
  • 网络deepwater horizon;Deep Water Horizon
  1. 3个月过去了,深水地平线(deepwaterhorizon)灾难的后果正变得日益清晰。

    Three months on , the consequences of the Deepwater Horizon disaster are becoming clearer .

  2. 但是,只有在深水地平线石油泄漏是GDP数据收集以某种方式所导致的情况下,这才是一个问题。

    But this is only a problem if the Deepwater Horizon spill was in some way caused by the collection of GDP data .

  3. 墨西哥湾深水地平线号(DeepwaterHorizon)石油泄漏事件表明,一旦出现故障,代价将十分高昂。

    As the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico showed , failure can be hugely costly .

  4. 井架名为“深水地平线”(DeepwaterHorizon),位于一个被称为“密西西比大峡谷”(MississippiCanyon)的区域。

    The rig , the Deepwater Horizon , is located in an area known as the Mississippi Canyon .

  5. BP最新努力的第一步是将一个被破坏的用于将石油带到深水地平线钻井平台的提升管移开,这是一项复杂的操作。

    The first step in BP 's latest effort is the intricate removal of a damaged riser that brought oil to the surface of the Deepwater Horizon rig .

  6. 英国石油(bp)的墨西哥湾漏油事件,始于导致11人丧生的“深水地平线”(deepwaterhorizon)钻井平台爆炸。

    The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico began with an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig that killed 11 people .

  7. 管理者和石油公司都将从“深水地平线”(DeepwaterHorizon)的灾难中得到教训,工程安全必将改善。

    Both regulators and oil firms will learn useful lessons from the Deepwater Horizon fiasco , and safety will surely improve as a result .

  8. 一年前,同样是效力于bp的深水地平线钻井平台,曾钻出有史以来最深的商业油井,达3.5055万英尺,超过了珠穆朗玛峰的高度。

    The same Deepwater Horizon rig , also working for BP , a year ago drilled the deepest-ever commercial well to a depth of 35055 feet more than the height of Mount Everest .

  9. 他们指责bp为了节省时间和金钱,在安全措施上偷工减料,尤其对于“深水地平线”(deepwaterhorizon)钻井平台之下油井四周水泥浇注工程的仓促完成感到关切。

    They accused BP of cutting corners on safety to save time and money , and voiced particular concern that the cement around the well under the Deepwater Horizon rig was hurried .

  10. 就在美国总统对唐熙华个人进行攻击的同时,白宫也正在努力应付批评,即自4月20日深水地平线(DeepwaterHorizon)钻井平台爆炸以来,白宫方面表现得不够有力。

    His personal attack on Mr Hayward came amid White House efforts to address criticism that it has not been forceful enough since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20 .

  11. 该公司深水地平线(DeepwaterHorizon)钻井平台4月发生爆炸,导致11人丧生。一开始,这一事故并未引起应有的重视,很大的原因是人们以为问题很快会得到解决。

    When the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in April , killing 11 , it did not , at first , attract the attention it merited , probably because we thought it would be swiftly dealt with .

  12. 英国石油公司一家英国能源公司,该公司经营这个油井,并向钻井平台所有者瑞士越洋钻探公司(Transocean)公司租用了深水地平线。

    BP is the British-based energy company that operated the well and leased the Deepwater Horizon from the rig 's owner , Transocean .

  13. 如果其中一家公司随后遇到了某种麻烦——例如又一次“深水地平线”(DeepwaterHorizon)事故——那么这家公司的股价走势很可能将变得与未受影响的公司负相关,因为后者或侵蚀事故公司的市场份额。

    If one company then ran into some kind of trouble - another Deepwater Horizon , for instance - then the shares might well become negatively correlated as the unaffected company picked up market share from the affected one .

  14. 他们担心,倘若情况复杂的北极水域发生开采事故,就会产生比2010年墨西哥湾的严重漏油事故更为惨重的后果。当时,深水地平线(DeepwaterHorizon)钻井平台的爆炸共导致11人死亡,并致使数百万桶原油泄漏到了水中。

    They fear that a drilling accident in the treacherous Arctic waters could have far more devastating consequences than the deadly Gulf of Mexico spill of 2010 , when the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion killed 11 men and sent millions of barrels of oil spewing into the water .

  15. BP一直否认存在重大过失,辩称其它企业也对漏油事件负有责任,尤其是拥有并运营深水地平线钻井平台的Transocean公司,以及供应用于封填油井和避免泄漏的水泥的哈里伯顿(Halliburton)公司。

    BP has always denied gross negligence , arguing that other companies share responsibility for the spill , especially Transocean , which owned and operated the Deepwater Horizon rig , and Halliburton , which provided the cement that was supposed to seal the well and prevent leaks .

  16. 更多的工作将在“深水地平线”钻井平台的遗址开展。

    More work is planned on the wreckage of the Deepwater Horizon .

  17. 有官员称,情况已得到控制,不会重演2010年“深水地平线”钻井漏油事故。

    Officials say this is containable . It will not be like the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010 .

  18. 官员表示,下月,对深水地平线石油钻井的永久性封堵工作将完成。

    AZUZ : Officials say a permanent could be finished next month on the Deepwater Horizon oil well .

  19. 去年4月20日,墨西哥湾的深水地平线钻井发生爆炸陷入一片火海。

    Last year on April twentieth the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded in flames in the Gulf of Mexico .

  20. 毕竟,首先,没有这样的技术,英国石油公司不可能在深水地平线上打井。

    Without such technology , after all , BP couldn 't have drilled the Deepwater Horizon well in the first place .

  21. 阿布朗佩利肯飞去的深水地平线在巴拉塔里亚湾,路易斯安那州,2010年5月25日溢油影响的一个岛屿。

    A brown pelican flies off an island impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Barataria Bay , Louisiana , May25,2010 .

  22. 对于投资者而言,深水地平线提出了严肃的问题:即便是最优秀的公司,是否有能力应对不同的文化。

    For investors , Deepwater Horizon raises serious questions about the ability of even the best companies to cope with different cultures .

  23. 自从今年四月“深水地平线”钻井平台发生爆炸之后,原油就在源源不断地流向墨西哥湾。

    Oil is continuing to leak into the Gulf of Mexico following the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in April .

  24. 深水地平线钻井爆炸及泄漏事故导致11人死亡,并引发了历史上最严重的近海石油泄漏事件。

    The blowout and explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig killed 11 men and triggered the worst offshore oil spill in history .

  25. 去年4月20日,墨西哥湾深水地平线钻井平台发生爆炸,11名工作人员遇难。

    Last year on April twentieth the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded in flames in the Gulf of Mexico . Eleven workers were killed .

  26. 爆炸后工人失踪,在墨西哥湾作业的深水地平线钻井平台。(美联社图片)

    Workers are missing after an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig , which operated in the Gulf of Mexico . Photograph : AP .

  27. 至少有两名英国石油公司的管理者将面临过失杀人的指控。2010年4月,位于墨西哥湾的“深水地平线”海上钻井平台发生爆炸并引发大火,导致11名工作人员死亡。

    At least two BP managers will face manslaughter charges for the disaster that killed 11 people onboard the Deepwater Horizon rig in April , 2010 .

  28. 也许更需要警惕的是,在“深水地平线”爆炸并开始水下喷涌以来,飓风季已近在咫尺。

    Perhaps most alarming of all , 40 days after the Deepwater Horizon blew up and began the underwater deluge , hurricane season is at hand .

  29. 两年前,英国石油公司位于墨西哥湾的“深水地平线”钻井平台爆炸,造成多人死亡。

    It 's been two years since BP oil well exploded in the Gulf of Mexico taking the Deepwater Horizon oil rig with it along with several lives .

  30. 然而,深水地平线的悲剧可能成为一种催化剂,提醒该行业:要想获得成功,必须同时具备本地化和国际化特征。

    Yet the tragedy of the Deepwater Horizon may prove to be the catalyst which reminds the industry that to be successful it must be local as well as global .