
  1. 简媜散文研究

    Research on JianZhen 's Prose

  2. 其后,论文从简媜近20年散文创作结集而成的作品中具体分析其生命意识的呈现;科学审美创造的简单性法则介绍这一系统的原理、构造及操作。

    Thereafter , thesis conform to the principle of simplicity prose to concentrate in creating the past 20 years but works that become make a concrete analysis of their life consciousness appear ;

  3. 台湾当代散文家简媜在其20多年的散文创作中,随着自己生命历程的增长,尝试以不同的方式建构一座属于自己的散文星系。

    Jian Zhen , Taiwan contemporary prose writer , in 20 years of her creating , with the growth of her own life course , try to build and construct " galaxy " of her own prose in different way .