
shēn ɡǎn jué
  • Deep sensation;bathyesthesia
  1. 本文报道9例以深感觉障碍为主要表现的格林-巴利综合症(GBS)。

    Nine patients with GBS predominantly manifesting as deep sensory disfunction were reported .

  2. 两组在对深感觉中的位置觉及深反射中的左右膝反射,左右踝反射评分经组内及组间对比均不具有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    Two groups in the deep sensation ( topesthesia ) and deep reflection ( both left and right knee reflex and ankle-reflex ), scores were no significant difference compared ( p0.05 ) .

  3. 方法总结16例以深感觉障碍为主要表现的CIDP患者的临床资料。

    Methods To Summarize clinical data of 16 cases with sensory ataxia form of GBS . Results The main clinical manifestations was sensory ataxia .

  4. SEP早成分异常不但与病灶部位有关,也与深感觉受损有关,病灶大小也影响SEP的完整性,纯运动障碍和浅感觉异常可以引起SEP晚成分的异常。

    The early SEP components were related not only to the site of the lesion but also to the damage to deep sensation . The size of the focus could also affect intactness of SEP. Pure motor and disorder of superficial sensation could often cause late SEP components abnormal .

  5. 结果目前脊髓痨的主要临床特征为:除行走不稳、下肢深感觉障碍、跟膝反射减弱或消失以及Romberg征阳性外,其他典型临床特征缺乏。

    Results The main clinical characteristics of tabes dorsalis were : ( 1 ) Absence of classic clinical features of tabes dorsalis except for impaired vibratory and position sense in feet and legs , absent tendon reflexes at knee and ankle , gait ataxia and Romberg sign ;

  6. 足底深感觉:移植后3个月有3例患者较移植前轻度改善。

    The deep plantar sensation waa ameliorated slightly in 3 patients at 3 months after transplantation .

  7. 结果本组临床资料可见,浅感觉痛觉基本正常,深感觉关节觉障碍明显;

    Results Clinical examination showed that the superficial sense was normal but the deep sense was abnormal .

  8. 结论痉挛性脑瘫有明显的深感觉障碍,而浅感觉基本正常,周围神经的病变可能是其原因之一。

    Conclusions It is obvious that the superficial sense was normal , and the deep sense was abnormal in spastic cerebral palsy .

  9. 下肢深感觉均有恢复。在供区有16例(占95%)患者维持其正常的手内肌功能。

    At donor area , the function of the hand intrinsic muscle were maintained at normal level in 16 patients ( 95 % ) .

  10. 如果你能分享自己内在最深的感觉,治疗师或亲近的朋友会是爱与治疗的最大来源。

    A loving therapist or close friend can be a tremendous source of love and healing if you can share your inner and deepest feelings .

  11. 别人对我说心情不好的时候会看见你自己的心底,自己最深的感觉,哪怕你不想面对的一切。

    That others speaks to me when state of mind is not good is able to see your own the heart , self the deepest feeling , all facing even though you do not think of .

  12. 我进入上一家公司后,很快就获得提拔。当然,这个时候,我也总是会招致一些资历较深的或感觉自己有些特权的人的嫉妒,甚至是怨恨。

    I gained promotions1 quite quickly after arriving at my former employer , and of course , there was always some jealousy , even resentment , from people who had perhaps been there longer and felt a certain sense of entitlement .

  13. 病人慢、深呼吸,感觉手指分开。

    Have client take slow , deep breaths and feel fingers separate .

  14. 那种就像我需要一直跟别人待在一起才能做深呼吸的感觉,是孤单。

    The feeling like I needed to be around people all the time to take a deep breath -- that was loneliness .

  15. 当我走进那里,马上就产生来一种快乐感,我探寻地越深,那种感觉就越强烈。

    I had a feeling of happiness as soon as I entered the place and the further I went the stronger it grew .

  16. 不过,我对这个领域了解得越深,越感觉它不适合我。但现在再改已经晚了。

    However , the deeper I go in this area , the more I realize it doesn 't suit me well , and now it 's too late to change . '

  17. 主要神经系统体征:瞳孔直接及间接对光放射消失,双侧眼外肌麻痹,水平眼震,周围性面瘫,共济失调,深、浅感觉减退,腱反射减弱或消失。

    The major physical sign included : disappearance of pupil direct and indirect light reflex , ophthalmoplegia externa , nystagmus , ataxia , hypesthesia , peripheral facial paralysis , and weak or disappeared tendons .

  18. 我为那些认为有必要签署这类文件的夫妻们感到悲哀,浪漫是在很深很特别的感觉中慢慢积累起来的一种友谊。

    I find it sad that couples feel it is necessary to sign such documents . It is from deep and very special feelings of friendship that romance grows .