
  1. 陈定南生前吩咐死后不要为他设置灵堂,也毋须为他守灵,维持他一贯的低调作风。

    Sticking to his low-key manner , Chen left instructions that no wake will be held and no shrine with his portrait will be set up for him after his passing .

  2. 新任耶法务部长陈定南讲调查局内面一寡郎挑工欲乎伊歹办代志,无照体制进行,乎伊欲整顿起来拢感觉无力。

    The new minister of justic Dan Dinglam ( Chen Dingnan ) said that he defiance shown by the once infamous investigation bureau makes him feel powerless to carry out any reform .