
jǐnɡ pēn shì ɡù
  • blowout accident
  1. 基于Fluent的开县井喷事故后果模拟与分析

    Kaixian Blowout Accident Simulation and Analysis using Fluent Code

  2. 防止意外井喷事故是测试的先决条件。

    It is a prerequisite for testing to guard against the well blowout accident .

  3. 井喷事故H2S扩散环境三维建模与仿真济南泉域三维地质模型的构建及可视化

    Three Dimensional Modeling and Simulation on the H_2S Dispersion Environment of Well Blowout

  4. 据NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特报道,不少报道都指出墨西哥湾的油膜问题,而英国石油公司2010年发生重大井喷事故的地方就在墨西哥湾附近,因此该地将采取一些行动。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliott reports the action comes after repeated reports of oil sheen in the Gulf of Mexico near the site of BP 's disastrous 2010 well blowout .

  5. 并且通过对国内外一些类似的井喷事故原因研究后,提出了有效的防喷措施,为高含量CO2和H2S的油气井钻井作业提供一定参考。

    By investigating the reasons of some similar blowout accidents at home and abroad , the effective blowout prevention measures are proposed , which provide reference for the drilling operation of oil / gas wells with high CO_2 and H_2S contents .

  6. 重大污染事故空气影响模拟与检验&以重庆12.23井喷事故为例

    Simulation and Verification of Serious Air Pollution & Taking Chongqing 12.23 Gas Blowout for Example

  7. 其中井喷事故便是钻井作业过程较为常见、后果损失重大的安全事故之一。

    The blowout accident is one of the most common and heavy loss safety accidents .

  8. 目的研究12·23井喷事故后灾民的心理健康状况。

    Objective To study the sufferers ' mental health after 12 · 23 gas blowout accident .

  9. 在起下钻杆、中途测试等过程中也存在发生井喷事故的危险。

    Blowout risk also exists during pulling and running the drill pipe as well as drillstem test .

  10. 从钻井现场发生的井喷事故原因着手,对影响人的可靠性因素进行分析,分析了人为失误的原因。

    From reasons for blowout accident on drilling site , some factors which affect human reliability are analyzed .

  11. 根据祥浅1井井喷事故,分析事故发生的原因,应汲取的教训。

    The blowout accident of shallow Xiang-No.1 well was analyzed and a lesson was leant from this bitter experience .

  12. 含硫气井井喷事故受体致死概率分析卫生条件很差,道致了儿童的死亡率很高。

    Probability of receptor lethality in blowout of sour gas wells Poor hygiene led to high mortality among children .

  13. 井喷事故的发生,会造成人员伤亡、环境破坏和财产损失等恶劣的影响。

    Blow out accidents not only cause casualties but also the damage to the environment as well as losses property .

  14. 它对保护油气层,降低钻井作业风险,防止井喷事故的发生,从而实现优化钻井具有一定的促进作用。

    It has certain improving effect on reservoir protection , drilling operational risk reduction , blow out prevention and optimal drilling .

  15. 加强国土资源领域标准化工作的现实意义&中石油重庆开县特大井喷事故引发的思考

    Realistic Significance of Strengthening Standardization in the Field of Land and Resources & Inspiration from Natural Gas Blowout Accident in Kaixian County of Chongqing

  16. 根据钻井生产多工种协调作业的特点,利用由多数人表决的人机系统进行了减少井喷事故发生概率的分析。

    Analysis is made to lessen the blowout frequency using human-machine system by majority votes according to characteristics of cooperation by many different workers .

  17. 沉积盆地广泛发育超压,超压不仅会引发井喷事故,而且与油气成藏和分布密切相关。

    Lots of sedimentary basins develop overpressure commonly , which not only initiate flowing of well , but also has intimate correlations with petroleum accumulation .

  18. 硫化氢气体具有剧毒性和强腐蚀性,因此高含硫气藏属于高危气藏。2003年12月23日发生在罗家寨气田的恶性井喷事故向人们警示了开发高含硫气藏存在的危险性。

    Hydrogen sulfide is a kind of serious poisonous and corrosion gas , therefore , gas reservoir with high H_2S content s belongs to dangerous gas reservoir .

  19. 因为,井喷事故一旦发生,不单单造成巨大的财产损失,还会造成环境污染甚至人员的伤亡。

    This is because , once the blowouts occurred , it will cause not only huge property losses , but also environmental pollutions and even the casualties .

  20. 方法采用自编《12·23井喷事故灾民心理健康状况调查量表》对300名灾民进行测评。

    Methods 300 sufferers were interviewed and assessed with self-made questionaire on investigation of the Sufferers ' Mental Health after the 12 · 23 Gas Blowout Accident .

  21. 笔者根据污染物排放情况以及当地的气候、水文等条件分析了井喷事故对该地区大气环境、水环境和土壤环境所造成的影响。

    The impact of this accident on atmosphere , water and soil environment of this area was analyzed according to emission of pollutant and local climate and hydrological conditions .

  22. 结果井喷事故对灾民的身体、日常生活功能、情绪产生了很大的影响,同时,灾民对井喷事故的认知以及社会责任感有了较大的提高。

    Results Gas blowout accident have great effect on the physical symptom and organ 's functions , the functions of daily life , mental symptom and emotion of the sufferers , and their cognition on the gas blowout accident and social responsibility have developed .

  23. 本文主要旨在剖析井喷事故发生的深层次原因的基础上,运用系统动力仿真技术对井喷事故进行预警。

    The main aim of this paper is to use System Dynamics simulation technology to pre-warning blowout accident on the basis of analysis deep reason of it , then use it to direct the safety drilling operation for oil-drilling group and prevent the occurrence of blowout accident .

  24. 海洋石油勘探开发造成的管线破裂、井喷等事故会给海洋环境带来严重的污染。

    Blowout , pipeline rupture accident caused by offshore oil exploration and development will bring serious environmental pollution .

  25. 对建44井井喷失控事故进行了分析,找出井喷事故的原因,提出应对措施,强调了执行《天然气井工程安全技术规范》的必要性。

    The accident of lose control of Jian 44 well gush was analyzed , its reason was found out , and the countermeasures were put forward . Necessity implementing " safety technology criterion of natural gas well engineering " was emphasized .

  26. 在油气田开发过程中,受诸多因素影响,井喷失控事故时有发生,如何安全、快捷、有效的进行油气井压力控制一直是个难题。

    In the process of oil and gas exploitation , as much element effects , the blowout accidents often happen , so it is a problem how to control the pressure of oil and gas well for safety 、 prompt and effective .

  27. 在钻井过程中,为防止井涌、井喷等钻井事故的发生,实现安全高效的勘探开发作业,可靠的井控设备显得尤为重要。

    In order to avoid drilling accidents such as well kick and blowout and ensure safe and efficient exploration and development , reliable well control equipment is necessary in drilling operation .

  28. 发生井喷、漏油事故的,应当立即向国家海洋管理部门报告,并采取有效措施,控制和消除油污染,接受国家海洋管理部门的调查处理。

    Once a blowout or oil leakage accident occurs , the unit concerned shall immediately report it to the state administrative department of marine affairs , take effective measures to control and eliminate oil pollution and accept the investigation and handling of the case by the department .

  29. 扑救油田井喷火灾的战术与组织指挥9·15利川天然气井喷事故处置对策

    Strategy and Organization for Fire-extinguishing Blowout Countermeasures to the blowout of9 · 15 Lichuan natural gas mine