识形态的强大。

    Though Fisk puts forward emphasis on the right of initiative of consumers , his opinions are overcorrected , overstressing force of the masses and under-evaluating bourgeois strength .

  18. 约翰.菲斯克的大众文化定义对于大众文化地位、积极作用的挖掘具有重要意义,有利于对大众文化进行更全面合理、更客观公允、更辩证具体的分析。

    This definition is of great benefit for excavating the functions and position of popular culture and is helpful for more reasonable , objective and concrete analysis of popular culture .

  19. 菲斯克通过对电视的两种经济流程的分析,发掘了电视观众创造意义和快感的价值,彰显了大众文化潜在的进步力量。

    John Fiske , a very famous popular culture theorist in the Unite States , advocates the two economies of television and the audience 's value of creating meaning , pleasure and the social identity circulating in the two economies .