
shēn shān
  • remote mountains
深山 [shēn shān]
  • [remote mountains] 处于群山之中,离平原地区很远的山区

  • 深山寂寂,空谷鸟鸣

  • 今夜要是赶不到山那边的太阳寨,只有在这深山中露宿了。--《驿路梨花》

深山[shēn shān]
  1. 雪豹原产于亚洲的深山里。

    Snow leopards are native to remote mountains in Asia .

  2. 我也喜欢开在深山里不知名的小野花。

    I also love unknown little wild flowers tucked away in remote mountains .

  3. 湿婆神匿影藏形于深山和沙漠之中。

    Shiva is a dark god ; he dwells in the mountains and deserts .

  4. 修道士在深山里过着苦修生活。

    The monks led an austere life in the mountains .

  5. 它也称为天眼(“上帝之眼”),位于中国西南部贵州省的深山里,呈盘状,有30个足球场那么大。

    It is also called Tian-yan ( " The Eye of Heaven " ) , with a dish the sire of 30 football grounds , deep in the mountains of southwest China 's Guizhou Province .

  6. 另一些人到深山中去,寻求新的精神生活。

    Other people seek the mountains for renewal of their inner lives .

  7. 目前,这个旅位于怀化(Huaihua)附近,在湖南(Hunan)省的深山里,大约距广州750公里西北方。

    Presently , this brigade is located near Huaihua , within the deep mountains of Hunan province , around750km north-west of Guangzhou .

  8. 这两座瀑布都落在森林偏远处,要不是因为深山处的伐木活动,因该不会有一条开阔的泥路在Perdak河旁,让通往瀑布轻松很多。

    These falls are located far inside the forest . A logging track is built along the Perdak River and made the both falls are easier accessible .

  9. 富在深山有远亲。

    A rich person is seldom in want of a friend .

  10. 深山中隐藏着偏僻幽寂的山谷与森林

    Deep withinthe mountains is a maze of remote valleys and forests

  11. 我涉足于深山巨谷之中。

    I am involved in the huge valley among the mountains .

  12. 部队往深山长途行军。

    The troops were on a long march into the mountains .

  13. 所以去深山里的时候一定要带枪。

    So do not go into deep woods without a gun .

  14. 我的爱情犹如青草,藏在深山。

    My love is like the grasses Hidden in the deep mountains .

  15. 他丢下过我一次,跑到深山上头。

    He left me once , up in them mountains .

  16. 我不能把你丢在深山里,对吧?

    I couldn 't have left you out there , could I ?

  17. 在民兵们的追击下,匪徒们逃进了深山。

    The bandits flee into the mountain , pursued by the militiamen .

  18. 半夜的深山里极其寒冷。

    It 's extremely chilly in the moutains at night .

  19. 他们在深山剿灭了一股土匪。

    They broke up a gang of bandits deep in the mountains .

  20. 我可以辞职然后躲进深山。

    I can quit my job and hide deep in the mountains .

  21. 他去深山里探险了。

    He 's on an adventure , exploring mountains .

  22. 要和你父亲一起去深山探险了。

    Are gonna be exploring mountains with your dad .

  23. 因为尼尔的地图不精确,所以他在深山中迷了路。

    Neal got lost in the mountains because his map wasn 't accurate .

  24. 富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人问.从原点至无穷远处的曲线起分支割痕的作用。

    Curves running from the origin to infinity may serve as branch cuts .

  25. 深山里有个小村落可以这样说吗?

    Deep in the mountains lies a small village .

  26. 他不想回家,而愿意住在深山里。

    He would not return home , but would abide in the mountains .

  27. 鲁凯,意指住在深山的人。

    Rukai refers to " the people living deep in the mountains " .

  28. 他们只知躲在深山里挖宝藏才不会管别人的死活

    They hide in mountains seeking riches.They care not for the troubles of others

  29. 在深山里有无数星罗棋布的水库和蓄水池。

    Scattered like stars in the deep mountains are numerous reservoirs and ponds .

  30. 正所谓,花无百日在深山,人无百年在世间。

    So-called , flowers without empress in mountains in worldly man without a hundred years .