
chén fǔ
  • stale;outworn;conventional;old and decayed;mouldiness
陈腐 [chén fǔ]
  • [conventional;old and decayed]∶陈旧腐朽

  • 批判男尊女卑的陈腐观念

陈腐[chén fǔ]
  1. 片面、陈腐的真实性观念;

    One-sided , old and decayed concept of faithfulness ;

  2. 悲剧则揭露封建的陈腐、与人之间的复杂关系。

    Reveal the feudal old and decayed , interpersonal complicated relation in tragedy .

  3. 她对他们的观点嗤之以鼻,认为陈腐过时。

    She scorned their views as old-fashioned .

  4. 他曾经被教导的简单观念如今听起来陈腐而幼稚。

    The simple concepts he had been taught now sounded trite and naive .

  5. 这部电影充斥着平铺直叙的陈腐观点。

    The movie is teeming with obvious and trite ideas

  6. 视野狭隘的人通常会提出类似于这些的陈腐做法。

    Archaic practices such as these are usually put forward by people of limited outlook .

  7. 由于他反复使用这些陈腐的题材,所以他的文章味同嚼蜡。

    His frequent use of cliches made his essay seem banal .

  8. 我最感到苦恼的还不是研讨班,也不是这种陈腐的问卷调查,而是机构DNA这码事

    What troubles me most about this is not the workshop or platitudinous questionnaire the DNA bit .

  9. 约翰正在对陈腐的诗风做迂回冗长的研究

    John is making a periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion .

  10. 他们使用了一些华丽的陈腐俏皮话,但是每次到了最后关头,德国人就察觉了

    They 've tried some brilliant wheezes , but every time , Jerry 's twigged at the last moment .

  11. 在陈腐的教条中吸取营养的异教徒(b威廉华兹华斯)

    A pagan suckled in a creed outworn ( bWilliam Wordsworth )

  12. 我最感到苦恼的还不是研讨班,也不是这种陈腐的问卷调查,而是机构DNA这码事。

    What troubles me most about this is not the workshop or platitudinous questionnaire . It is the DNA bit .

  13. 但对于AOL这样的流动资金相对充裕、经营模式却过于陈腐的公司,回旋的余地稍微充分一点。

    Companies with a relatively reliable stream of cash but a stale business model , such as AOL , have a little bit more leeway .

  14. 从碳水化合物含量高的废水、陈腐或腐化的废水、含有毒物质的废水、N、P含量不平衡的废水、低PH值的废水等方面论述进水水质对污泥膨胀的影响;

    The factors affecting the sludge bulking were discussed from the aspects of wastewater quality , such as wastewater with high content of carbon hydrate , decayed wastewater , wastewater with toxic substance , wastewater with unbalanced content of N and P and wastewater with low pH value ;

  15. Eggo松饼让人想到陈腐变味的稻草。

    The Eggo waffles evoked stale straw .

  16. 在某种意义上,“DASD很廉价”,带宽也变得越来越廉价(“DASD”是IBM对“硬盘”的旧称;这个措词在设计上很陈腐)。

    In a sense ," DASD is cheap ," and bandwidth is also getting cheaper (" DASD " is an old IBM way of saying " hard disks "; and the phrase is a design cliche ) .

  17. 最近,在KendallJennerPepsi,广告中模特将百事可乐递给一名警察,以陈腐地提出这个另类办法解决种族冲突这个复杂的话题。

    Most recently , there was the Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial , in which the model was depicted handing a Pepsi to a police officer , which the ad tritely suggested was a solution to an otherwise complicated topic mired in racial conflict .

  18. 我厌恶所有那些力图表现智慧的陈腐不堪的俗话。

    I abhor every commonplace phrase by which wit is intended .

  19. 空气中有陈腐蔬菜的气味。

    There was a smell of stale vegetables in the air .

  20. 这些事听起来很陈腐,但却被证明是很科学的。

    They may sound corny , but they 're scientifically proven .

  21. 他有时会失口说出很刺耳的双关语和极陈腐的话来。

    He sometimes slips into rather dreadful puns and hackneyed language .

  22. 说曼彻斯特老是下雨已是句陈腐套话。

    It is a commonplace that it always rains in manchester .

  23. 陈腐的爱情而今化为你脚下的灰尘。

    Stale love you now into the dust at the foot .

  24. 我们或许会批评它,因为它乏味,或者因为它陈腐。

    Or maybe we will criticize it for being boring or hackneyed .

  25. 这些建议超出了陈腐的高利贷讨论。

    These recommendations go far beyond the stale usury debates .

  26. 平淡乏味;陈腐的事物;陈词滥调:现代城市生活的单调乏味让人不舒服。

    The banality of modern city life makes me uncomfortable .

  27. 把她的牙齿比做珍珠是陈腐的比喻。

    It is a trite simile to compare her teeth to pearls .

  28. 迎合陈腐的迷信是毫无道理的。

    There is no point in pandering to outworn superstition .

  29. 改革陈腐的政治文化,日本方可柳暗花明

    Reform in the Banal Political Culture and the Development of Modern Japan

  30. 他无法相信那问题竟如此陈腐。

    He couldn 't believe the banality of the question .